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WTB undamaged 20" Uberturbine Wheel/Tire to use as a full sized spare -- Will Buy 1 or 2. Las Vegas or a Day's Drive

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Just bought a 2023 M3P and I see that a lot of people are interested in selling off their 20" Uberturbines.

While I don't want a full set, I would like to purchase 1 to have as a full size spare, but would also be willing to buy 2 if that would work out better for the seller.

I'm in Las Vegas, but I don't mind taking a little drive to pick one/two up, so anywhere like a day-trip away would be fine. SoCal, Phoenix, maybe even Salt Lake...

Ideally fairly new -- no more than a couple thousand miles on the tires and definitely no blemishes on the wheel(s).

Feel free to offer up to [email protected] --- set up the email specifically for this and email will be forwarded to me immediately.

*** I'm picking up my Tesla in Pittsburgh, PA on July 26, 2023 and driving to Las Vegas, NV, so if you happen to be on the way and can meet me right along I-70 somewhere, I'm also open to making the deal on the move ***