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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I think they are, they just don’t realize they are being lied to.
To leave the realms of religion and politics (Fox) where this is rampant, if I gently and politely engage people on factual errors regarding Musk/Tesla, at best the goal posts shift and they find something else wrong. Ever tried to have a conversation on global warming? Evolution? I’m more pessimistic about the willingness of people to put reality first. To me a wrong opinion is like dirty underwear. I don’t want to keep walking around with it. Time to change!
Remember the last time there was a line around a city block for an F150? Yeah, me neither.

I am so excited I peed a bit.

Since it's the weekend and we are discussing media bias, I want to share two academic papers in this area (both published in high ranked journals), which are in line with our FUD observations:

1. Advertising Spending and Media Bias: Evidence from News Coverage of Car Safety Recalls (https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2019.3567)

Excerpt: "Do mass media bias content in favor of advertisers? If so, what market conditions limit or exacerbate this bias? We examine the relationship between advertising by auto manufacturers in U.S. newspapers and news coverage of car safety recalls between 2000 and 2014. This context allows us to separate the influence of advertisers, who prefer less coverage, from that of readers, who prefer more information about the safety risks associated with the recalls. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we find that newspapers provide less coverage of recalls issued by manufacturers that advertised more regularly on their pages over the previous two years. The effect is especially pronounced for more severe recalls, which are more likely to hurt manufacturers’ reputations."

2. Advertising and media capture: The case of climate change (Redirecting)

Excerpt: "The paper evaluates the effect of potential advertising from the auto industry on newspaper coverage of climate change. [...] When newspapers expect more advertising from car manufacturers they shift their coverage towards a more skeptical tone."
weekend OT:
Reading all the hate in this world for Tesla and Elon really has me questioning the sequence of the origin. No way to know for sure, but...

Do so many ”regular“ people hate Elon as collateral damage from the FUD, or because people just hate wealthy regardless, or ?

I fully understand how several industry’s very existence is jeopardized by Tesla and the FUD is understandably fueled by this. Makes perfect sense. The up thread post suggestion that all media hate Tesla because of ad revenue was a little bit of a conspiracy theory for me at the scale suggested...meaning I believe it at the Car & Driver and Consumer Reports level for sure, but not sure if it really applies to all levels (but it might).

I am just really dumbfounded by the Elon hate. He’s been SO selfless with his wealth and use of it for humanity Vs other billionaires. His missions and motivations are non wealth driven. He will very likely go down in the history books as the inflection point for climate change. It just feels like it must be collateral damage from FUD, which would make the FUDsters damage WAY greater than I already blamed them for....
weekend OT:
Reading all the hate in this world for Tesla and Elon really has me questioning the sequence of the origin. No way to know for sure, but...

Do so many ”regular“ people hate Elon as collateral damage from the FUD, or because people just hate wealthy regardless, or ?

I fully understand how several industry’s very existence is jeopardized by Tesla and the FUD is understandably fueled by this. Makes perfect sense. The up thread post suggestion that all media hate Tesla because of ad revenue was a little bit of a conspiracy theory for me at the scale suggested...meaning I believe it at the Car & Driver and Consumer Reports level for sure, but not sure if it really applies to all levels (but it might).

I am just really dumbfounded by the Elon hate. He’s been SO selfless with his wealth and use of it for humanity Vs other billionaires. His missions and motivations are non wealth driven. He will very likely go down in the history books as the inflection point for climate change. It just feels like it must be collateral damage from FUD, which would make the FUDsters damage WAY greater than I already blamed them for....
Because the majority takes their information from headlines and are manipulated into a narrative? That was always the case. Regular people have no time to be informed and understand topics deeply. Working and living takes too much of their processing power.

Everytime you ask someone why they think what they think, they got that from somewhere. Nothing is really genuine thinking. Including most of us, we got schooled and given information that made us see what is happening and with that information we could see past the bs. The general public, the majority, is slow to wake up, but usually when that happens, huge moves happen. Like life changing movements. It’s just that some of you here were really really early. That’s why they called them pioneers. :cool:
Interesting viewpoint on why the media is so against Tesla. We already know this but still interesting.

This is not entirely false but it is highly misleading. Legacy broadcast media is in deep trouble primarily because of new competition from more efficient and targeted marketing techniques. Cable allows targeting to even pre-qualified subscribers based on higky tuned demographics and even psychographics. Further, in case nobody noticed the proportion of online sales in envy single category is rising inexorably worldwide. With that comes highly tuned targeting so the proportion of untargetted broadcast continues to decline. Even local auto dealers have moved towards those techniques, in large part because mom-and-pop car dealerships have been largely supplanted by multi-brand regional and nations chains.

So, as exciting and self-reinforcing the narrative that Tesla is single-handedly destroying broadcast media might be it just ain't true!!
Indeed broadcast media is an endangered species, but Tesla is a tiny part of it.

The actual remaining broadcast media stalwarts in the US are Medicare Supplement and other health care, 'The Soaps', and other generic promoters such as auto industry losers like GM, Ford, FCA join with the many large corporations that still haven't learned how the 21st century works. Think about everyone from Sears to Macy's and all those others who lost their way with online sales.

With >45 positive ratings for this pro-Tesla FUD I am the only one who disagreed. Sadly, this post reflects wishful thinking, but not reality. As I said in the beginning, 'not entirely false' but...
For thinking about the demise of broadcast think of cable TV, Amazon and Apple for a few minutes. Then think about how many categories within your own life are driven by internet and online vendors. Then think that traditional cable, that was so important in diminishing broadcast domination, is itself now under attack by everyone from Hulu, Netflix, Apple, Google and Disney among so many others.

So, Tesla is operating intelligently and prudently. So are Amazon, Apple and all the others. Tesla is not even a leading player in this, although they are superb they aren't even trendsetting direct sales. How about Apple? Sure, they did not have the legalized anti-competitive factors as much as does Tesla, but they have led their markets in direct consumer connections.

Local car dealers have been disappearing for decades. Tesla did not start that, perhaps you might think about this:
In the US people like Victor Potamkin led to People like Wayne Huizenga and dozens of others mostly unknown outside the auto sales work. Perhaps Roger Penske is among the formative ones who has known. These people are the ones who've produced the revolutions away from traditional broadcast, long before Elon Musk left South Africa. It has just taken the internet to supercharge that consolidation and transform its' influence. These are the types of people who've managed to preserve the anti-competitive auto distribution laws.

All around the world auto distribution has been being transformed for decades. Back in the 1980's I had several consulting contracts with auto companies trying to beat the system. They all gave up. In places like the UK, Germany and many others for example traditional dealers have been largely supplanted by lessors, so traditional dealers have lost influence with whimpers. Still, conventional advertising and broadcast media have diminished in those places too, with slightly different paces.

Sorry, folks, this could be a long post and tests the patience of non-marketing people.
As investors we know Tesla has substaial advantages over traditional OEM's. That advantage will remain. The real source of most FUD is not so much OEM's as it is the parasites who have grown wealthy for more than 100 years, dealers and other traditional organized groups trying to stop progress. Those are petroleum distributors, auto dealers and fossil-fuel electricity builders. They even include many, but not all, labor unions.

Just don't think Tesla is driving all this change. Most of it is happening anyway. Tesla just happens to be a delightfully charismatic target for ire.
Just don't think Tesla is driving all this change. Most of it is happening anyway. Tesla just happens to be a delightfully charismatic target for ire.

Tesla might not be driving the change but I feel it's accelerated it.

The media has certainly gone on the offensive against Tesla recently, much more so than in the past. Tesla is very popular and the media lately has been working overtime to create negativity towards them. They aren't just doing that for fun, they have an intent and purpose. Money is usually the reason why corporations make decisions and do things, so in my opinion it's logical to assume this media blitz against Tesla is driven by financial reasons. Advertising revenue, or a lack of advertising revenue from Tesla, seems like a very probable reason to me.

Tesla might not be the main catalyst for the media's decline, but it's the target they've chosen to blame for it lately.
From the joint files of “Tesla Competition”, “Promoting the EV Revolution” and “Fraudsters” comes the latest revelation of and FROM Nikola Motors.

On Friday (note: May SEVENTH) the company revealed that on March TWENTYFOURTH (that is, a whole 49 days earlier) the Enforcement Division of the SEC served it a subpoena regarding, inter alia, its uses of funds received from 2021 capital raises.

Market’s response, naturally, was to bid the stock up 13.4%.

These Bad Novel Writing examples are becoming rather wearisome, doesn’t everyone agree?
This is not entirely false but it is highly misleading. Legacy broadcast media is in deep trouble primarily because of new competition from more efficient and targeted marketing techniques. Cable allows targeting to even pre-qualified subscribers based on higky tuned demographics and even psychographics. Further, in case nobody noticed the proportion of online sales in envy single category is rising inexorably worldwide. With that comes highly tuned targeting so the proportion of untargetted broadcast continues to decline. Even local auto dealers have moved towards those techniques, in large part because mom-and-pop car dealerships have been largely supplanted by multi-brand regional and nations chains.

So, as exciting and self-reinforcing the narrative that Tesla is single-handedly destroying broadcast media might be it just ain't true!!
Indeed broadcast media is an endangered species, but Tesla is a tiny part of it.
What is a misleading? The article was about why media might hate Tesla which proposes that, if Tesla were to take over the market and drive the other OEMs into bankruptcy, then those advertising dollars would dry up. A potential issue in the future.

Nowhere in the article did it say Tesla is presently impacting anyone's bottom line or that "Tesla is single-handedly destroying broadcast media". (Which is not to say replies to the post did not)

More than anything else I've ever read, this column perfectly sums up the whole thing in terms of why Elon is treated the way he is by the far left in this country.
weekend OT:
Reading all the hate in this world for Tesla and Elon really has me questioning the sequence of the origin. No way to know for sure, but...

Do so many ”regular“ people hate Elon as collateral damage from the FUD, or because people just hate wealthy regardless, or ?

I fully understand how several industry’s very existence is jeopardized by Tesla and the FUD is understandably fueled by this. Makes perfect sense. The up thread post suggestion that all media hate Tesla because of ad revenue was a little bit of a conspiracy theory for me at the scale suggested...meaning I believe it at the Car & Driver and Consumer Reports level for sure, but not sure if it really applies to all levels (but it might).

I am just really dumbfounded by the Elon hate. He’s been SO selfless with his wealth and use of it for humanity Vs other billionaires. His missions and motivations are non wealth driven. He will very likely go down in the history books as the inflection point for climate change. It just feels like it must be collateral damage from FUD, which would make the FUDsters damage WAY greater than I already blamed them for....

FUDsters are not the only cause of hate for Elon.

Many years ago, I was watching TV with my obese unemployed chronically depressed mom. A profile of Mick Jagger came on (maybe on 60 minutes), which summarized his many successes. Near the end, the interviewer asked Jagger what else he wanted from life, and Jagger answered seriously that he wished he had some influence with politicians, to help reduce the chance of war between the US and Soviets. In addition to all his fame and fortune, he wanted to do good.

The TV went to commercial and Mom announced: "I don't like him." And I thought, of course you don't. He's successful. So his very existence makes you feel terrible about yourself. His concern for humanity, in addition to all his wealth, rubs your nose in your inferior self-image even worse.

Tragically, many people are like my mom was (RIP).

More than anything else I've ever read, this column perfectly sums up the whole thing in terms of why Elon is treated the way he is by the far left in this country.
Wow. Good read. But yup..people needs to pick sides to motivate voters. This is the result. Slow clap America, slow clap.
Similar to seeing one of the kardashians posting a “paid influencer” provocative photo on Instagram pouring some sort of branded coconut oil on their butt cheeks - this is what an old fashioned paid influencer article looks like:

Once you understand the game - the anger at the players becomes a lot more easier to reconcile.
FUDsters are not the only cause of hate for Elon.

Many years ago, I was watching TV with my obese unemployed chronically depressed mom. A profile of Mick Jagger came on (maybe on 60 minutes), which summarized his many successes. Near the end, the interviewer asked Jagger what else he wanted from life, and Jagger answered seriously that he wished he had some influence with politicians, to help reduce the chance of war between the US and Soviets. In addition to all his fame and fortune, he wanted to do good.

The TV went to commercial and Mom announced: "I don't like him." And I thought, of course you don't. He's successful. So his very existence makes you feel terrible about yourself. His concern for humanity, in addition to all his wealth, rubs your nose in your inferior self-image even worse.

Tragically, many people are like my mom was (RIP).

Elon is this times a bazillion. He doesn't come from money, he is genuinely very intelligent, he seems happy, he has a young attractive girlfriend, has started MULTIPLE billion dollar businesses, his employees seem to really like him, and he is coincidentally one of the richest people on earth AND most famous people on earth. He seems to be dedicating his life to worthy goals.

You need to be quite happy, confident, and relatively successful yourself not to look at the guy and feel that he is kinda mocking you! The guys life story really makes anybody who is even slightly lazy, or unambitious feel like a complete waste of space. Its no surprise a lot of them channel that into finding a way to hate him.
The TV went to commercial and Mom announced: "I don't like him."
My mom had the same reaction twice, first after reading about his insult to the cave explorer and second after reading about the Rogan weed incident. She came around after I provided more background about both but how many people have someone willing and able to do that, and also have a flexible enough mind to change? Not to mention his stance on covid which I couldn't defend, but by then she was willing to see him as an eccentric genius who is not immune to having some odd opinions. Certainly having me around to constantly counter all the FUD over the years has helped but obviously most people don't have that. If all you do is read mainstream media it's probably fairly easy to hate Elon.
Elon is this times a bazillion. He doesn't come from money, he is genuinely very intelligent, he seems happy, he has a young attractive girlfriend, has started MULTIPLE billion dollar businesses, his employees seem to really like him, and he is coincidentally one of the richest people on earth AND most famous people on earth. He seems to be dedicating his life to worthy goals.

You need to be quite happy, confident, and relatively successful yourself not to look at the guy and feel that he is kinda mocking you! The guys life story really makes anybody who is even slightly lazy, or unambitious feel like a complete waste of space. Its no surprise a lot of them channel that into finding a way to hate him.

Fortunately for TSLA investors, Tesla's target market is folks who have not given up on life. Young people especially seem to love Tesla and admire Elon. Maybe they can't afford a car yet, but they will, or eagerly buy rides from Tesla Network. Tesla's market is growing with every funeral and birth.

So my general response to haters is: Fine, whatever. Tesla doesn't need you.
Here in Santa Barbara nd Ventura Counties of SoCal, I see more Model Y than Model 3's! Think about it. The Model 3 has been produced for 3 years vs. the Y for barely 1 year.
Same here in Flagstaff--I see way more Model Ys than 3s by far.

I wonder how many people were like me, where they had a 3 but immediately traded for a Y for the additional utility as soon as they were available?

We have a two-lane, 7-mile-long climb of a road to get to the local ski hill outside of town. A couple of months ago I was passed by 7 Ys in the 40 minutes it took me to ride my bicycle up the road to the chalet. One license plate was from Texas, one from Oklahoma, one from Indiana, and another from New York. Then I get to the top of the hill where it flattens out to big parking lots and there were two Xs and an S all parked fairly close to each other (ok, granted, this isn't common, but still, it was really cool and noteworthy to me).

I see so many Teslas here in northern Arizona, from all over the country, and not much of any other brand of EV.