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  1. gtae07

    Costly Memorial Day per Tesla

    I bet insurance jobs like these get ridiculously inflated because it's insurance and they'll pay. Doesn't help our premiums and makes it real hard to find someone to do non-insurance or custom work (because the money isn't there). I think if it were my car and everything still worked right...
  2. gtae07

    Scheduled departure for 100% charge?

    What time do you normally leave in the morning? Just set your departure time to that, and set your off-peak time to some time a little later than that. Done. "Scheduled charging" says "start at this time". "Off-peak" says "finish at the earlier of the off-peak time or departure time". In my...
  3. gtae07

    New power/regen bar is IM-POS-SIB-LE to see

    It's not bad at night but hard to see in the day. Needs to slide over several pixels...
  4. gtae07

    Model Y HW4 with OEM Tow Hitch Installed

    FWIW I have the heat sink deal on mine (2024 Austin build, hitch added after delivery) but no 12V power according to the tester.
  5. gtae07

    Model Y Tool Kit Suggestions

    Mostly tire stuff, that's about all you'll probably be able to deal with roadside anyway. Now, I still keep a basic HF socket set and some other tools on hand in the subtrunk below the spare, but that's just for doing stuff not on the car. I can't count how many times I was able to "save the...
  6. gtae07

    SMS Irregularities receiving/reading texts

    Does anyone know if this has been fixed? (Yes, I'm being lazy and asking instead of trying it myself...)
  7. gtae07

    Magic Dock

    There's also the approach from the Metter, GA supercharger (pic from streetview). Put it between the parking rows so the non-Tesla cars can park on the other side and not block a spot...
  8. gtae07

    FIXED in 2024.14.6!

    Honestly not a fan of those changes; I liked the turn signals up high where they used to be. The energy bar would be ok if it was slid over just a few pixels off the edge of the screen--it's hard to see in "day mode" (but actually ok at night). Really, I'm not a huge fan of most of the...
  9. gtae07

    FSD take rate after free trial 2%

    Like ai said, we had a loaner over a weekend and I used it over that weekend quite a bit. But it was more like a neat party trick. I didn't like the way it drove (too hesitant to go, follows too close, brakes too late) and it required more attention than just doing it myself. And was too...
  10. gtae07

    Is Elon thinking of REHIRING some of the fired SuperCharging folks

    It's a documentary in stodgy old fields like aerospace, too. We make it required viewing for our interns... The panicked "OMG our quarterly numbers are in jeopardy!" layoffs are almost inevitably the "cut XX% tomorrow!" kind. We've been through it. Somehow I survived, but the only reason I'm...
  11. gtae07

    FSD take rate after free trial 2%

    The EAP feature of changing lanes is nice, but I have a commader to reactivate it already. And autopark is a neat trick but I'm usually already in the process of parking there before it recognizes the spot. I was impressed by how much it did right when we had a loaner a few weeks ago, but...
  12. gtae07

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    Hell, most human drivers don't do that either...the ones on the highway trundle along fat, dumb, and happy, totally oblivious until someone starts edging into their lane. The ones on the on-ramp plod along at 45 until their lane runs out, and only then do they attempt to move over and suddenly...
  13. gtae07

    Thread for the most minor of suggestions

    You don't need to, but it makes "duplicate my profile except..." a lot easier. In my case the mirrors were just a bit different and seeing them wiggle was annoying me. Wiping out EE and redoing it was the easiest fix.
  14. gtae07

    Is Elon thinking of REHIRING some of the fired SuperCharging folks

    Like the song says... got bills to pay, got mouths to feed... if that happened to me I'd probably take the job just to buy time to find another job and get the house packed up and ready to sell. And then I'd walk out. But then, for me changing jobs means moving at least two hours away...
  15. gtae07

    Spare tire necessary?

    This is exactly why I got a spare. Having one has saved my butt a few times over the years, often in places or at hours that roadside couldn't help.
  16. gtae07

    Thread for the most minor of suggestions

    Delete easy entry and turn it off everyone's profile. Then turn it on again based on your profile.
  17. gtae07

    Towing vehicle flashing up on rear sensor....

    Mine does it too. I just laugh about it and drive on. There's nothing in the software to tell the visualization software "don't draw a vehicle behind me because there's a trailer hooked up".
  18. gtae07

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    I've somehow survived several rounds of layoffs where I work, and over the last 16 years the whole process has gone from "let's trim spending, cut hours, offer voluntary packages, and have rolling furloughs first, before we cut headcount" to the latest two rounds where it was "everything is...
  19. gtae07

    Thread for the most minor of suggestions

    It's not that hard to get in and clean it yourself, just search YouTube. I did it on my previous car and I'm surely going to have to do it soon on this one, given how nasty the inside of the rest of the windshield gets. It's probably why I'm getting so many dry wipes... I just wish they'd...
  20. gtae07

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    This all sounds kinda like the dumb crap my employer pulled in 2019 and 2020, laying off huge swaths of employees and even entire groups in a panicked knee-jerk reaction to not meeting quarterly numbers. Then a few months later it was "oh crap why did we do that?". I was just at the service...
  21. gtae07

    How to order through Electronic Parts Catalog (EPC)?

    I could swear there used to be a "parts order" request in the app but I went to order the brake controller pigtail and the better cargo cover and it wasn't there. Submitted it as "other" and it confused the hell out of the people there...
  22. gtae07

    How to park well with HW 4.0 (no sensor)?

    How did people ever park a car without cameras and sensors?
  23. gtae07

    Thread for the most minor of suggestions

    That's like every GPS ever. It drives me crazy. My next turn/exit can be 150 miles down the road and it'll zoom in so far I can't even see the exit that's coming up in a mile. I usually just drive with the route overview displayed so I can see the entire thing with traffic and alternate...
  24. gtae07

    glass roofs have to go bye bye.

    My eight year old is a bigger threat to my glass roof than hail is. I'd rather have a metal roof since most of the year I keep a sunshade installed and the glass isn't insulated. The only advantage glass has down here is that it doesn't have clearcoat to get damaged and look crappy after a...
  25. gtae07

    Are you satisfied with the range you get?

    Here's AAKEE's post on calendar degradation vs. SoC: Long Term Battery Costs, Fears, and Serviceability It shows where the 55% figure comes from. Basically, it's about SoC when the car is sitting (as it does the majority of the time). Going to 100% is not itself bad, but you don't want to...
  26. gtae07

    Model Y or 3 Highland?

    In my case the MY wins regardless... hatch, stalks, hitch, higher seats. I would like the ventilated Highland seats and maybe the rear screen, but not enough to "upgrade" and lose the stalks.
  27. gtae07

    Model Y HW4 with OEM Tow Hitch Installed

    As a follow up, I finally got the car back that Monday afternoon. They said "all the wiring was right, we have no explanation" but apparently pushing the software again--or whatever else they did--worked. The one guy said I was the first one he'd met with a hitch that said they actually towed...
  28. gtae07

    Depressing trend in EV's..

    Yes, costs are still out of reach of most people. And not just purchase costs, but insurance and repair, and charger installation. But it has to be done right. Just hand someone the keys and say "good luck!" (which is what seems to happen with a lot of rentals) and they're probably going to...
  29. gtae07

    Tesla: Highlights from our upcoming Spring Release below

    I'd be happy with a repackaged key card in some other form factor than a ring (I don't even wear a wedding band, seen too many degloved finger pictures). I tried repackaging the "guts" of a card into a little RFID fob case but broke it in the process. My use case is for workouts etc. when I...
  30. gtae07

    Poll: Do You Plug In Every Day (for daily driving, home charging)?

    It depends where you live and where you would need to go. I think a lot of folks here forget that not everyone lives near superchargers and there are many places (generally with lower population density and away from interstates) that one might need to travel between. I can think of places...
  31. gtae07

    Auto Wipers

    The autowipers worked better (fewer dry wipes etc) on my 2023 HW3 car than they do on my 2024 HW4 one. I think it's mostly something to do with the portion of the windshield the cameras look out and how easily that fogs up (or doesn't defog). I used to leave the wipers on Auto in the old car...
  32. gtae07

    The Modern Spare tire doesn't secure in the trunk, or does it?

    I cut the subtrunk liner to squeeze in a spare. Had my butt saved too many times to not keep a spare in the car at all times
  33. gtae07

    500 + Mile Range Debate

    Depends how often you use that capability. "Just" renting gets to be a PITA real fast when you're making runs to the local home improvement store a couple times a month, or regularly making short road trips for camping etc. Having your own familiar vehicle, set up your way, that can do these...
  34. gtae07

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    Kid: "Oh, I got socks for Christmas :rolleyes:" Adult: "Oh, I got socks for Christmas! :D"
  35. gtae07

    Are you satisfied with the range you get?

    If my memory serves that's a reasonable approximation of the EPA test, so it's not surprising you're getting close to rated range. My daily drive pattern gives me pretty close to rated ranges too. On road trips--specifically driving to see family in Atlanta, 90% interstate at 75, I see more...
  36. gtae07

    Thinking about a Model Y - some Q’s

    If you press the stalk too fast it doesn't register. You heed to press slowly or hold it for just a split second. It's very f'ing annoying.
  37. gtae07

    Stainless Polishing

    😵‍💫 I think you're nuts, but it would be really interesting to see a polished CT... We polished my dad's airplane... once. It was pretty, but the next time it was due, he got it painted instead. I won't be polishing mine either, for the same reason. Actually I'd imagine polishing is less...
  38. gtae07

    Saw a Cybertruck in Person at a Supercharger

    Saw one parked by the local supercharger on Friday. Must have been getting publicity because it was still there an hour later, this time actually plugged in and charging. If my wife hadn't been with us, my son and I would have swung by for a look.
  39. gtae07

    Poll: Do You Plug In Every Day (for daily driving, home charging)?

    I charge nightly, to 55% normally or higher if needed. Usually finish the day around 25-30. Scheduled departure minimizes time spent above 55%. If I'm ever really in a crunch I live a mile from a supercharger. Only needed to do that once, when I stupidly updated while plugged in and it...
  40. gtae07

    2 Quick Charging Qs for a Noob

    Honestly I generally only charge to 50-55 unless I need to go higher for some reason (I've gotten pretty good at estimating what I'll need for a particular day's driving). Usually finish the day around 25-30. Assuming you can L2 charge at home... here's what I would do: Figure out what...
  41. gtae07

    Tesla Truck for the rest of US

    I'd rather see something in the Maverick/Santa Cruz class, but yes. Heck, take a MY, extend it a foot or two, and make the trunk an open bed with an optional aero cover.
  42. gtae07

    What's with all the 6 kW public L2 chargers? Why is it so rare to find faster AC charging options?

    That 4/3 Romex can still find a use. I used it in my case where the wall charger was going on the next stud over from my panel; the wire had to go down out of the panel, through a stud, and up into the charger. I didn't have to install for the full 48A, but thinking ahead to possibly having a...
  43. gtae07

    FSD Pricing

    In its current state, not much. Definitely not $12k for sure. And I don't like subscriptions for software. In my experience with it on the loaner it's pretty cool, but still a novelty more than anything else. Make it a viable hands-off eyes-on system and we'll talk.
  44. gtae07

    Model Y HW4 with OEM Tow Hitch Installed

    I'm in this boat right now too. They took all day to install the hitch, and then the lights didn't work when I got home (oh, and they either forgot to plug the left taillight back in or did so poorly, fixed that one myself). Now it's back in the shop since yesterday (Friday) morning and the...
  45. gtae07

    FSD Beta Acceleration

    Been trying FSD out on the loaner while mine is in the shop (for the second attempt at doing the trailer hitch wiring 😑). The acceleration seems just fine to me, about like I drive when I'm relaxed and trying to be gentle. If FSD accelerates too hard, you must be that guy who's always in front...
  46. gtae07

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    Tried it out today on the way home in the loaner. Never having used it before and having low expectations, I was seriously impressed. It drove like a conservative human and even did some "no way a computer would know to do that!" stuff. Worth $12k? Hell no. Not yet anyway. But definitely...
  47. gtae07

    First impression of FSD and how TSLA should promote it

    I'm on the wrong software branch so haven't had my chance to try FSD yet. But I don't think I'll be interested in a subscription until it drives better than my wife, who is a bad driver, knows and admits it, and thus tries to avoid driving as much as possible, unless she has no other choice.
  48. gtae07

    Q1 Supercharger promotion

    I had no idea they were running this promotion till I picked up my car last month and was checking to make sure I'd gotten the loyalty credits. Saw 6 months, was all "cool but I probably won't use but a fraction of that" sice I only use superchargers on trips. No idea it was supposed to be two...
  49. gtae07

    Silverado EV

    IMO this is most truck buyers. They don't really need a truck optimized for heavy loads; they're looking for a comfortable family vehicle with "dirty" cargo space and maybe some towing ability for e.g. a modest boat. Witness the popularity of the Maverick. Of course some folks do need the...