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Bluetooth & Voice Command Failure

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2013
My 2013 Model S (MCU1) is currently failing to initialize Bluetooth ("Error initializing Bluetooth - Call Service"). Additionally voice command no longer work: holding the steering wheel button simply pops up the question mark/Try Again prompt on the dash.

Reboots of both MCU and dash do not help.

I replaced the failed EMMC in my MCU a couple of months back, and I've had no problems with either function since then.

I did receive software version 2019.36.2.7 a couple of days prior. And I can't recall successfully exercising either Bluetooth or voice functionality after that, so I suspect it may be tied to this software update. It seems odd that if it were a BT hardware failure that it would affect voice commands as well.

So, a few of questions:

1) Has anybody else seen this with 2019.36.2.7, particularly with MCU1?

2) Any other suggestions for resolving? (I'm thinking of pulling the MCU fuse to force a hard reboot)

3) For any that have... uh... "enhanced access" to their MCU, any suggestions on places to look (other than the obvious logs)?

I'm not as tuned into which software version I'm currently running, but I have experienced the inability to use the microphone for voice commands on a few occasions since picking up my car in October of this year, including the day I took delivery and drove it home from Chicago. Strangely, the microphone worked fine for a bluetooth phonecall while it was broken for voice commands. My experiences were similar to yours - I just got the question mark in the cluster, waiting for me to say something, but I did not see "Error initializing Bluetooth - Call Service." A thumbwheel reboot did not fix my problem, but it was cured the next day after a charge. This fault has only come up once or twice since then with the same magical fix occurring overnight.

Since the mic and bluetooth worked fine for phone calls while the voice commands were broken, my guess is this is exclusively a periodic software bug.
I'm on 2019.36.12.7 and I'm having the same issue with my MS. All voice commands end up with a question mark with "Try Again?". Everything else works in the car including navigation. Definitely something with the latest update and obviously cannot report this bug through voice command. I reported the bug up to Tesla support. Hopefully there will be an update to fix it.
Tesla tech support replied. Here is there response.

1) Unplug your vehicle from any charging cables
2) Power off your vehicle from the center screen and do not touch anything or open any doors for 3 minutes
3) Power on your vehicle by stepping on the brake and opening your door
4) Wait for cellular to initialize and then try voice commands

All voice commands, excluding navigation commands, should now work. Voice commands for navigation requests will be addressed in an upcoming release (2019.36).
Thus far I haven't really tried anything else.... I am planning to pull the logs to look, but haven't had time, as WiFi is also clobbered so I'll need ot physically connect to the diag port...

Disappointing the new FW doesn't fix it though :(
My 2013 Model S (MCU1) is currently failing to initialize Bluetooth ("Error initializing Bluetooth - Call Service"). Additionally voice command no longer work: holding the steering wheel button simply pops up the question mark/Try Again prompt on the dash.

Reboots of both MCU and dash do not help.

I replaced the failed EMMC in my MCU a couple of months back, and I've had no problems with either function since then.

I did receive software version 2019.36.2.7 a couple of days prior. And I can't recall successfully exercising either Bluetooth or voice functionality after that, so I suspect it may be tied to this software update. It seems odd that if it were a BT hardware failure that it would affect voice commands as well.

So, a few of questions:

1) Has anybody else seen this with 2019.36.2.7, particularly with MCU1?

2) Any other suggestions for resolving? (I'm thinking of pulling the MCU fuse to force a hard reboot)

3) For any that have... uh... "enhanced access" to their MCU, any suggestions on places to look (other than the obvious logs)?

My 2019.36.x.x (don't recall the exact version) worked pretty well on my MCU1, with a new 16 Gig Swissbit eMMC.
Only the first voice command would fail. The second and later voice commands would work nicely.

However, a few days ago the SeC pushed firmware 2019.40.2.3 on my car while it was there for service.
Now I have exactly the same problems that you are describing (with BT and voice commands).
So the similarity here seems to be that these problems can come into into play after a new firmware has been pushed?
As soon as someone has a solution for these problems (new version of firmware that helps?), I would appreciate to hear it too!
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My 2019.36.x.x (don't recall the exact version) worked pretty well on my MCU1, with a new 16 Gig Swissbit eMMC.
Only the first voice command would fail. The second and later voice commands would work nicely.

However, a few days ago the SeC pushed firmware 2019.40.2.3 on my car while it was there for service.
Now I have exactly the same problems that you are describing (with BT and voice commands).
So the similarity here seems to be that these problems can come into into play after a new firmware has been pushed?
As soon as someone has a solution for these problems (new version of firmware that helps?), I would appreciate to hear it too!

I haven't yet upgraded to 40.2.x for other reasons (It's staged and ready to install), but @ShockOnT above mentions that version being broken for him as well.

I wonder if this recent Parrot (the Wifi/Bluetooth module) vulnerability that was reported to Telsa has anything to do with this:

Keen Tesla Exploit

Perhaps the changes they made to mitigate this vulnerability screw up some specific hardware revisions of the module...
My 2019.36.x.x (don't recall the exact version) worked pretty well on my MCU1, with a new 16 Gig Swissbit eMMC.
Only the first voice command would fail. The second and later voice commands would work nicely.

However, a few days ago the SeC pushed firmware 2019.40.2.3 on my car while it was there for service.
Now I have exactly the same problems that you are describing (with BT and voice commands).
So the similarity here seems to be that these problems can come into into play after a new firmware has been pushed?
As soon as someone has a solution for these problems (new version of firmware that helps?), I would appreciate to hear it too!
Shoot me a PM... same for anybody else having this issue if they've had their eMMC flash replaced prior to the problem.