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It's hard not to want to see Trump fail. I myself have been completely behind past presidents, Democrat and Republican, and would have been happy to see Kasich, Rubio, or Jeb as President. But the apparent ill will that seeps out of Trump on a daily basis...it's difficult. It's really really difficult.

I never want to see a President "fail", but I do want to see *good outcomes* for the world and the country. Good outcomes from Kasich, Rubio, and Jeb were unusual, but good outcomes from Trump are extremely rare. I'll take what I can get. Ending the Korean War would be excellent even if it's more by accident than intent.
So is what can be found using Google if one choses to use it.

Trump and Kim Jong Un just struck a deal. Here’s what it means and what comes next.

"Sean Illing
It would appear that we’ve vindicated Kim Jong Un’s strategy of illegally building and testing nuclear weapons to enhance his influence and credibility on the international stage.

Vipin Narang
That’s exactly right. This is why the US spent so long trying to stop states like Iraq and Libya from getting nukes in the first place. Kim bought himself a lifetime insurance policy, and other states, like Iran, are sure to notice that. "

FWIW, George W Bush made this absolutely clear when he invaded Iraq (no nuclear weapons and we all knew it) while leaving North Korea alone (actual evidence of nuclear weapons). People were writing at the time about how the Iraq invasion made it very clear to the world: if you don't want to be invaded by the US based on lies and deception, get yourself a nuke.

So this is not new. Trump is simply cementing the policy started by G W Bush -- invade and abuse countries without nukes even if they are nice to you, but stay away from the nuclear powers.
Cozying up with a mass murdering lunatic dictator may not seem completely positive to everyone. It also gives a false appearance of competency to an obviously incompetent leader which will bolster his support.

So I can't tell -- are you saying that Kim cozying up to Trump does not seem completely positive to everyone, and that it gives a false appearance of competency to Kim?

Because your statement can be read that way, rather than the other way. And THIS is what worries me right now; Kim seems a lot more sane than Trump does.

There is a possibility we have been groomed to think of Kim and his predecessors as wicked and cruel and now insane.

You can be all of the above and respectful of reality and learn from it, or not. I think on the insanity score the weak often have an edge over the strong.

We beat the pants off the feuding superpowers at the time for over a hundred years by awesome diplomacy, until we went imperialist with the Spanish American War. Of course, simultaneously—just on the numbers— in that time frame we waged conventional, chemical, biological warfare plus famine over a near total of 400 years which rivaled what the Nazis did to the Jews and Slavs and Roma in a shorter time frame. Six to ten million estimated each time.

Color me callous, but I'm used to carnage. Killing your uncle with a howitzer or whatever or a bazooka up the ass for Somoza when he was assassinated in Venezuela, all look the same to me. There was a TV piece about a South Korean opthalmologist who cured about 30 North Koreans blindness through cataract surgery, etc. After detailed treatment and loving care by the South, when the blindfolds were removed and some saw the light for the first time, all thirty or so patients simltaneously burst into tears with praise and thanks for their great leader, Kim's father. That was depressing and scary.

A mild version yesterday was Corker's comment about the cult of Trump.
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Well unless I missed something Trump is not a mass murderer. But otherwise I agree with your point.
Well, I guess it depends on the definition of "mass murder" versus causing the unnecessary deaths of lots of innocent people. Subtle linguistic distinction. I'm not sure either of them qualify as mass murderers if you use the strict definition, which requires gunning a large group of people down, simultaneously, in one location.
Stupidest man on Earth. My question is simply this. How many Republican Senators will shift to voting for Trump's removal due to *this* piece of brain-damaged destructive idiocy? We only need 18 total, and we already have about 8, I'd say.

IMHO, this is all saber rattling (just like The NorK was). In less than 6 months, proposals will fly about everyone reducing their tariff war walls and in less than a year, we will be where we wanted to be in the first place. Worldwide reduced tariffs. In the meantime, can we not talk blatant partisan politics in this thread? There are other threads for that...
Stupidest man on Earth. My question is simply this. How many Republican Senators will shift to voting for Trump's removal due to *this* piece of brain-damaged destructive idiocy? We only need 18 total, and we already have about 8, I'd say.

If you want an interesting take on Trump or underdogs vs. the elites in general than I recommend a book by Steve Fuller (one of the most important living sociologists today) https://www.amazon.com/Post-truth-Knowledge-Issues-Modern-Sociology/dp/1783086947 Post-Truth: Knowledge As a Power Game (Key Issues in Modern Sociology)
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Stupidest man on Earth. My question is simply this. How many Republican Senators will shift to voting for Trump's removal due to *this* piece of brain-damaged destructive idiocy? We only need 18 total, and we already have about 8, I'd say.

Inflation adjusted GDP growth under Trump is 2.3% vs 1.5% under Obama.

Never Trumper Republicans are doing poorly at the polls.

From AZ Sen Flake to SC Rep Mark Sanford.

Gallop has Trump approval at 45% while Rasmussen has it at 48%, but inside the Republican Party it is 85%-90%.

I don't see large numbers of Republican Senators turning on Trump until new import taxes (i.e. tariffs) bite and we have GDP contraction.

Then you can lay poor economic performance at Trump's door.
I don't see large numbers of Republican Senators turning on Trump until new import taxes (i.e. tariffs) bite and we have GDP contraction.

Then you can lay poor economic performance at Trump's door.

But it's documented that Senators don't generally respond to popular opinion, but to big money opinion. And big money really really hates tarriffs (always has) -- and it hates stupid, poorly thought-out tarriffs even *more*. (At least China's list of tarriffs against the US makes some sort of logical sense in terms of gaining economic advantage. Trump is literally just saying "Find some more things to slap tarriffs on!") I expect the Murdoch press to be turning on Trump by next week.
Inflation adjusted GDP growth under Trump is 2.3% vs 1.5% under Obama.

Never Trumper Republicans are doing poorly at the polls.

From AZ Sen Flake to SC Rep Mark Sanford.

Gallop has Trump approval at 45% while Rasmussen has it at 48%, but inside the Republican Party it is 85%-90%.

I don't see large numbers of Republican Senators turning on Trump until new import taxes (i.e. tariffs) bite and we have GDP contraction.

Then you can lay poor economic performance at Trump's door.

So there is wide spread support for Trump.
Learn How Adolf Hitler Rose to Power, Who Supported Him and Why

The same was true for Hitler, and I see many parallels, including the rationale for imprisoning children - "it's the law and we are just doing our job"
As I recall, the Nuremberg trials established that doing your job in this way did not grant immunity or impunity from prosecution or execution.
We can only hope for the same result for the entire administration, if we survive it.
Stupidest man on Earth. My question is simply this. How many Republican Senators will shift to voting for Trump's removal due to *this* piece of brain-damaged destructive idiocy? We only need 18 total, and we already have about 8, I'd say.

The US Constitution insists that revenue raising bills originate in the House of Representatives. That would include tariffs. During World War I, Congress ceded that responsibility regarding tariffs to the president as an emergency measure. Now there is some talk in Congress about reclaiming that obligation.
Oh please you and your absolute bullsh*t post comparing trump to hitler. Such a moronic thing to say.

Hitler was a fascist ahole, trump is not.

God almighty get a clue!

Do you know the history of Trump's dad and the fact that Trump had a copy of Mein Kampf in his bedstand and used that as a guide for his speeches? If not, you could. do a little research - try Google. Or keep your head buried in the sand.

I won't continue to engage on this. I responded to a post with reasons for my position You expressed dislike of my opinion without any facts. You could have just identified your position with a disagree. This sort of exchange does nothinig to further the discussion so I will leave it at that. Others can say what they want but should probably take it to another thread. I made my point and need say nothing further.
Stupidest man on Earth. My question is simply this. How many Republican Senators will shift to voting for Trump's removal due to *this* piece of brain-damaged destructive idiocy? We only need 18 total, and we already have about 8, I'd say.
I have a relative that works for the sergeant of arms u.s. senate. Not going to happen before midterms. They all think trump is crazy obviously. A shame a compromise or grand bargain that would override veto won't happen. Our soldiers sacrifice every day, but our politicians only cover there own asses.
But it's documented that Senators don't generally respond to popular opinion, but to big money opinion. And big money really really hates tarriffs (always has) -- and it hates stupid, poorly thought-out tarriffs even *more*. (At least China's list of tarriffs against the US makes some sort of logical sense in terms of gaining economic advantage. Trump is literally just saying "Find some more things to slap tarriffs on!") I expect the Murdoch press to be turning on Trump by next week.
I hope you're right but I'm not at all sure.
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I have a relative that works for the sergeant of arms u.s. senate. Not going to happen before midterms. They all think trump is crazy obviously.
It shows a remarkable lack of courage, and lack of sense of self-preservation, that they are willing to go into the midterms with a lunatic President. I mean, I can see that from an electoral politics point of view, the *Democrats* might want to run against a lunatic President, but this can *only* be bad for the Republican incumbents.
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