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  1. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    So did some interior cleaning and noticed that the interior windows are covered with that oily white film that happens with outgassing. But the vehicle is two years old and has been outside vented nearly daily. How can it still be outgassing like this after two years?
  2. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    I've had charcoal in there for a while. Think this would work better?
  3. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Just went into the car today to check out the new software update (from last week). All the interior windows are again fogged up with a thin white oily layer. I know this is typical for brand new cars as they outgas. But for a two year old car...?
  4. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Am basically doing this. It does help but at this point any normal car would have no odor.
  5. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Yeah when it's hot, I've learned, it dramatically accelerates the outgassing process. If the windows are closed then it's just collecting. I've had mine with the windows open in sun and in garage for years. Still has a chemical smell that gets much worse when it's been in the sun.
  6. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    I think both are true. New car smell is chemical. Tesla new car smell seems to be different. My guess is that it's the vegan leather seats but it could also be some sort of weird glue that they're using. Who knows. It'd be nice to hear from Tesla on this.
  7. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    It could be the paint that they use in the "vegan leather" and maybe the white has less paint. Sounds like we have a similar issue. Yeah I know they changed the seat style. But they could have also changed glues etc as well. The difference between the early 2018 and mid 2018+ has me seriously...
  8. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Yes, that's exactly my experience as well. It was the early 2018 black/black LR RWD. I'd rented one on Turo for the day and drove it for the entire day. Zero issues. And this is also what I noticed at the used dealership: That the early 2018s were uniquely different/better than all the 3s built...
  9. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Hi there. Sorry you're having a similar issue. To answer your question: Not really. It's improved VERY slowly over time but it's still a problem for me. My vehicle is now almost two yeas old and has been frequently ventilated. Do you remember which early model you drove that didn't have an...
  10. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Hi Bill. I hear you but Tesla themselves told me that they get materials from lots of different manufacturers and they don't have a way to track which materials are from which manufacturer. So there's clearly variance in what's in the interior. Yes, they aren't experiencing the issue but others...
  11. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    It definitely helps and it's far better than it was but still too much to drive it without feeling it the next day or two.
  12. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Hi. I actually did spend some time in a friends car and the car I drove before buying mine. Neither gave me any problems. I asked Tesla to allow me to check out some other vehicles so that I could get better comparisons but they, not surprisingly (since they've been the opposite of helpful)...
  13. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Hi Susan. Quick question: How would you describe the chemical smell? Is it slightly rubbery/waxy?
  14. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Hi Susan. I am definitely STILL experiencing this and experiencing it with a vehicle that is more than a year old (and has been nearly constantly ventilated at this point). Given my experience, my guess is that there are a lot of suppliers contributing materials and that they aren't well...
  15. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Really nice to hear that I helped you with my post. I'm really sorry that you're experiencing this. I have not found a fix. My wife is driving the Model 3 and I'm not. Coincidentally I did recently ride a friend's Model 3 and it seemed hugely better (and is much newer). I don't know if it's...
  16. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Nothing sounds weird to me at this point ;) Appreciate the thought. I haven't had any issues in the past with coolant but maybe never had a leak. I've tried being in the car with the air/vents off (even just sitting in it while in the garage) and still having the same result so I don't think...
  17. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    He has same exterior and interior color. His is RWD and mine is AWD. I need to ask if there's anything else but it wasn't visible.
  18. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    A quick update: After a year, my Model 3 still smells enough like glue/plastic that it still makes me sick. Rode in a friend's 3 month old 2019 Model 3, with the same interior as mine, and no smell, no sick. This was the same as the Turo car I rented before buying (in that I didn't have a...
  19. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Sorry mean the Airwick gadget (but I should probably change those too...).
  20. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    I actually just got off the phone yesterday with a company that can do analysis. Am looking further into it but at $200 per test I want to be sure I'm having the right test done. As far as the car air filter, I looked around and can't find that. Any idea where to buy/read more?
  21. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Hi MKVTDI. First of all, sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this too. It's truly miserable. In my research, I've discovered that the seats covers are actually polyurethane (PU) and not vinyl. These are also at the top of my list in terms of causes. I actually removed the seats from my...
  22. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Yeah I agree - I'm just grasping for some explanation. It could very well be anything. I've definitely been leaving it out (window up and then open at the end of the day) to cook it more. I think it's got a lot of gas to out...
  23. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    I did try wearing a dust mask and it definitely helps. But it had carbon built in so it's possible that the gases were mitigated as well. This is a good reminder to try again with a standard N95 that would only filter dust (I'm really busy with work so I haven't addressed the car issue like I...
  24. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Good thought and something to think about. I think that piece pops out easily. Thinking I might try removing it next. A friend with a good sense of smell said she thought it was coming from the plastic panels that sit between the doors. I do wonder if something happened, in the rush to hit build...
  25. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Appreciate the reply. I've been in other new cars and didn't feel perfect but this is by at least a factor of 10 the worst. I'm not sure if it's something that I became sensitive to after getting it fresh from the factory (most other brands have been on boats or in lots for months even when new)...
  26. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Not really. Still have what acts like a delayed allergy response. Actually removed seats for a week to see if it was the PU/vegan covers but that didn't make a significant difference. My reaction is definitely more mild than when it was new, but still not easily tolerable. I rode in a friends...
  27. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    So you're thinking about something that might alter the smell or alter the chemistry itself? On the latter, I've actually been trying to do ozone shock treatments, which do seem to help in the short term (until the car sits for a bit and smell re-accumulates).
  28. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Thanks so much. I appreciate any and all ideas. This is a good one if I can get the seats out and it turns out that the carpet is at fault. Might also be worth trying, just to test but prob not worth it unless I can cover more than 90% of it.
  29. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Right, been thinking about doing this too. Would be a good way to start narrowing things down a bit. Removing the back looks doable but the front ones are a bit intimidating without a guide. Getting closer to just going for it though.
  30. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Yes, totally agree. Some kind of hypersensitivity to some component for sure. Wish I could narrow it down to the material but without Tesla's help that's probably not going to happen. I have been airing it out in a protected area as much as possible. The sun will get it much hotter than the...
  31. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Appreciate it. There must be more of "us" out there. And I think there are many first-time new car buyers with the Model 3 launch so this issue has come up. Bringing fresh air helps and open windows help but not enough that I can drive the car more than just a few minutes. Obviously whatever...
  32. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Hi thanks for checking up. So: Improving ever so slightly. And I've vacuumed thoroughly and wiped down with microfiber (and rubbing alcohol). Immediately after, it's great. But give it 20 minutes (parked, off) and it already has hints of the returning rubber/plastic/oil smell. Something is...
  33. J

    Share your stats for (pseudo) data science.

    Well that went well. Too bad. Was hoping to see if there was some kind of correlation.
  34. J

    No fully leather-free (vegan) option being planned for the Model 3

    Yeah, I saw that too. But sounds like speculation.
  35. J

    No fully leather-free (vegan) option being planned for the Model 3

    Interesting. Is this a guess or confirmed? Source?
  36. J

    No fully leather-free (vegan) option being planned for the Model 3

    Interesting. So on a related note, I'm possibly allergic/sensitive to something in the vegan leather. Been trying to track down exact cause. I'm never had an issue with real leather. Would love to know who makes the polyurethane materials that they use. So there's that.
  37. J

    Share your stats for (pseudo) data science.

    Some want to keep that new car smell around as long as possible. I want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Thought it might be fun to see if some data science can inform this. 7 tiny little questions (shouldn't take more than a few seconds to answer!): Current new car smell level: 1 to 5...
  38. J

    Who makes vegan leather for the Model 3 (Dark)?

    I've heard that it's Ultrafabrics - The highest quality polyurethane fabrics on the market. Anyone know otherwise?
  39. J

    Red seat cover finally installed

    Looks great! These cover or replace the existing vegan leather?
  40. J

    New car smell - help me chart it

    Note: Request for reply with details below This is related to an earlier post I’ve made about an allergy-like reaction I’m having to my Model 3s interior materials. The TMC community has been amazing in helping to track down solutions and It appears that there are a few other users in this...
  41. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Thank you. I’ve actually noticed that it is slightly improved post detailing so I will try that. I wish I could get to the bottom of which specific material is the cause. I am at the point where I’m considering removing components (like sweats or dash wood) to see if it helps.
  42. J

    Anyone like the New Model 3 smell?

    You’re not alone. I am having a pretty bad allergy or sensitivity to some component. Would love to know what it is that makes Tesla smell different and why I am reacting (and haven’t to this extent with other newish cars). I know we are a small minority but it eems like there are a decent amount...
  43. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Oh! That's great. I'll look into it. I would describe the smell as something between wax and beachball currently. There's definitely a plastic component here but I wonder if the oil stain is the other component (and maybe the one that I'm reacting to). I wonder if I could cover it somehow to see...
  44. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    Interesting. I'm ready for extreme at this point : (. I'll look into it.
  45. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    I do like the idea of a home-quality unit with an inverter and I do need to be better about wiping down. I've noticed that things do seem to be better (for a short) time after I wipe down and vacuum but return really quickly as soon is it's out in the sun etc. This does smell like VOCs, so to...
  46. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    No, I haven't. So I guess that makes it more likely a sensitivity than an allergy?
  47. J

    My Model 3 interior making me sick (literally)

    BTW: If anyone has a contact at Tesla that could help to clarify some questions (like what materials are atypical or have been swapped out in the later models) it would be very helpful.