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  1. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    And don't forget the paper tape reader.
  2. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    As someone who hates complexity, I dream of a single branch (AKA no branches). Tesla could release slowly to check for bugs. That's how I did it back in my software-development days. That would make life simpler here on the forum, but most drivers wouldn't even notice. Would it work from...
  3. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    This is my plate holder. Probably not noticed much.
  4. PianoAl

    Schedule charging not happening.

    See if the native app will work for you first. I used the Tessie app and had some inexplicable charging starts during high peak periods. They continued until I changed my Tesla password. Your cheap period is only five hours?
  5. PianoAl

    Sentry mode not sending alert videos to my iPhone

    Alerts only for serious events? https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/6113876/
  6. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In the three merges I've done since reading this, that's been the case: No cars, no signal Car in right lane, signal Car in left lane, no signal. But when you think about it, what would be the point of this? Easier to just always signal. But perhaps this is due to the NN training.
  7. PianoAl

    Upcoming Audible App

    True, but I get my audiobooks from an app called Libby through my library. Books from an outside source can't be listened to via Audible.
  8. PianoAl

    Mockup of Screen with No Map, Visualization

    Well, it happened again yesterday. First time in a few years. I disengaged to take an exit, and was choosing a new destination when I realized I hadn't reengaged. Caught it quickly.
  9. PianoAl

    Mockup of Screen with No Map, Visualization

    Right, I had a few scares early on when I thought it was driving and it wasn't. I'm not sure even that would be enough. My system: When I'm driving, I put two hands on the wheel.
  10. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I've found that the car sometimes turns on the directional signal when merging on to a highway, sometimes not. Can't see any difference that would explain that.
  11. PianoAl

    Best Products to clean M3

  12. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Good guess, but I haven't made any changes in that setting recently.
  13. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Here's what I guess happened there. The car was driving below the speed limit on a straightaway, so the driver pressed the accelerator briefly. The car then sped up and failed to slow down for the curve. That's something I've observed.
  14. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    On FSD yesterday, the car actually got out of the left (passing) lane on its own. Twice. I was like, "Whoa!" This was on a 50 MPH section that had crossroads. Later, on the limited access 65 MPH section it stayed in the left lane for miles even when someone came up behind me (and tailgated)...
  15. PianoAl

    Using FSD for 3 months - Is my experience typical?

    Here's another analogy that is sometimes relevant: I had a friend who lived on a windy, mountain road. He drove on that road every day. When I rode as a passenger with him on that road, I was freaked out about how fast we were going. But he was actually driving safely, and after I'd driven...
  16. PianoAl

    Clearance under front valance

    A problem with the blocks is that you can trip over them when the car is not in the garage. I used the tennis ball approach with another car, but I used a ball of aluminum foil instead. Backing in has advantages depending on your topography.
  17. PianoAl

    Pic of your Model 3.......RIGHT NOW! [model 3 pictures thread]

    Nice. I used it to practice my Photoshopping skills:
  18. PianoAl

    Mockup of Screen with No Map, Visualization

    Fair point. I do remember, years ago, when a bus came toward me and I was sure he wouldn't try to squeeze past. He did, and everyone in my car screamed. I might have done it then. I have folded them with the voice command in a few tight situations.
  19. PianoAl

    Do you hand wash or car wash your Tesla?

    I use it to keep the charge port door from opening when I hit it with the hose. I don't enable free roll. Locking the car also keeps the port closed
  20. PianoAl

    Parking inside a small garage

    Doing it with the phone (if it becomes available again) would be scary. I've done that and worried that it wouldn't stop when to tell it to. What's with the rebar lattice? Removing that would get you a few more inches, yes? Or you could pad it just in case you hit it.
  21. PianoAl

    Parking inside a small garage

    As long as you're driving, it wont interfere. You can tape a horizontal line on the rear wall to tell you when to stop, as demonstrates here:
  22. PianoAl

    USB drive included

    FWIW, this is nine years old and has worked fine in Nick for four years. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00F9V72H4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  23. PianoAl

    Ultra Red: What Made You Pay Premium For It?

    I wouldn't spend $2,000 for a cosmetic difference. I'm lucky they changed the free color, or we'd have two white Teslas. The other day I got out of my white Tesla, and someone pointed at me and yelled, "Conformist!"
  24. PianoAl

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    I'll go further and say that some people (like me) just can't help optimizing. I know I'll probably buy a new one before range loss is an issue, but if the LFP will be happier under 70%, that's damn well what I'm going to do!
  25. PianoAl

    Trains displayed as trucks

  26. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Are you saying it can sense your nearby hand? It's using the camera to see that your hand is near the wheel?
  27. PianoAl

    Does FSD learn?

    I've posted this elsewhere: consistent problem (drive into right only lane), then perfect 10 times in a row, then failed again. Looked like it had learned, but it had not.
  28. PianoAl

    Mockup of Screen with No Map, Visualization

    Just for fun, I thought of what I would want to see on the display if I didn't care about the map (driving near home) or the visualization. This is what I came up with: I didn't want to spend a lot of time on this, that's why, for example, the speedometer image goes to 240 MPH. I made...
  29. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Behold, FSD V13.4 (granted, just a still image, but video manipulators are skilled):
  30. PianoAl

    RFID hack wristband

    Mystery solved.
  31. PianoAl

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The logic seems to be: If Home, set destination to Work, else set destination to Home. Perhaps the car is not realizing it is at Home. That is, GPS is off, map data is off, or you inadvertently reset the home address. Another possibility, you have selected a different profile unintentionally.
  32. PianoAl

    Does Teslausb work on highland?

    I'll take your word for it. This video made me think it wasn't worth the effort:
  33. PianoAl

    Does Teslausb work on highland?

    True, it's a minor hassle to take the USB drive out of the car and plug it into your computer and remember to replace it, but buying and setting up this device seems like more of a hassle. Ask yourself how often you'll need to get clips to your computer.
  34. PianoAl

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    I doubt it. I recall that AP and FSD used to be much better about getting out of the left lane. Can anyone back me up on that? Now it never gets out unless someone comes up behind you, right?
  35. PianoAl

    Trains displayed as trucks

    You're right. I can only think of two that I'd want. 1. Open glovebox. I have the left scroll wheel programmed to do that, but often the passenger wants to open it. 2. Fold mirrors. There are situations I'd like to use that for, but it's not worth it, or there's no time to, bringing up the...
  36. PianoAl

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    I've found that it stays at the set speed for about a minute, the decreases again. Inconsistent, though.
  37. PianoAl

    Trains displayed as trucks

    For driving around locally, the map is also fun but not needed. The current speed is small and often hidden by your hand on the wheel. The connectivity status is hidden. Most importantly, commonly used controls are missing.
  38. PianoAl

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    Here are examples of what I see: These behaviors are inconsistent.
  39. PianoAl

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    Are you pretty sure it's improving? I've had the same impression, but wonder if I'm just fooled by inconsistent behavior. The question is, can the car learn how you want it to drive based on your behavior? I don't think it does that. I've had instances in which I hit the accelerator to bring it...
  40. PianoAl

    Charge Limit Changing On Its Own

    Which app had you installed? I had installed the Tessie app, and had some charging issues that weren't resolved until I changed my Tesla password. I vowed to never give any app access to our cars, even though I'd really like something to make sure the car will never charge except during the...
  41. PianoAl

    Model 3 without daily charging

    JJ is right that you'll probably need to charge more often than calculated (please report back once you've had the car awhile), but as for battery longevity, you'll be fine. https://www.batterytechonline.com/charging/report-supercharging-doesn-t-degrade-tesla-battery-life
  42. PianoAl

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    Simple: I want FSD to drive at the speed I set unless unsafe to do so. That's how FSD worked until V12. I'm hoping for a fix soon.
  43. PianoAl


    How to resolve these differences in experiences? Driving style. You can learn to drive in a way that makes nags rare. 1. Keep your eyes on the road. 2. Hold the wheel in a way that's comfortable yet exerts a small amount of torque whenever the wheel turns. Looks like item 2 will soon be...
  44. PianoAl

    Upcoming Audible App

    True, but what I said was that you can't change books or start a new book. That's rare, but sometimes I get bored with a book, and want to listen to a different one. What I said was, "there's no way I'll spend $15 a month for Audible." The $15 is the monthly cost of an Audible subscription. I...
  45. PianoAl

    How worried should I be about buy a higher mileage M3 LR (70k+)

    The cost of the higher mileage car is an important issue. Our 85k Nick drives like new.
  46. PianoAl

    Poll: Frequent black screen at startup?

    Some are those who don't know if they have V8 or V9 and don't want to bother figuring out which.
  47. PianoAl

    Free Music?

    I use separate USB drives for Sentry vs. music. Both are plain vanilla (but good quality) USBs. Been using them for four years with no problems. I've put some shorter audiobooks and comedy sets on USB, and that works. Streaming from the phone works well, but you can't legally change sources...
  48. PianoAl

    Why did my Tesla say “I call shotgun” while I was driving? Is it some Easter Egg? Has anyone else had this happen?

    That sounds like an Easter egg, but Googling doesn't bring anything up. What Toybox features were you playing with? What did the voice sound like? And you, uh, both heard it, right?
  49. PianoAl

    Autosteer Lane Change

    Note that the effort required is less when your directional signal is on.
  50. PianoAl

    Heatmap for parking

    The new park assist display is fun and impressive, but there's something still missing: informative tones. I can't look three places at once (out the windows, backup camera, & display), but I can easily look one place and listen for warning tones. This video is out of date, but demonstrates...