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POLL: vibration felt when slightly accelerating refresh Mode S Plaid or LR

Are you experiencing this issue with your Plaid or LR refresh?

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So are you insinuating different model s have different driveline angles? How else can you explain some apparently not having vibration.
This is a good line of questioning. But don't assume driveline angles alone are the problem.

What about the motor? Mounts? Bearings? internal clearances? Some natural frequency in the housing or mounts coupling with driveshafts?

There is evidence some cars don't have the vibration yet. The simplest cause I can think of is human error during assy.

Think of all the missing rivets, fasteners, misaligned trim we have all seen or heard about.

It's possible some cars are just not assembled properly, like the M3 recall with the upside down suspension bolts that fell out.
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This is a good line of questioning. But don't assume driveline angles alone are the problem.

What about the motor? Mounts? Bearings? internal clearances? Some natural frequency in the housing or mounts coupling with driveshafts?

There is evidence some cars don't have the vibration yet. The simplest cause I can think of is human error during assy.

Think of all the missing rivets, fasteners, misaligned trim we have all seen or heard about.

It's possible some cars are just not assembled properly, like the M3 recall with the upside down suspension bolts that fell out.
I’m firmly convinced most new MS have or will have the vibration at some point. I’ve driven 5 from very different months and all have it (May 2021, July 2021, August 2021, October 2021, June 2022). Sure, it’s a small sample, but it’s what I have. If it’s an assembly error, it affects more cars than it does not - in my humble opinion.
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I’m firmly convinced most new MS have or will have the vibration at some point. I’ve driven 5 from very different months and all have it (May 2021, July 2021, August 2021, October 2021, June 2022). Sure, it’s a small sample, but it’s what I have. If it’s an assembly error, it affects more cars than it does not - in my humble opinion.
So you saying, there is a chance I won't get it?

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It is subtle but in the pedal between 42-50 mph (currently at 7000 miles). I have noticed the range widening. At 1500 miles it was only between 44-46 mph. I am thinking tire balance due to wear but could also be shaft and bearings. It feels like the passenger front tire. Anyone else see similar?
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It is subtle but in the pedal between 42-50 mph (currently at 7000 miles). I have noticed the range widening. At 1500 miles it was only between 44-46 mph. I am thinking tire balance due to wear but could also be shaft and bearings. It feels like the passenger front tire. Anyone else see similar?
Yep the range widens. On my 2022 it’s between about 31mph and up, at 2700 miles. It used to be 37mph and up.
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I got some interesting feedback on another forum about this occurring in someone's Model Y due to the foam separating from the tire wall inside the tire. They said it has already happened twice (I assume two different tires...). Doesn't seem like a lot of weight but it only takes 1/2 ounce to unbalance a tire a make a small vibration. Thoughts?

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I got some interesting feedback on another forum about this occurring in someone's Model Y due to the foam separating from the tire wall inside the tire. They said it has already happened twice (I assume two different tires...). Doesn't seem like a lot of weight but it only takes 1/2 ounce to unbalance a tire a make a small vibration. Thoughts?

View attachment 906952
No. If that were the case then the Track Mode “fix” wouldn’t work.
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After upgrading to 2023.2.11, my 2019 Model S Raven w/bulletin fix seems to have less vibration. It’s pretty cold today (~5C), so I should have felt more vibration. Very strange.. way too early to conclude, though. Need to do more testing, but if it continues to perform like this in even colder condtions, then I can live with this fix.
After upgrading to 2023.2.11, my 2019 Model S Raven w/bulletin fix seems to have less vibration. It’s pretty cold today (~5C), so I should have felt more vibration. Very strange.. way too early to conclude, though. Need to do more testing, but if it continues to perform like this in even colder condtions, then I can live with this fix.
I'd be suspicious if they fixed something, they also took something away. Like remote venting of windows....
After upgrading to 2023.2.11, my 2019 Model S Raven w/bulletin fix seems to have less vibration. It’s pretty cold today (~5C), so I should have felt more vibration. Very strange.. way too early to conclude, though. Need to do more testing, but if it continues to perform like this in even colder condtions, then I can live with this fix.
That's not the same vibration as the latest refresh, as far as I've been aware. Also, every update someone says, "Oh, has anyone noticed the vibration is much less now?! WOW!" And each time, - it's turned out to be not true.


I will test this. Just read it.
Here is my 25 point test result which was a little befuddling and somewhat confirming. The befuddling, the "daily driver" response (i.e non-track mode) was also the worst response. Only duplicated in one test case in track mode. (SA=10, R25/F75). The confirming, the comment from WilliamG (and many other in the thread) that no vibration is felt with 100% bias to the rear DU. Looking at it from a positive lens one could say this vibration can be tuned out with software. My pessimistic Engineering side says "WTF, who test drove this before release and did they put any significant miles on it?" Oh well. It is based on the vibration sensor in my calibrated foot so take it for what it's worth. Drove on a standard paved highways with flat, uphill, and downhill areas in a one mile, one way pass for each data point. Suspension: Medium, Mode: Plaid...

A side note SA -10 with R0/F100 puts some torque on the steering components to the point it makes a little creaking sound on the start and feels the least stable of all (fairly uncomfortable).

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