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Upload Insurance Without VIN? Huh?

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Jun 28, 2020
Westerly, RI
Odd question here, but a friend who recently bought a MY stated this to me. Back story then question.

Currently, Im at the stage of waiting for a VIN and a check next to the "Prepare For Delivery" section where it asks for an upload of the insurance card. So, assuming, Im waiting for the VIN to hit, then a delivery date, then call my insurance and get insurance on the new vehicle.

Heres what my friend stated his SA told him to do when at this point. Upload the current insurance card for his trade in. Huh? I thought he was messing with my but he was legit and sincere. Ok then. So, without sounds like a dope, I asked my SA if Im all good with tasks. He stated yes, and to wait. Thing is, he told me that another time and well, I wasnt done with them so.... not sure about this either.

Apologies for the question, but is the above correct? My 2020 M# SR+ was an inventory pick so this is a new process for me.

Thanks all for the info.
I think the legality depends on the state. Here in CA, we upload our current insurance card, even if we don't have the M3 VIN, because our insurance laws dictate that our current insurance cover any new purchases for 30 days after the purchase date. Not sure about RI. Maybe someone else here can chime in.
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Follow up, looks like the Tesla website dictates the following:

Proof of insurance is required to take delivery, and must be valid for the next 60-90 days. If you're registering in these 12 states, insurance can be provided for an existing car. In all other states, insurance must be provided for the Model 3.
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia
  • Washington
So it sounds like your SA may be mistaken?
  • Helpful
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Follow up, looks like the Tesla website dictates the following:

Proof of insurance is required to take delivery, and must be valid for the next 60-90 days. If you're registering in these 12 states, insurance can be provided for an existing car. In all other states, insurance must be provided for the Model 3.
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia
  • Washington
So it sounds like your SA may be mistaken?

Not sure but if uploading does magic, Im down to do it! LOL. Im in RI and my friend is in NC so none of the above applies to either of us. Thats where my question comes from as I dont want it to hold up my order by not uploading. Ill just bring the valid insurance card to delivery or upload it when I got the date. Not sure if uploading "something" triggers the next steps, etc.
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It does not move anything along. According to my SA, once you get the MVPA and VIN, it’s at that time you can provide your insurance upload. Also, if financing you can go ahead with finalizing loan details and final payments.

I had my loan finalized via my credit union prior to them getting the pay off amount in the account LOL. Looks like its just the waiting game then now. Thanks for the heads up!
Currently, Im at the stage of waiting for a VIN and a check next to the "Prepare For Delivery" section where it asks for an upload of the insurance card. So, assuming, Im waiting for the VIN to hit, then a delivery date, then call my insurance and get insurance on the new vehicle.

You are in the same boat I was. You won't move forward until you upload an insurance card and yes they say it needs a VIN which is not possible at this stage.

To get past this, I scanned my current insurance card, removed the VIN from it and replaced it with "not issued yet" and uploaded it. That allowed the process to proceed. Once I got my MVPA and VIN, I contacted my insurance and made the policy with an effective date 10 days out and uploaded the new card with real VIN to replace the edited one. I cleared all of this with a local Tesla employee. He said the web site does not handle all the different state rules and this was OK to do as long as Tesla has the real insurance card on file before your delivery begins. You can change the effective date on the insurance when you get a delivery date as long as you change it before it goes into effect.
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  • Informative
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You are in the same boat I was. You won't move forward until you upload an insurance card and yes they say it needs a VIN which is not possible at this stage.

To get past this, I scanned my current insurance card, removed the VIN from it and replaced it with "not issued yet" and uploaded it. That allowed the process to proceed. Once I got my MVPA and VIN, I contacted my insurance and made the policy with an effective date 10 days out and uploaded the new card with real VIN to replace the edited one. I cleared all of this with a local Tesla employee. He said the web site down not handle all the different state rules and this was OK to do as long as Tesla has the real insurance card on file before your delivery begins. You can change the effective date on the insurance when you get a delivery date as long as you change it before it goes into effect.

makes sense! Thanks!
So I have my VIN and a delivery appointment but my insurance doesn't want to switch the VIN on my policy to the Tesla until I have it in my possession or at least delivery day. Can you provide proof of insurance day of or even at the delivery appointment?
EDIT: If not is there anything I should ask/say to my insurance company? Any documents that are used for these purposes?
So I have my VIN and a delivery appointment but my insurance doesn't want to switch the VIN on my policy to the Tesla until I have it in my possession or at least delivery day. Can you provide proof of insurance day of or even at the delivery appointment?
EDIT: If not is there anything I should ask/say to my insurance company? Any documents that are used for these purposes?

Id tell the SA your issue and tell them that youll call and get insurance while at delivery. You can get the card faxed to Tesla or emailed to them from the insurance company right then. Easy stuff and shouldnt be an issue at all.
This was the weirdest part of the whole ordering process. I'm in Georgia and, despite what Tesla's website says, we definitely don't have to have insurance specifically lined up for a vehicle purchase prior to taking delivery. Your current policy is good for (I think) 30 days. In this case, it wasn't a huge deal, as I got a VIN as soon as I loaded my financing information. Emailed my agent, he worked up a binder with the VIN and an effective date of the first day of my delivery range. I uploaded that.

Source: Me, I've bought lots of cars in Georgia.
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Follow up, looks like the Tesla website dictates the following:

Proof of insurance is required to take delivery, and must be valid for the next 60-90 days. If you're registering in these 12 states, insurance can be provided for an existing car. In all other states, insurance must be provided for the Model 3.
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia
  • Washington
So it sounds like your SA may be mistaken?
I’m in MA and my SA told me to upload a pic of my existing insurance policy number. That worked because I got a vin 4 days after ordering. This was back in early September, btw.
In Ontario. Have a VIN from the SA, but it's not listed in my account page.

Attempted to register for insurance and the company will not proceed until the VIN is registered with the provincial authorities. That seems unlikely being as it's still probably on a truck in the US somewhere. They probably don't register them until they're taken off the truck and inspected.

Googling around, seems pretty common with Tesla that you only really can get the insurance a day or so before delivery.

Combine that with the possibility that Tesla will swap VINs on you at the last minute, and seems like a somewhat chaotic process.