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Beware of Scammer in forum

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Happy to say Venmo took care of me and issued a refund. That's wild they used the same Venmo all over the car forums. I noticed it was either deleted or at least I'm unable to still see @Lisa-Bougie-1 in their search a day after I started the dispute.

I tried reaching out to Lisa, her husband and brother on Facebook to at least say hey you're either being used in these scams or we are on to you, but never heard back. You think someone legit would reply though. And the Venmo pic wasn't even their main Facebook and had the same 20 family and friends as Facebook. So not sure if the Venmo acct was hacked, it was never real but stupid family members accepted the Venmo friend requests, or they were in on it.

Luckily I found an awesome and stand up TMC member and got the wheels. Good luck to everyone!
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Venmo finally unfroze my account- hopefully they went after this person's account for the scammed money and banned them. If you use Venmo please check the business/purchase protection to anyone who reads this... Just to make sure you are protected = )
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