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New Member - #1098

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2010
NE Oklahoma
Hello everyone. Well, Friday was a very eventful day. As I posted in the Depreciation thread, my wife and I are interested in the Model S (about to have our first child, so need more seats) and I read about the short-term lease option on a Roadster until your S arrives. I currently drive a C6 Corvette, so the Roadster would just be a drop-in replacement. Due to a recent role change at work, I find myself commuting 25 miles each way along 101 (SF Bay Area) during rush hour - getting a white sticker now was looking better and better.

I showed up for my appt. at 2pm on Friday to go for a test drive, find out more info about the S, crunch the lease vs buy numbers, etc. The test drive was a ton of fun. It was misting a bit so couldn't really wind it out but I appreciated the telepathic torque. The regen will take some getting used to but I was getting better even by the end of the test drive. I was hooked.

When it came time to crunch the numbers I found out that I would be looking at pretty much a full 3-year lease based on expected Model S delivery times. For a 3yr/45k lease (this will be my daily driver) w/ $9,900 down it would be $2,458/month. That means a grand total of $98,388 minus the $5k California credit. So assuming the Roadster will be worth more than $30k in 3 years, it's definitely cheaper to buy.

My wife called ~3:30 and I invited her to come check it out. Now she is completely on board w/ the Model S but couldn't care less about the Roadster. She already thinks my Corvette is impractical and it has 3x the storage capacity. But I told her she needed to come drive it. So because she's perfect and loves me she hopped on the train to come down to the dealership.

She went for a spin with the salesgirl and then they turned us both loose in the demo. That was impressive to me - that they'd let two strangers take a car by ourselves. I drove a little to get off the busy roads and we switched. At first she was nervous about the regen but soon she was giggling like a little girl. The Menlo Park dealership has a pretty large parking lot for the truck to deliver the cars so after she drove back she did some acceleration runs in the parking lot. One of the sales guys was out in the lot with a group of people and she was laughing so loudly they all turned and looked at us as we went flying by. She was hooked too. It didn't hurt that they told us that current Roadster owners jump to the front of the line for a Model S.

She then helped me wade through the colors and options and we actually found one we wanted that was a Tesla Spec car in the process of being put together right at that moment. They even took us to go look at it in the back!

Needless to say, we're picking up #1098 week after next. Twilight Blue w/ black standard interior, Audio, paint film, solar windshield, upgraded wheels (we're actually going with the older upgraded wheels - we liked that they were slightly darker than the current silver wheels. Kudos to my wife for noticing there was a difference - I just assumed it was different lighting.).

My hands were shaking a bit as I signed the agreement to purchase a car that costs as much as my parent's house. It will be the largest check I've ever written. My wife asked me how much insurance was going to cost and I just shrugged. I hadn't bothered to call my agent as I was expecting a 3-month wait if I bought one at all. We drove home with a mix of shock and excitement and now can't wait for the time to pass - I think we would have keeled over if we had to wait 3 months.

I spent Saturday figuring out my charging situation. We're still renting (waiting for house prices to drop some more before we jump in) so I didn't want to do too much. Turns out the owner or previous tenants must have had a large compressor or welder and there's a 40-amp 240V circuit run in the garage already. It had a 6-15 outlet so I just swapped it for a 6-30. I think that will give me plenty of capacity as my commute isn't that long.

Anyway, if you're still reading I just wanted to say hello and I'm looking forward to being a member of the cult.
Congrats! I have feared that if I drove a Roadster I'd buy it immediately. I'm waiting on the Model S, but as each day passes, I find myself wanting a Tesla Roadster more and more.

Edit* the twighlight blue would be one of my top choices for the roadster, there are some colors that grew on me. at first the very orange I thought was hideous, now I think it's very "unique" (it seems to be a fan favorite here this forum) and the Racing green, which on a computer screen looks unappealing (to say the least), when I saw a Roadster in person looked very nice.

oh take a lot of pictures and post them here! have fun in your new roadster.
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Congrats strider! For the insurance I was assuming the cost would have been similar to my Porsche but found out it's in a different class. I was with Mercury but they charge 1% of the value of the car, not including liability, which is their policy for "exotics." I was quoted $1283 for 6 months if I stayed with Mercury. Ended up going with Encompass which is $1377 for the whole year but I had to move my renter's insurance policy to Encompass to be treated as a packaged deal.

My commute is similar to yours, 32 miles each way along the 101 and 405 in LA. It's great for commuting but the only thing I had to get used to is the regen and the fact the brake lights come on if you take your foot off the accelerator to a certain degree. Still waiting on my HOV stickers and it's been 2 weeks since I mailed them in.

Congrats again!
My commute is similar to yours, 32 miles each way along the 101 and 405 in LA. It's great for commuting but the only thing I had to get used to is the regen and the fact the brake lights come on if you take your foot off the accelerator to a certain degree. Still waiting on my HOV stickers and it's been 2 weeks since I mailed them in...

I may see you on the commute one of these days.:) HOV sticker can take months, sometimes not. You may wish to put one on the window instead of on your paint. What color are you?
ljbad4life: Thanks! Yeah, I didn't think I could hold out for an S. This way I get to have fun in the Roadster until the S is ready. Hopefully the weather is nice on Tuesday - I'll definitely take lots of pics.

lontok: I'm with Allstate, have 2 cars, motorcycle, and renters w/ them. Thanks for the reference numbers - that gives me a way to judge if Allstate's bending me over.

vfx: I'll look for you - I run San Mateo-Sunnvyale. Mine is Twilight Blue w/ black interior. I heard that HOV stickers take 3 months so that's what I'm prepared for - will be great if they arrive sooner. I'm planning to put the stickers on the car with a piece of paint protection film in between. I don't want to take the chance of getting pulled over and the hassle of a fix-it ticket. When I got my Corvette I left the front plate off but was pulled over on 101 explicitly for the plate. Had to pay a fine, go to Palo Alto to show them it was on... PITA. So now I just run my plate all the time (with an aftermarket bracket that doesn't require drilling the bumper - I'm planning to do the same w/ the Roadster).

Also, I think they're a badge of honor for driving an EV and helps people distinguish it from a Lotus.
VFX is Los Angeles, so you won't likely see him. (He was talking about seeing lontok.)

I have the reverse commute from you, so I will probably see you going the other way on 101 frequently!
Welcome Strider,
Congrats on the new purchase!
I'm in a similar situation as yours: renting a house. In my place, I made a very short extension cord with two plugs that taps into my electric cloth dryer (220V, 30A) circuit. I set the car timer to start charing at 11PM, long after laundry is done... With my Palo Alto to Fremont Commute (~30 miles per day), the car is charged in an hour and 45 minutes. I limit the current using the VDS (touch screen inside the car) to 24A.
I may see you on the commute one of these days.:) HOV sticker can take months, sometimes not. You may wish to put one on the window instead of on your paint. What color are you?

VFX, thank you for the tip on the HOV sticker. My sales rep recommended laminating the sticker and propping it up on the rear window whenever needed but I do agree with strider on how they're a badge of honor.
Mine is Sterling Silver with black and red interior. I've seen DrTaras multiple times on the road but have yet to see another Roadster. Hope to see you for a thumbs up!
Congrats strider! For the insurance I was assuming the cost would have been similar to my Porsche but found out it's in a different class. I was with Mercury but they charge 1% of the value of the car, not including liability, which is their policy for "exotics." I was quoted $1283 for 6 months if I stayed with Mercury. Ended up going with Encompass which is $1377 for the whole year but I had to move my renter's insurance policy to Encompass to be treated as a packaged Udeal.
I guess there is a big difference on insurance costs based on where you live. In mid MO I'm paying State Farm $493 every 6 months.
Yeah, I visited my insurance agent today preparing for the worst. Bill is going up $500/year over my Vette. I'm paying $660/6 months for the Roadster. 100/300/100 w/ $1k collision deductible and $100 comprehensive deductible. So it's right in the range.
I still have yet to receive the Stickers, Parking Pass, or California Rebate. I spoke to the DMV today and they claimed that I should keep an eye on when the DMV cashes the check as this will be the impetus that determines when I receive the stickers. Pretty ridiculous!
Here's my Cali rebate timeline:
Picked up the car on 11/2/10. I applied online that day. Received an e-mail response on 11/3/10 with the application. Mailed it on 11/4, received the check on 12/4.

Here's my HOV sticker timeline...
Picked up the car on 11/2/10. On 11/4/10 I ordered a personalized plate from the DMV website and mailed the paperwork for the HOV stickers using the personalized plate (I hadn't yet received my first set of plates). On 12/24 they cash my $8 check. A few days later I get a letter from the DMV asking for an "additional $9 for new ZEV sticker". They attached a receipt for the $8 received. I thought about calling to complain but decided $9 wasn't worth it so I just sent them a check for $9. Received my stickers on 1/19/11.


For installation I got a scrap of 3M VentureShield (paint protection film) from a local tint shop, stuck the stickers to that, trimmed the PPF to match the outline of the stickers, and stuck that to my car. It allowed me to play w/ the location without destroying the stickers and if/when the stickers expire I can remove them without damaging the paint.
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I am also new to the board. I bought a 2008 Roadster that is number 147. I submitted the HOV sticker paperwork on 1/6/11. I called the DMV this week and they said due to furloughs they are way behind in processing and that I should expect it to take about a month and a half to be completed.