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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Yet again almost nobody hating on Linux.

And Linux nerds are some of the most arrogant AH around.

The one has nothing to do with the other. BMW owners are notoriously arrogant and yet aside from a little disdain and a bad reputation you don’t have people going around trashing BMW the way they get worked up about Tesla. Your “Logic” is just broken.
BMW owners think their car is better or they are better because they drive the car or are they just arrogant people in general?
Usually your posts are insightful. In this particular sub thread you are just being painfully irritating.

No. People liking a thing does not necessitate there being haters. That’s just pettiness.

Lots of die hard fans of Toyota, GM, Ford, on down the road. I don’t hate them, nobody does. There are piles and piles of things with big fan bases but few actual haters. Linux for example has some huge fan boys, but gets very little hate. Many of them are toxic, but it doesn’t taint the Linux “Brand”.

This whole narrative of yours is off the rails. Like a backwards justification for obnoxious behavior.
Very good point about many things in the world having huge fan bases, but very less haters. Most people don't understand that the Elon hate (and by extension Tesla hate) is manufactured. Meaning, they don't know that the sincere hate they feel has been subtly fed into them by a media and social media with a definite agenda. They did not organically start hating Elon all on their own. If they organically disliked or hate people for certain things they did / do, then their hate for Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Jeff Bezos, etc. would be much higher than it is for Elon.

All that Elon has to do is become a part of the worldwide super rich big billionaires club, and agree to grow his business in such a way that the wealth and the power of the establishment remains undisrupted - then, poof! - the Elon hate would disappear overnight. Once he joins the club, he could say anything he wanted on Twitter, he could gift a horse to someone every month or every week, people would all just grin and accept it all as being part of a normal and ACCEPTABLE bad boy billionaire behavior.
I am just saying we Tesla shareholders are biased and quickly dismiss any contrarian views as hate. Many are just sharing their opinions with good intentions, some are hateful, some are in it for monetary gains. And the more arrogant fan boys become, the more of all of these people exist.

Dan wouldn't be running a campaign against Tesla and Elon if both are universally loved. He has an audience and see to gain from it because there are haters created everyday from Elon's polarizing view and fanboys having louder and louder voices.
As Elon expands his reach using Twitter I am encountering more and more people who have no idea about all the hate being tossed around and just find him interesting and think highly of Tesla. The term "Fan boys" is getting far too much play here.
C'mon down to the south- you'll find bar fights of Ford owners who hate GM owners and vice versa.

Heck there's posts in this thread hating on GM over and over and over again for things like LEADING THE INDUSTRY (in press releases) or the abomination that is the GM EV hummer.

Same with folks right here hating on Toyota for all their anti-BEV/pro-hydrogen efforts

It's deserved, but it's exactly the sort of hate you're insisting "nobody" does- and even folks right here do it.

I'm not even sure what this original debate was about- but the claim "nobody" hates those other brands just ain't so.

It gets vastly less press- because there's not much money in it. But it's hardly rare let alone non-existant.
Or every time Gm Cruise hit something this board celebrate with laughing emojis.
Agree. Each floor house clean (1800 sq ft) is $120. Doesn't include dusting, laundry, or dishes. Less than five year pay back.
I pay $150 for a whole house cleaning. So $3900 a year for every other week. But Optimus would be able to clean daily and do more. So even if there was a $100 a month fee and $20,000 it would be worth it. It could also replace home alarm which costs most people $20 a month.
I've never seen a corporate leadership team with so many people at a healthy body fat percentage and looking healthy in general. That's partially because this team skews so young, but still this is remarkable. Even a random sample of 22 people from the United States in their age demographic would be extremely unlikely to yield a result like this. Even Elon has now lost nearly all of his stress-eating weight from 2018-2019 and looks a lot better rested.

I don't mean to add to the social stigmatization of being fat and out of shape, and anyway shaming demonstrably doesn't tend to work well for convincing people to sustainably change the underlying behavior. I will also add that I am aware that some health conditions and disabilities are not readily apparent visually. However, as a retail investor I have some advantages over institutional investors and one of them is that I'm allowed to include information in my thesis that would normally get someone in trouble for saying it out loud in a corporate environment, and in general these things can be inferred pretty reliably on average with visual information.

The scientific studies are clear: Physical fitness, nutrition and body composition, all else being equal, profoundly influence energy, mood, drive and intellectual performance, all of which I think directly affect engineering innovation performance and team cohesion. Even animal studies on e.g. rats have shown this, so it's not just a human phenomenon. I don't know why Tesla's team has such an unusual lack of excess body fat and appears pretty well slept too, but this condition is surely I helping their ability to sustain the intense, long workdays necessary to achieve the progress we witnessed yesterday.
I would not exactly call the people in the picture a corporate leadership team. Elon aside, It’s mostly team leaders and ICs from Tesla’s AI related groups. Outside Elon, I doubt there is anyone in that picture higher than a senior director and that is a good thing by the way .
I think that's what it costs to produce ... not what it will sell for.

Here is my initial guess on what the hardware might cost.

Battery pack - $500 (cells $200-300)
Computers, cameras wiring etc - $1,500
Actuators - $2,000
Rest of body - $3,000
Assembly - $3,000

Total - $10,000

R&D and software costs separate.

Assembly includes plant depreciation. Etc.

Keep in mind that we are talking about mass production, or will be, by the time the bot can be bought by the general public.
Question for all the highly knowledgeable folks here -
Is there any possible way for us living in Southern California to get a Austin-made Model Y?

You see, we find ourselves unexpectedly in need of a new car. This would be our third Tesla, so we thought it would be interesting to get an Austin made car. Both of our previous cars are early models for model 3 and model Y. While we absolutely love these cars and have never been bothered with things like panel gaps, we are curious to see the quality of Austin made cars. We went to the Tesla showroom to place order for the Model Y and asked about the Austin made cars. The very helpful and knowledgeable person there told us that it’s almost impossible to get an Austin-made a car in Southern California. The order was placed about a month back and our current delivery estimate is December to February.

We are not in a rush to receive the car and would be fine changing configuration to whatever Austin is making. My only requirement is that the car has to be RED. 😀

In addition to the Starlink equipment provided for first responders, DeSantis said in the full interview that Elon & SpaceX have offered to deploy 120 Starlink satellites for Southwest Florida and that SpaceX will cover the cost of that effort.

As a Navy Nuclear Reactor Operator and Desert Storm Vet, and a Facility Manager for Federal and State facilities across Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, and now a Florida resident, I have watched in amazement and sincere appreciation of the preparation, implementation, and communication by the State of Florida of all phases of this response. It is heads above anything I have ever previously experienced, regardless of however the media might spin it. And Elon and SpaceX jumping in just help make it next-level, like they do with everything they get involved with.

I love that starlink could help after the hurricane but I hate that either the governor or the journalist that quoted him got that so wrong.

SpaceX won't be deploying satellites to Florida. They will deploy "user terminals", essentially Satellite Dishes + Routers.

As in they will ship boxes UPS or FedEx to Florida, they won't be redirecting satellites in space.

The satellites already cover all of Florida as they orbit the earth they move relative to the ground. But there are enough of them to always have one over that part of Florida without having to change a thing.

edit: from the video posted it was the governor that made the mistake.
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Optimus- too early for so much discussion cleaning, sitting, whatever.

I only think of it coming from the company that brags on building the machine that builds the machines. They are just building another machine. Hails back to having to put more people on assembly line than they initially expected and pulled some "robots" off the line.

There is ZERO reason to model earnings for this thing any time soon. They will only use it to lower labor costs for now. Then sell to other places like FACTORIES that make stuff to do the same. FSD still limited in bad wx and many other situations and it has been out for a long time. It will be just as hard to grow bot business in house, let alone outhouse.

The presentation showed how serious they are taking this, profitable, first principles kind of stuff. If anyone will get to all the pie in the sky uses, it looks like TSLA. But zero impact to earnings analysis next few years.
I pay $3900 a year for that now and it’s every other week. so $25k would be a no brainer as I might get much more utility out of it Such as dish and clothes washing. Plus the
OK, now we got a poll:

Who here would pay 25K USD right now for an Optimus that does nothing but house clean.

Sweep floors, dust, wash laundry, load and run the dishwasher.

Agree or disagree.
If it could do it just as well as a human, plenty of people would pay. A person coming into your house is an intrusion on your privacy. Sometimes a cleaner starts out doing a good job and then the quality declines. You have to deal with them not showing up and having to find someone else. There’s a lot that comes with a stranger in your house for a few hours
They cannot be serious about the price if that is really the price, Amazon must be drooling right now.

I think that's what it costs to produce ... not what it will sell for.

On stage Elon said something like "it will cost less than a car - hopefully less than $20.000".
I do not remember exact word for word.

Perhaps someone here found the exact place in the video.
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Optimus- too early for so much discussion cleaning, sitting, whatever.

I only think of it coming from the company that brags on building the machine that builds the machines. They are just building another machine. Hails back to having to put more people on assembly line than they initially expected and pulled some "robots" off the line.

There is ZERO reason to model earnings for this thing any time soon. They will only use it to lower labor costs for now. Then sell to other places like FACTORIES that make stuff to do the same. FSD still limited in bad wx and many other situations and it has been out for a long time. It will be just as hard to grow bot business in house, let alone outhouse.

The presentation showed how serious they are taking this, profitable, first principles kind of stuff. If anyone will get to all the pie in the sky uses, it looks like TSLA. But zero impact to earnings analysis next few years.

Bot definitely will create a bit of a schism amongst TSLA shareholders by time horizon. Those with ~5y time horizons vs those with ~10y+.
I am just saying we Tesla shareholders are biased and quickly dismiss any contrarian views as hate. Many are just sharing their opinions with good intentions, some are hateful, some are in it for monetary gains. And the more arrogant fan boys become, the more of all of these people exist.

I am certainly biased as a TSLA share holder, but before I developed those biases, I was just someone learning about what Musk was doing with SpaceX and Tesla. Through fact and FUD, I determined via my own critical thinking (right or wrong) that Musk is creating unprecedented value and advancing technology like few before him. His MO is to discard conventional wisdom, and reason from first principles, a philosophy I strongly agree with. Of course, this type of thinking will draw out "haters": the people who are experts in their respective fields and cannot fathom that this noob Musk can dominate in their area of expertise doing things in an outlandish way that has no precedent for success.

The key thing to remember about "fan boys" is that they don't just appear out of thin air. Why don't I have a mass of zealots that worship my every move? Because I haven't achieved anything significant to deserve it. I haven't created a product that delights millions. This is not a chicken/egg situation. Musk earned the devotion.

Some fanboys behave poorly, and the Tesla haters latch on to that behavior and generalize it across all of Musk's fans. Just like you did when you generalized that Tesla shareholders quickly dismiss any contrarian views as hate.

Dan wouldn't be running a campaign against Tesla and Elon if both are universally loved. He has an audience and see to gain from it because there are haters created everyday from Elon's polarizing view and fanboys having louder and louder voices.

Strongly disagree. In the absurd hypothetical scenario where Tesla/Musk were universally loved, by definition, Dan OD would also love Tesla/Musk. But in the real world, conflicts of interest are very real. How dare my neighbor set up a lemonade stand right next to mine and try to undercut me by 5 cents per cup? Here, I'll put up a sign that says my neighbor's lemonade is contaminated. Dan's motivation has nothing to do with Elon's fanboys being loud. He is threatened by a superior company and technology.
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Every thing is relative.

The A100 scales better than the AMD chips in my desktop PC. So yes, Tesla ordered a bunch.

That doesn't mean they scale as well as DOJO.

Did you not watch last nights presentation and see where they said the scaling didn't work with the old system like it did with DOJO? That's only 64 accelerators and they want to use tens of thousands. An example showed using 8,750 but more can be used.

They went down this path before H100 became available, they also haven't hit the limits of this path. They may continue to improve and can always iterate to a new DOJO chip rev that fits in their own socket if needed.

I find it hard to beleive that they would need to give up on DOJO and go back to buying more NVIDIA cabinets.

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It's confusing when they should off 4x performance gain from Dojo and then shows off more performance gains elsewhere.

Anyways, when it comes to apples to apples comparison, it's all about performance per watt. 6 Dojo chips uses 100kw of power. Each Dojo chip replaces 6 DGX boxes which are 7.5kw per box. This puts the calculation to be 270kw equivalent of an A100 server vs 6 dojo chips. The efficiency gain is 2.7x. Perhaps this is on par with H100 which again, has a lot of marketing trickery and I doubt Tesla can get the gains Nvidia is claiming. If anything, this is actually pretty impressive considering it's on TSMC's 7nm vs H100's 4nm. So even if it's competitive vs the H100 going into Q1 2023 that's pretty ace in my book.

I am still wondering about the problem Tesla will face on an Nvidia system if the NN is too large to fit. I know catastrophic performance failures happen when you just run out of resources which can slow the process down by 100x or 1000x. I wish Tesla can elaborate a little more here.
I am certainly biased as a TSLA share holder, but before I developed those biases, I was just someone learning about what Musk was doing with SpaceX and Tesla. Through fact and FUD, I determined via my own critical thinking (right or wrong) that Musk is creating unprecedented value and advancing technology like few before him. His MO is to discard conventional wisdom, and reason from first principles, a philosophy I strongly agree with. Of course, this type of thinking will draw out "haters": the people who are experts in their respective fields and cannot fathom that this noob Musk can dominate in their area of expertise doing things in an outlandish way that has no precedent for success.

The key thing to remember about "fan boys" is that they don't just appear out of thin air. Why don't I have a mass of zealots that worship my every move? Because I haven't achieved anything significant to deserve it. I haven't created a product that delights millions. This is not a chicken/egg situation. Musk earned the devotion.

Some fanboys behave poorly, and the Tesla haters latch on to that behavior and generalize it across all of Musk's fans. Just like you did when you generalized that Tesla shareholders quickly dismiss any contrarian views as hate.

Strongly disagree. In the absurd hypothetical scenario where Tesla/Musk were universally loved, by definition, Dan OD would also love Tesla/Musk. But in the real world, conflicts of interests are very real. How dare my neighbor set up a lemonade stand right next to mine and try to undercut me by 5 cents per cup? Here, I'll put up a sign that says my neighbor's lemonade is contaminated. Dan's motivation has nothing to do with Elon's fanboys being loud. He is threatened by a superior company and technology.
Good points. I can agree with most that's said here.
I would not exactly call the people in the picture a corporate leadership team. Elon aside, It’s mostly team leaders and ICs from Tesla’s AI related groups. Outside Elon, I doubt there is anyone in that picture higher than a senior director and that is a good thing by the way .
Good point, only some of them were directors. I was kind of thinking as the team leads as part of leadership within the AI engineering part of Tesla, but I didn't think about the fact that some of the people might've been individual contributors.

I also see on second watch that the team is noticeably smoother and more confident while presenting than at AI Day 2021, but it still doesn't seem overly rehearsed and scripted like a marketing presentation. They sound like they're just presenting research methods and results at an academic conference.
Dan wouldn't be running a campaign against Tesla and Elon if both are universally loved. He has an audience and see to gain from it because there are haters created everyday from Elon's polarizing view and fanboys having louder and louder voices.
Dan is running a campaign purely to get the “political ad” legal protection for his mud slinging, at least that’s what I heard.