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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Clicked on a investment article and came across this gem:

"On the surface, that all sounds well. Until, that is, someone has to pay for these incentives. While the Norwegians should be commended for their zero-emission efforts, they’re going about it through big government policies. Primarily, Norway uses an automotive taxation system. Essentially, the more you pollute, the more you pay. Under this draconian law, the government forcibly made EVs cheaper comprehensively than fossil-fueled cars."

They got lost in their own argument.


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I agree. I am up 54.4% (as of yesterday's Close) on the TSLA shares I bought 21 months ago and have held throughout.

I'm still hodling. My investment horizon is 7-8 yrs, and I see huge upside for Tesla and all risks well controlled.

What's your next move with the proceeds from your LEAPs?

I should listen to my wife and diversify a bit. Our Tesla position is ridiculously large at this point.

I think Tesla is now at a fair price, but not a particularly good price for long-term appreciation. I like to buy Tesla when the market is hating on the stock.
They think they’re being clever trying to attack the man and keep eyes off the ball — Tesla’s successes. It’s a form of passive aggressive bullying. ‘Everyone look at how ridiculous the CEO of an 80B company behaves at the official opening of a factory!’

Personally, I believe it's simpler than that: it's just the tv equivalent of click-baiting. "Look at Elon Musk doing this crazy dance, oh, did you miss it? We're playing it again! Quality content right here!"

They need the eyeballs. And they know they can attract more eyeballs with that than with cold financial analysis or, God forbid, the actual news! And you're right, they're becoming the bully of the liked kid, and the rest of the school is slowly turning against them. It's like laughing at a chubby person working out at the gym, eventually people conclude the guy that's laughing is the mean person, and they should just encourage the guy that's at least trying. Not the ideal analogy there, but you know what I mean...
I should listen to my wife and diversify a bit. Our Tesla position is ridiculously large at this point.

I think Tesla is now at a fair price, but not a particularly good price for long-term appreciation. I like to buy Tesla when the market is hating on the stock.
I'll probably spend the next 20 years trying to find another stock like this. (knock on wood)

Regarding the wife, that is an extra risk. You might lose money AND be in the dog house. ;)
The problem with building a "small Eurocar", and the reason Tesla hasn't done it already, is that buyers expect them to be cheaper, but with an EV, such a design actually is more expensive to make. They virtually always have vertical rear hatches (to maximize internal space within a limited footprint), which significantly hurts aero, which increases energy consumption and thus means more battery cost for the same range, or less range for a given pack cost - and either way, slower charging (which also increases Tesla's Supercharger infrastructure needs, and thus capital costs).

I'm sure they will eventually make one, of course.

As for making it in China and selling to Europe... no. ;)
Of course aero matters less in city driving. I don't know if a 'Model 2' would be driven less at highway speeds.
Seems like the business world smells blood in the water. When even have companies like Sony floating EV concepts that doesn't bode well for incumbents that have no moat.

Even some of the shorts have conceded that it won't impact Tesla.

Yup, the many years long feet dragging by the incumbents re moving to EVs is setting up a massive gap between EV supply and demand. Many in China are happy to try to fill that void. Perhaps we’ll get some consumer electronics and/or tech giants moving in as well.
Your unjustified attack of @KarenRei and your refusal to apologize is bordering on harrassment, please stop it immediately. I was close to reporting you for targeted harrassment.
Jesus...what's going on here...Reminds me of the new season of Magicians, where Santa was eternally locked up in the magicians library because his putting children on his knees was interpreted as indecent behavior.
I'll probably spend the next 20 years trying to find another stock like this. (knock on wood)

Regarding the wife, that is an extra risk. You might lose money AND be in the dog house. ;)
We'll both be retired in about 10 years. She is enthusiastic about Tesla too. We expect Tesla to be a big part of our retirement together.
One of shorties favorite things to do is to dispel, or provide a counter to any claimed Tesla moat. One of these being the charging network. I don't recall which charging network it was, but a shorty tweeted the charging network announcement and commented, "so much for the Tesla charging network moat".

However, I was thinking about this. If the other manufacturers were to ever truly provide real competition to Tesla, and sell EVs in the 100s of thousands per year, think of how overwhelmed these small networks will be. I mean, Tesla has less than a million cars on the road in the U.S. and there were long wait times for a charging stall during the holidays - and Tesla has 751 supercharger stations in the U.S. So, if 3 or 4 manufacturers combined to sell as many EVs as Tesla - they will of course be depending on these few charging stations (suppose to be 800 by end of 2021), the wait times to charge will be horrible. By the end of 2021, Tesla will probably have 1500 stations - and possibly by then, have access to the other networks as well (ie, a CCS adapter or charge port). This further exacerbate the problem. Given the current situation with charging stations, Tesla will ALWAYS have a huge advantage. You'd only know that if you owned and drove a Tesla - which is something Speigel, Einhorn, Chanos, etc would have been VERY smart to have done many years ago - they'd have saved themselves a TON of money.

Just as an FYI - Tesla seems to have taken their foot off the gas from the torrid supercharger build-out pace they set in 2019. The rate of construction starts has slowed to a crawl in the last month or so. They do this occasionally, but I really hope it is a temporary thing and they get back to business very soon. Even if Tesla were to start producing a CCS adapter, the more proprietary chargers they build, the easier it is for Tesla owner's to access a charger. This is a HUGE advantage for Tesla and I hope they accelerate the increase of the already huge lead.
Commercial news organizations just want clicks and views, so they'll frame everything and anything as controversial to get that attention. This is especially true of cable news who live and die based on the commercials they sell (which are almost all car ads and drug ads, so of course there's bias for those companies).

Personally, I believe it's simpler than that: it's just the tv equivalent of click-baiting. "Look at Elon Musk doing this crazy dance, oh, did you miss it? We're playing it again! Quality content right here!"

They need the eyeballs. And they know they can attract more eyeballs with that than with cold financial analysis or, God forbid, the actual news!

CEO of my former employer (non-news media, top 5 paid CEO) was very fond of saying, "Conflict IS content." in programming meetings.

It was one of my clues to get out.

There's a broad spectrum of reasons that we see so much sensational and inaccurate reporting on TSLA.

I don't discount the conspiracy theories, but I also don't believe that proving any particular point (superior product, consistent profits, boring effective CEO) will make it all magically disappear, and I wouldn't base my investment thesis on that particular narrative changing.

As long as there are passionate and engaged Tesla supporters, and even a small number of vocal contrarians, there will be motivation for publishing molehills for them make mountains from, and to always discourage either side from running too far from the fight.

Tesla will win for all the reasons we know, but it will be in spite of a twisted media environment rather than by conquering it.
I'll probably spend the next 20 years trying to find another stock like this. (knock on wood)

Regarding the wife, that is an extra risk. You might lose money AND be in the dog house. ;)

I don't know if I'll see one in my lifetime.

Apple changed the world. It is arguable whether for the better.
Amazon changed the world. It is arguable whether for the better.
Facebook changed the world. It is arguable whether for the better.

Tesla is changing the world. It is without a doubt for the better.

I don't think most people understand what they're witnessing. Too busy checking social media and shopping on their iPhones. :rolleyes:
I have never been this excited to get up in the mornings. Checking $TSLA within second of opening my eyes has taken priority over all things tech or biological. I keep thinking we're at the top of the rollercoaster ride... click click click, but it keeps going!

Still holding all shares. I want my certificates framed and not let anyone short mine ever!

You have actual certificates?o_O

I'm not so sure that having the certificates prevents them from being shorted? Anyone know?
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