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Some Tesla hate on the highway...

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Motorcycle riders are just what they've always been: major polluters of noxious gases, many times more than cars and major noise polluters as well.
When you are riding an electric motorbike and not covered in tats and chains I'll take note of your concerns.
What do Tattoo's have to do with pollution? Kinda making some generalizations about people there aren't you? So until I have my tattoo's removed my opinion doesn't count?
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Then try to smoke me, yeah right. Why drive like a Prius? Are you talking about driving like a Prius which mean slow or accelerating?
What are you trying to say here......"Are you talking about driving like a Prius which mean slow or accelerating?" How does one "drive like a Prius"? Where do the two words "which mean" go together? Are you trying to figure out which average is correct?
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This applies to every car, not just the AP Teslas. I've seen just about every make of car pulling the 65 in the left lane because it's the speed limit BS.

Having driven the CA freeways for 20+ years, both San Fran area, central CA and LA area, I have NEVER seen a semi going faster than 65, except once and it was going 70 (the car speed limit) and I used him to draft behind :p But seriously, it's super rare that any semi in CA is going over 65 that I have a very hard time believing that not only are all the semis (or vast majority) in your area going so fast that they honk at you for being in the right lane going the speed limit. Heck, half the time in LA and SF, almost nobody is going the speed limit because traffic won't allow for it :p
Yeah I just moved from the Visalia (Tulare) area and you must drive with your eyes closed. Truck drivers in CA behave just like most everyone else on the road in CA and treat the speed limit as a starting point. That 55 mph for vehicles with trailers is the most ignored rule in CA from my experience.
In the UK at least, the inside lane is the driving lane. The other lanes (middle and outer, usually) are overtaking lanes, and you should move back in once you have finished passing another vehicle. It is not legal to drive continually in any other lane than the inside one. We also now have laws that allow the police to fine people for 'hogging' the middle lane.

As someone who trains others in advanced driving, we tell our associates that they should always keep to the speed limits except perhaps in a rare emergency where you need to accelerate to move out of danger. On suburban roads if the flow of traffic is breaking the law, that's just tough. Drive the speed limit: the drivers behind you can just deal with it.

On a motorway, aside from the fact that you shouldn't be in the overtaking lanes for a long period of time, we suggest that if the flow of traffic in the outside lane is faster than the speed limit, then you should take the middle lane, or the inner lane if it is free. You shouldn't break the speed limit to overtake; which is why there are 2 or more overtaking lanes.

Obviously a lot of lorries use the inside lane, so you don't have to keep moving back in like a yoyo if the next lorry ahead is within a reasonable time frame of you reaching it, just stay in the middle lane and wait until there is a long clear stretch before moving back into the inside lane.

Anything else, in my professional opinion, is just poor driving.
Well you guys drive on the wrong side of the road anyway......;)
I'm sure as drivers, we've all encountered the slow Prius drivers in the fast lane. I'm using that stereotyping to describe what could be hate on Model 3 drivers as a new group. Now with HOV lanes, I really have to ask why use that lane if it isn't for the benefit of driving faster than other lanes? Maximizing fuel efficiency in the HOV lane and blocking all the traffic. Yes as a motorcyclist, I split lanes, but to block the passing with a car that doesn't need the full width of the lane?

With more Model 3s are on the road, I see the same behaviors. AP puts the car in the dead center of the lane so if I am to pass I need to pace for the right safe moment. I'm sure at this time the driver thinks this is such an unsafe (a$$hole) rider when its the driver hogging up the road. Also, I've seen them with AP set and a whole mass of cars following. Regardless if its AP or not, I can feel the breathing down my neck if I was the driver not going fast enough and move over.
What's with all the Prius hate......your just jealous because I have a power button aren't you....don't make me unleash the power on you.....


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I expect that once the autonomous side of Teslas is unleashed that the driving style will use the GPS to ascertain where the car is in order to alter the style according to localised laws and customs. That will be brilliant for those of us in Europe where you are crossing borders often when travelling, or even switching sides of the road. Not to mention that autopilot will be much safer at overtaking than a driver in a RHD vehicle trying to pass on LHD roads.
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The research, and facts, and frankly common sense, prove you wrong. Whatever you do get the F out of the passing lane and try to learn to drive safer which means driving with the flow of traffic.


Is Driving Faster Safer? | SiOWfa15: Science in Our World: Certainty and Controversy

I just took a short 5 mile drive on I-10 an hour ago. I encountered 9 trucks on that stretch of highway. One truck (Ceaser's Pizza) was going 55 the rest were going 60 to 70, occupying the two (out of four) right-most lanes. Which lane do you suggest I drive in when I am going 65, the posted speed limit?

Go with the flow of traffic or turn in your license making the roads safer and take Uber.

I am a speed limit driver and I don't apologize for it. I would give you a "disagree" but instead let me explain.

No, going with the flow of traffic (which is anywhere from 10 to 20 mph over the 65/70 speed limit) is unlawful and unsafe on California freeways. I have tried going the speed limit in the far right lane on the freeways, but then I am tailgated or honked at by semis that are going 10 to 15 mph over the truck 55 mph speed limit. Where do you want me to drive? and don't be a smartburro and say, "on city streets." You look like an idiot going over the speed limit, weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating and for what purpose? Just slow down!

Why? The light is red, racing up to a red light and then slamming on your brakes is not going to make the light turn green any faster. It is frustrating to have someone tailgating you at a stoplight..right? Don't give ICE owner a reason to bully you because you don't want to live the same frenetic lifestyle they want to impose on you.

That's why I hate to drive on roads with drivers of any brand car (ICE or EV) who want to dictate how I should be driving my car as long as I am driving safely and obeying the law. If you don't like the posted speed limit, lobby your representative to get them changed. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Whatever....don't take it out on me.

Flip me off all you want. I am immune to it and ignore it, no reaction from me. The more you tailgate me, the slower I go, so you can get around me faster. I am not obligated to get out of your way as long as I am obeying the law and because you are being a traffic hazard. Oh, and if you do something unsafe. I have you on camera with your license plate and I do not hesitate to turn the evidence over to appropriate LEO.
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Moderator note: this thread has been locked due to the inability of multiple members to contribute to a civil discussion. Many members in this thread were doing just fine, but the disruptive behavior of some became too difficult to extract and move to Snippiness because it was intertwined with the reasonable posts. Before locking the thread some posts were unapproved so now you won’t see all the problem posts.
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