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  1. kataleen

    Vancouverites looking into Ceramic or Xpel

    I had mine done at Vancouver Clear Bra. Very professional. I saw many wraps around town and many times the edges looked very sloppy. With regards to ceramic coating, yes, it works very well over film too. I did it at Autowerkes in Langley. Water and dirt just slides off. Let me know if you want...
  2. kataleen

    Where are the Rear Diffuser and Front Lips available to buy. in Canada

    Good to know, but I think their diffuser is a bit too aggressive for outside of the race track. I was just looking at JC Sportline. I see they have some less dramatic diffusers on Amazon.ca https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08X9YL6K8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_PEQM30ZQP9T753M7CETY
  3. kataleen

    Where are the Rear Diffuser and Front Lips available to buy. in Canada

    Thanks for the suggestion, that’s very helpful. Unfortunately they don’t seem to have any diffusers. I might go for the front lip that you linked though, especially since they’re close by.
  4. kataleen

    Where are the Rear Diffuser and Front Lips available to buy. in Canada

    +1 on this one. I've been looking for a while for some options in Canada, ANY options for that matter, but nothing much. I came across www.carboneprestige.com but I can't find anything about them. I think they may have a facebook page but I can't access it. (blocked on my end). I'd be happy to...
  5. kataleen

    Cleaning vegan leather interior

    +1 on Meguiar and 303. They are both great products. I did notice that they tend to do a better job at not leaving residue behind and giving a sense of new. Pretty happy with both. I tested some other ones as well, although for different areas of the car. Most popular automotive care products...
  6. kataleen

    Cleaning Model 3 Glass

    After using quite a few glass cleaners, I noticed something similar. The only one that did not leave any residue or streaks and cleaned really well was Sprayway glass cleaner. Give it a try and see if you still get streaks. Many times I wipe with paper towels instead of microfiber exactly...
  7. kataleen

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.50.x - Driving Visualization improvements, new voice commands, Camping Mode

    Just installed it now, nothing different from previous notes and also did not notice any visible changes, likely small bug fixes
  8. kataleen

    Guide on how to set up one SDD for both dash cam recordings and personal media

    Yes, you can right click on the partition and hit delete. The space will revert back to unallocated.
  9. kataleen

    Ceramic Coating before or after OEM Spoiler install?

    IMG_0220 by kataleen posted Oct 30, 2019 at 11:44 AM IMG_0219 by kataleen posted Oct 30, 2019 at 11:44 AMIMG_0218 by kataleen posted Oct 30, 2019 at 11:44 AMIMG_0216 by kataleen posted Oct 30, 2019 at 11:44 AMIMG_0215 by kataleen posted Oct 30, 2019 at 11:44 AMIMG_0214 by kataleen posted Oct 30...
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  16. kataleen

    No turn signal on reverse

    I personally find it ridiculous that a car maker would decide on my behalf that signaling while in reverse should never be done and enforce it by disable it. (I am sure they needed extra time on the devs part to check if the car is in reverse and stop the blinker) Cases where I found myself...
  17. kataleen

    Ceramic Coating before or after OEM Spoiler install?

    Yes. Here’s my experience (first hand): - the regular (top brands) adhesive will work on ceramic coating, but you should definitely buff the areas and polish - when polishing the surface, make sure you don’t do more area than necessary as it will be a visible difference - dry fit the spoiler and...
  18. kataleen

    CCS for Model 3 in North America

    With CHAdeMO already available I don’t think they’re in a hurry to release a CCS adapter. Not sure about US, but in Canada pretty much all public chargers that have CCS, also have CHAdeMO. Would be nice though, to have another option. And also not to have to mortgage your house to buy one.
  19. kataleen

    Great Games To Play On Your Tesla While Supercharging

    More classic games added. More coming
  20. kataleen

    Guide on how to set up one SDD for both dash cam recordings and personal media

    Sorry for the late reply, if you're still at the same step, try LIST VOLUME command after step 4 and then SELECT VOLUME n (where n is the volume listed at the previous command). Very similar to select DISK. Afterwards run the EXTEND command.
  21. kataleen

    Guide on how to set up one SDD for both dash cam recordings and personal media

    Try this: 1. Create a new volume there in that screen even if it's only 41Mb (you may have to select NTFS for this fix to work and then if it does, reformat it to exFat) 2. Launch diskpart.exe (Start button then type "DiskPart") 3. Type "LIST DISK" (identify in the results which one is your...
  22. kataleen

    Great Games To Play On Your Tesla While Supercharging

    We added categories and a few new games. Feedback welcome as always
  23. kataleen

    Guide on how to set up one SDD for both dash cam recordings and personal media

    That’s a very good guide but it’s meant for computer savvy people. I found it easy to follow because I know what diskpart is and I also understood what commands to type in there. But I would have a very hard time to explain that to my dad whose computer knowledge extends to playing solitaire and...
  24. kataleen

    Guide on how to set up one SDD for both dash cam recordings and personal media

    The guide focuses on the idea of using the same storage media for both dash cam and personal media files, not necessarily on minimizing USB connections altogether. I guess I should have made that a bit clearer in the post. Good point, I will update. Thanks I have to admit that I have not...
  25. kataleen

    Guide on how to set up one SDD for both dash cam recordings and personal media

    Hi all, since there was quite a lot of information scattered all around, I did a write up for how to format and configure an SDD to work with the Model 3 for both personal media and the dash cam recordings. For now this targets Windows computers for setting up. If anyone can do something similar...
  26. kataleen

    Great Games To Play On Your Tesla While Supercharging

    Just added air hockey :)
  27. kataleen

    Great Games To Play On Your Tesla While Supercharging

    In the car browser. Navigate to that address and you have the games there. I noticed that many games have a full screen button which will make them take the full browser page. Not truly full screen, but still better.
  28. kataleen

    Great Games To Play On Your Tesla While Supercharging

    I am planning to get my 10 yo on it. :p I will get her to scour the web for good ones and add them to that page.
  29. kataleen

    Great Games To Play On Your Tesla While Supercharging

    Hey all, after finding quite a few awesome games through the depths of the interwebs I started make a small collection of the ones that offer the best playability on the Tesla. Together with a few more hands I am planning to curate a good list of games that everyone can enjoy. I mocked up a...
  30. kataleen

    Near rear end collision captured on cams

    I never said that he stopped for fun but officers always have the final word as to where it's safe for the vehicle in front to pull over. You probably did not witness a lot of traffic stops, which makes sense because if you're most likely a law abiding driver. I studied traffic stops and in many...
  31. kataleen

    Will a low front plate (Partially covering intake vent) harm the car?

    For this reason I hate them too :mad:
  32. kataleen

    Near rear end collision captured on cams

    I think first and foremost the CHP was at fault. Unless there was an actual emergency and he had to stop in that spot, and even then, he should have called a second unit and have it stationed further back on the highway to warn drivers. Use the common sense, never stop on the highway or on/off...
  33. kataleen

    Will a low front plate (Partially covering intake vent) harm the car?

    I doubt that mounting a license plate in front of the vent will harm, especially since it's not flush against the vent. Aerodynamics dictate that the airflow will either rejoin behind the plate, or, if the plate is too close, will create a higher pressure wave on the sides. Unless they made the...
  34. kataleen

    Ceramic Coating before or after OEM Spoiler install?

    It's possible. I will put in some strong double sided 3m tape and maybe some type of strong glue and then hold it in place for a day or so.
  35. kataleen

    Ceramic Coating before or after OEM Spoiler install?

    Aaaand of course this happened after a week or so:
  36. kataleen

    Ceramic Coating before or after OEM Spoiler install?

    I will pitch in here since I just had done exactly this yesterday. I had an appointment for ceramic coating (Crystal Sermum Light) and even though specifically asking that the trunk lid not be coated at this time, it was. Oh well. 5 days after picking up the car, I had the appointment for the...
  37. kataleen

    After low ball offers by Carmax and Tesla, sold it myself - Huge Difference!

    I mentioned this in a different post somewhere. I had to trade in my car before pulling the plug on the P3D. Since I was also baffled about the low ball offers I was getting I investigated and started asking question on how they estimate. Turns out (from the mouth of the sales rep) that Tesla...
  38. kataleen

    Programming Community Gate Without Access to "Learn" Button?

    Thanks for that, I just realized I did not specify that. Edited my OP
  39. kataleen

    Programming Community Gate Without Access to "Learn" Button?

    Correct, but it will always require access to the learn button on the receiver.
  40. kataleen

    Homelink woes with PR433-4 receiver

    I did exactly the same. I was programming it and then expecting it to work immediately. I was so frustrated for a good 10 minutes until I realized that the receiver was still in learning mode. That was a huge relief when I pressed learn again, and it worked.
  41. kataleen

    Programming Community Gate Without Access to "Learn" Button?

    You cannot program the car to open commercial grade gates as well as newer residential gates [EDIT: without access to the LEARN button] for the simple reason that they use a rolling code. What that means is that the original remote that was paired to the system has an internal algorithm to...
  42. kataleen

    AP just sent me under a truck

    They do receive the data every time you take over from AP as long as you agreed to that when you first started the car. The Tesla team will not be able to watch every single video as it arrives. What happens is that they can filter through the large amounts of data and ask for certain...
  43. kataleen

    Sentry mode and 'low' battery

    Yeah, I know, didn't mean to start a dispute. The thing is, with Tesla being so open to changes and innovation, I can't simply say "It is what it is" and leave it at that. If there is some way to make it better, we should say it and try to make ourselves heard.
  44. kataleen

    Sentry mode and 'low' battery

    I disagree with this. The car systems pull power directly from the power source and not from the battery while charging. Pulling slightly more for sentry is a non issue and it's up to the user to enable it or not. The conditions do not still exist because people at Tesla are a bit smarter and...
  45. kataleen

    Stealth XPEL Maintenance

    I am planning to do the ceramic coating as well. I will go for CQUARTZ. Most likely next week. Thanks for the link, I'll take a look. I did expect that it doesn't require too much maintenance since its purpose is to resist all you can throw at it, literally and figuratively. $5400 + tax
  46. kataleen

    Stealth XPEL Maintenance

    Hey folks, I just had my Model 3 wrapped in stealth XPEL. I have to say I am stunned in this product. The car looks amazing and I can't take my eyes off it. I posted some pictures here: Tesla Model 3 wrapped in Stealth XPEL Paint Protection Film » The Brainspike My question is: does anyone...
  47. kataleen

    Model X fully wrapped in stealth matte film & C-Quartz Pro

    Pfew...after seeing this I decided to do mine too. Here's she is: Now I can't take my eyes off her.
  48. kataleen

    CCS for Model 3 in North America

    Couldn't agree more.
  49. kataleen

    CCS for Model 3 in North America

    I really hope Tesla will release a CCS adapter for Model 3. Here in Vancouver, CCS chargers pop up everywhere, including on street. BC Hydro is replacing some street parallel parking spots with CCS fast chargers. And on top of that, charging is free. As much as I love superchargers and I will...
  50. kataleen

    Musk: Tesla vehicles are now ’appreciating assets’ due to self-driving

    I watched the interview and the remark was made in connection to the autopilot improvements through updates. I am sure it was a tongue-in-cheek remark and even though it felt funny at the moment he kind of stuck with it. Tesla cars are not appreciating assets until they become vintage and you...