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Safety Score

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20 miles today, 100. I absolutely babied it today. Just couldn’t help it. I was okay with not getting the beta, but since I was already so close with supposedly one day left, I would have felt like a dumbass if I’d screwed up today so I definitely went slower and was much more careful than on previous days. Fingers crossed, I guess. Hopefully Tesla will provide some metrics as to what score we need to stay over to keep beta, and if it applies to time the beta is on or not. Unless they really tweak the formula, I don’t see staying at 99-100 to be a big problem for me while I’m driving, but I would like to know if the Beta can get dinged as well.
My goal is to only reach 99 as its the only thing that's realistic within the next week or two.

What killed my score was the first day I drove it on a route that took me through one of my favorite places to corner hard so I got dinged for hard cornering, and hard braking. It was a 44 mile jaunt that I scored an 83 on.

Then I went on vacation with my camper van for a week, and left my Tesla at home.

I figured maybe with enough driving I could reach 100 by the end of the week, but I kept getting dinged for things like stopping for a yellow light or a pedestrian. Things that were behind my control.

Yesterday I went on a 60 mile round trip journey to check a new bowling lane addition at a local casino, and to up my score a bit in hopes of getting close to 99, but on the way home a couple possums forced me to brake hard in a 35mph zone (I was doing 35mph with a car behind me). Then I got mad and drove all the way back to the Casino to up my score. On the way home in the same area I accelerated, and braked gently about 500 times.

So yeah Elon most definitely has us doing crazy things.

Part of me just wants to unpress the button just so I can get my car back.

I liked driving my Tesla BEFORE this silliness.

I didn't buy it to drive it like a 10ft camper van.

Sure I can drive it like a 10ft camper van as I own a 10ft camper van.
I feel super bad for the people who have paid for FSD on multiple cars over the years just to get this as the end result.
Well, even I, with all my skepticism knows this is not the end result. They will keep working on it, it will get better, it will go wider.

It's just that what will happen is 1K people will get it.
They will report many, many issues.
Someone will end up on the news.
Tesla will decide to hold back on more testers for a "foundational rewrite" that will fix the "known bugs". Elon will call these major new versions (11, 12, 13, etc)
This will repeat a few times. A few more people will get it now and then to keep the PR machine turning.
At some point they will go "single stack" like Elon has promised for months now. This will set the whole thing back about 6 months as a ton of new bugs are introduced on the highway, but will also give Elon an excuse not to send it wider, since that would make no sense given the big changes. More testing.
At some point the NTSB, senators, and local regulators will ask hard questions, and Tesla will squirm, but that won't really mean much.

But, eventually, you will be able to get it just because you paid for it, like all other Autopilot Beta features. My best guess is as good as Elon's, and my best guess is that it will be mid 2023 before someone that paid for FSD is guaranteed to have City Streets Autosteer on their car (This is not FSD despite the marketing). It will work a lot like current AP when you get it. It will mostly hold your lane, mostly obey signs and lights, and mostly get you to your destination hands off. But it will fail hard in some cases, and can never be relied on.

As for when we'll have L4 on current cars, like was advertised in 2016? Yeah, that's what you should feel bad for. This full hands on, full attention, all failures are the driver's fault L2 is likely all you'll ever get.
Half way. I hope that little glitch at ~2pm wasn't the cutoff point. I hope to have 100 before midnight. Nothing for it but to keep going.


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I would never recommend to anyone wanting to buy a Tesla to pay for FSD after seeing this debacle.

The existence of FSD always made the whole recommendation thing awkward. It was always "ignore the dog poop over there"

When they introduced the subscription I thought it would finally end as having a subscription for it makes it less bad. If someone wanted to try it they could simply do that, and to see if it was worth it to them.

But, this safety score thing is so horrendous that I don't even have the words for it.

It's so insane that nobody predicted it. If anyone did they would have been shot down by people arguing that it's not proof that a person would pay attention. It's not too hard to find 1000 humans who will go through steps when you've pointed out what they steps are. But, that doesn't mean those 1000 humans are suited to overseeing a system which can suddenly do the worst absolute thing at the worst moment. I would want people with fast reaction skills, and person with fast reaction skills isn't going to score a 100 unless they've been tasked with scoring 100% on purpose.

We all knew Tesla had a problem on their hands. How could they release FSD beta to the masses without a major incident that would ruin the whole thing?

My prediction was they would simply limit the capabilities of FSD beta for the general release, but it looks like instead they tried to algorithmically pick drivers and more importantly driving situations.

I simply didn't see that they would referee peoples driving with idiot refs.

A company that cares about its customers doesn't insult them.

This Safety Score and the way it was implemented is a big insult.

I know logically I shouldn't take it personally, but part of me can't help it.
Ouch, yeah, that'll take 1452 perfect miles to recover from ( (99.5-83)*44*2).

But, 98.5 is a lot more doable especially since that's a much more manageable 424 miles over a week or two.

I don't really mind the 83 score as I simply didn't know at the time that Tesla was only going to take the 100's. I figured they would do >95% (I'm at 96% right now)

I also wanted to see what my score would be if I drove normally without thinking too much about it or even looking into the specifics of it. I do mind all the 96, and 99 scores after that as I was purposely driving in accordance to what it wished and what happened was beyond my control.

I hit the save button anytime I have to hard brake so I can make a "Safety Score" greatest hits video.

The possums were kind funny as I've drive on the same road hundreds of times with ZERO animals anywhere, and yet that one time I needed to be perfect they decided to have a family gathering on the road.
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OMG just hit 100!! After 10 days of misery.... I started at 98, then slowly 99 and forever to get up to 100! I have to drive home 5 miles now and I am so scared!!

I hope they didnt already cut off the scores...

Is it really worth taking a chance on?

My recommendation would be to walk your car home. :p

But, more seriously I think you can just do the two button reset if something happens. I haven't tried this, but its been mentioned.
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Been stuck at 98% since last week. I drive over 100miles a day. Last few days score has been 99-100, still no change in the overall average. Unsafe following is what’s haunting me. I had to disengage AP at highway speed twice last Tuesday, this is my issue. Oh well.
I would never recommend to anyone wanting to buy a Tesla to pay for FSD after seeing this debacle.
Of course if two months from now FSD has rolled out to thousands of users and works really well you'll probably have a change of heart. For someone who has followed Tesla as long as I have it amazes me that people are surprised at what has happened. Every major Tesla initiative is always a long bumpy adventure that plays out over a long time with lots of people on this forum upset. FSD clearly has been the worst roll out IMO. Lets just hope the product eventually works reasonably well.
had to disengage AP at highway speed twice last Tuesday, this is my issue. Oh well.

You need to not use AP for 5-10 minutes on each drive; this will fix your following issues. Just follow safely for about 3-4 minutes (2-3 seconds following) during that time. Then you can go back to AP and disengage whenever needed for safety without worrying about the unsafe following. The most unsafe following can do at 60% is bring you down to 99 (98.6 but it doesn't matter). Get it below 2-5% with a decent denominator and forget about it.

Another post on this (there have been many!)
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The existence of FSD always made the whole recommendation thing awkward. It was always "ignore the dog poop over there"

When they introduced the subscription I thought it would finally end as having a subscription for it makes it less bad. If someone wanted to try it they could simply do that, and to see if it was worth it to them.

But, this safety score thing is so horrendous that I don't even have the words for it.

It's so insane that nobody predicted it. If anyone did they would have been shot down by people arguing that it's not proof that a person would pay attention. It's not too hard to find 1000 humans who will go through steps when you've pointed out what they steps are. But, that doesn't mean those 1000 humans are suited to overseeing a system which can suddenly do the worst absolute thing at the worst moment. I would want people with fast reaction skills, and person with fast reaction skills isn't going to score a 100 unless they've been tasked with scoring 100% on purpose.

We all knew Tesla had a problem on their hands. How could they release FSD beta to the masses without a major incident that would ruin the whole thing?

My prediction was they would simply limit the capabilities of FSD beta for the general release, but it looks like instead they tried to algorithmically pick drivers and more importantly driving situations.

I simply didn't see that they would referee peoples driving with idiot refs.

A company that cares about its customers doesn't insult them.

This Safety Score and the way it was implemented is a big insult.

I know logically I shouldn't take it personally, but part of me can't help it.
I don't understand these kinds of posts - specifically, posts that come across as if FSD beta is an actual public release/final product and posts that criticize Tesla's utilization of safety scores for determining eligibility for the beta group.

I completely understand the issues with the safety score app and I understand why people are frustrated. However, at the end of the day, Tesla is merely using the safety score as a means to expand its very, very limited pool of beta testers to a slightly less limited pool of beta testers. It's not using safety scores to weed out irresponsible drivers. It's not using safety scores to rip off people who paid for FSD. It is simply a means of determining who gets to try out this early, early stage software in furtherance of improving the software prior to widespread distribution. And, most importantly (at least from Tesla's perspective), the safety app gives Tesla cover in case a serious issue (fatality) arises with the beta FSD software. After all, this is a huge endeavor and all eyes (regulators, other car manufacturers, potential customers, etc.) are going to be squarely on Tesla for leading the pack into this virgin land.

Tesla just as easily could have picked 1000 people at random for its beta group or not provided its FSD customers with any means of becoming a beta tester. Personally, despite the inherent flaws with the safety score app, I like the fact that I have had some degree of control over the process. I like knowing that there is objective criteria that, if I meet, I can become part of an exclusive group with respect to a cutting-edge movement. And, in the coming months, everyone who paid for FSD will have it.
Of course if two months from now FSD has rolled out to thousands of users and works really well you'll probably have a change of heart. For someone who has followed Tesla as long as I have it amazes me that people are surprised at what has happened. Every major Tesla initiative is always a long bumpy adventure that plays out over a long time with lots of people on this forum upset. FSD clearly has been the worst roll out IMO. Lets just hope the product eventually works reasonably well.
At this point it's clear this won't happen. I'm just waiting until 1/1/22 when the "full self driving on city streets later in the year" marketing becomes fraudulent.

I'll be one of thousands who demand arbitration or file a small claim court demand.

Any tolerance I might have had for the situation or patience for waiting disappeared when they decided to play games and turned an entire population of intelligent and successful customers into obsessive and terrified children.