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  1. V

    Child Safety Issue with Falcon Wing Doors

    Since it appears the problem remains the same as it was when this thread was first created, it seems renewed attention on the safety issue is warranted.
  2. V

    Child Safety Issue with Falcon Wing Doors

    Jesus the replies in this thread… “Why don’t you try just telling your 4 year old not to do that?” “Maybe you should whip them with a belt!” The people who think the first suggestion is a solution have never had children. The people who think the second suggestion is a solution should never...
  3. V

    Is A/C Coolant Covered Under Used Tesla Warranty?

    Ok so basically they lied to me. Again. Thank you. Also, since making this post, here’s another example of their insanity. *One* of the other problems I reported on this service visit was that both of the front windows squeal when rolled down. I was charged a flat $220 diagnostic fee for...
  4. V

    Is A/C Coolant Covered Under Used Tesla Warranty?

    Yes I’ve had to take this car to Santa Ana a couple of times as well, and for the most part, they’ve definitely been much better. Their manager even basically admitted to me that the Buena Park manager had lied to me when they referred me to Santa Ana because Buena Park supposedly couldn’t do...
  5. V

    Is A/C Coolant Covered Under Used Tesla Warranty?

    Hello, I purchased a used 2017 X (29k miles at purchase) directly from the Tesla website 3 months ago. I have scoured every used tesla warranty page I can find, and I noticed that they mention they perform a “145-point” inspection prior to resale, but I cannot locate anything that says what...
  6. V

    Does anyone actually use Smart Summon?

    And yeah, regarding auto park, that is equally useless. It’s slow as hell if Where the hell do you live that your insurance is only $600/yr? Mine is more than double that, and I have a pristine 20+ year driving record.
  7. V

    Does anyone actually use Smart Summon?

    Same. I honestly want my FSD money back. I got it when it cost $5k, but it’s clear at this point that an actually useable version of FSD is at least a decade away.
  8. V

    Does anyone actually use Smart Summon?

    I’ve seen Elon making comments implying they’ve “solved” low speed autonomous driving with Smart Summon, so now all they need to do is to complete high speed autonomous driving. Has Elon ever actually tried to use Smart Summon? It does not work well at all, to the point that it’s honestly just...
  9. V

    Trying to learn why I get Phantom Braking (video)

    I said a car that literally drives itself, not “adaptive cruise control”, which is not at all that. Adaptive cruise control isn’t a steering mechanism. Last time I checked, the act of driving requires steering. and what are you smoking if you think it takes “hours and hours” to use the...
  10. V

    Trying to learn why I get Phantom Braking (video)

    I know you’re really excited to have your new car and all, and you might think you’re bestowing some amazing new insight into the car’s behavior on everyone else here, but newsflash: you’re not. There are 200+ threads on just this forum alone, spanning years, that have already discussed phantom...
  11. V

    Autopilot swerving

    Im not happy with the current state of the software either, but what do you expect the random SC rep to tell you? They’re not the lead programmer of the software, and even if they were, it’s clear that the problem is more complex than a simple bug fix, else a hot fix would surely have already...
  12. V

    I hate Navigate on Autopilot

    Don’t understand why there are people in this thread acting like the OP must just need to update software, or that he must not be applying torque to the wheel for lane changes. I’m currently on 2019.40.50.7 (HW 2.5), and I can confirm literally every single thing OP said also happens to me...
  13. V

    Since latest update, car is swerving on AP

    @DougP - the hard reset did not correct the issue for me. I only noticed improvement with the several latest updates that have come in over the course of the past 2 weeks.
  14. V

    Since latest update, car is swerving on AP

    Update on this. It looks like this was a known problem with software ver 2019.40.1.1 to the point where TESLA eventually stopped rolling out that ver to the fleet. The latest update i just took (2019.40.50.1) seems to fix it.
  15. V

    Since latest update, car is swerving on AP

    ive been using AP on SoCal freeways extensively for over a year and have never had a problem with it maintaining its center like this until these recent updates. I think the code they injected to make the car more aggressive in lane swapping needs to be corrected ASAP. this thing is literally...
  16. V

    Since latest update, car is swerving on AP

    Don’t know if anyone else has been seeing this, but ever since I took the first software version that included the “update” to make the car “more aggressive when switching lanes,” I’ve witnessed the car actually be 100x worse at properly tracking the lane markers and staying within the center...
  17. V

    Tesla glass: corners were cut

    A) Not sure why you’re making that connection. Anyone who gets cracks in their windshield is tailgating? B) the first time I got a chip, there was literally no one within sight of my car on the freeway. C) 95% of my use of this car is on the freeway, and I use autopilot 99.9% of the time I’m on...
  18. V

    Tesla glass: corners were cut

    you should stow the condescension. Glass is not grown on trees. It’s manufactured. By humans. Meaning A) it can be manufactured differently from one company to the next, particularly due to patents, and B) humans are fallible. If there’s a process that reduces chances of error or lack of...
  19. V

    Tesla glass: corners were cut

    In the first instance, there was literally no one anywhere in front of me for at least 1000 feet. I had absolutely no idea how anything could have been kicked up that far to hit me. It was a total surprise. In the second case, there was moderate traffic, but I was nowhere near any large trucks.
  20. V

    Tesla glass: corners were cut

    Ive been driving for ~22 years. I’ve literally never once in my driving lifetime ever received so much as a tiny chip in my windshield. I’ve had my Tesla for 14 months. Within the first 3 weeks, I got a chip in my windshield that was at least small enough to be filled in by Safelite, albeit...
  21. V

    Is there an option to turn off auto-window open?

    not sure if you’ve ever washed a car before. The water drips down the sill into the mechanism below, which you can’t reach. When the window rolls down, it goes down into this area. W/e tho. Just a minor nuisance I guess
  22. V

    Is there an option to turn off auto-window open?

    I’d like to prevent the windows from rolling down slightly when the door is opened. I’m assuming there isn’t, but just thought I’d ask. This didn’t seem like a problem...until the first time I washed my car and then parked and got out.... pretty sure everyone on the planet has made the mistake...
  23. V

    Take autopark warning seriously - ruined the driver side door

    Who the hell uses auto park? Useless feature unless you’re 90 years old. It is embarrassingly slow. It’s a total gimmick.
  24. V

    Getting coal rolled in Eureka CA

    California has the strictest emissions standards in the country JFYI
  25. V

    Enhanced Summon? Can we just get regular summon to work all the time first!

    I disagree with you 100%. I distinctly remember reading the website last year before I bought my car, and it showed all the things that autopilot “can do”, which included navigating on and off of freeways, as well as summon to wherever you are. Nowhere on that website did it say that was future...
  26. V

    Enhanced Summon? Can we just get regular summon to work all the time first!

    Well good for you, but it fails for me all the time, and this isn’t the first thread to mention that either, so it’s not an anomaly.
  27. V

    Did Tesla's Speed Cause You to Get Speeding Tickets?!

    “I went 100 mph on my motorcycle and 112 in my TESLA.” = “Not only do I not care about my own life, but I also couldn’t give 2 sh*ts about anyone else’s, because I am a total f’king moron.” As someone who frequently has to drive with a small child in the back seat on the freeway a lot and...
  28. V

    Reverse made my car go forward...

    Well, firstly, your handy dandy driver training from the colonial era was probably not referencing an electric car with a gas pedal that also acts as a brake. Second, I’m not sure how geriatric you are, but I’m 37, and I can stop the car on a dime when moving foot from gas to brake. Don’t know...
  29. V

    Reverse made my car go forward...

    Why are you pressing the brake after putting it in Hold? Just push the accelerator to release the hold. The car will go immediately from a hold position to an accelerated action in whichever direction you want to go. There is no need for hitting brake again to release a hold. And by the way...
  30. V

    Reverse made my car go forward...

    Next time, push the stalk up when you want to reverse, not down. Case closed. All you super sleuths can now move along. You’re welcome.
  31. V

    NOA issues

    That’s scary? The car wobbled a little bit while going less than freeway speeds on a road with no traffic and a bunch of dirt on the right side? Maybe I’m just a much more calm person than the rest of humanity, but that doesn’t exactly frighten me.
  32. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    I’m not saying don’t capture footage prior to the event....when there’s actually an event. I’m saying don’t save footage and record an event if nothing actually happens.
  33. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    So I just spent about an hour tonight going through each one of the over *150* individual clips that were recorded by my sentry mode over just the last 5 days. After painstakingly clicking on every single center, right, and left video for every single event recorded, I found exactly *zero*...
  34. V

    So, who is going to be the first to try “smart summon”

    Was just reading about how “smart summon” is expected to roll out with AP v10 in ~August/September. This feature will supposedly allow your car to drop you off, go find a parking spot on its own, and come find you later... The size of the balls you need to have to try this thing out as...
  35. V

    How often did you use the upgraded AP functions

    Do you use your turn signal when you’re on a 2 lane side street at 1 am with absolutely zero traffic within a half mile from you in all directions? Would you like to be forced to do so, and then wait a second so that the car doesn’t bump you back in your lane, before moving over to the other...
  36. V

    How often did you use the upgraded AP functions

    Not sure where you live, but in Southern California, if you’re driving anywhere at any time of day other than between 1-3 AM, you’re sitting in stop and go traffic, so no, driving here isn’t fun. There’s nothing fun about having to stay on high alert for over an hour watching out for a zillion...
  37. V

    How often did you use the upgraded AP functions

    Yeah, exactly. I don’t know why this bizarre FSD-shaming concept of “I actually, you know, enjoy driving my car!” seems to keep popping up on these (and other) forums. I can only imagine the people saying that are either 1. Teenagers who haven’t been driving long enough to be tired of driving...
  38. V

    How often did you use the upgraded AP functions

    I was going to write a lot about how awful FSD has proven to be to date, but instead I’ll just say NO, it is NOT worth it right now, and worse, it may not be worth it during the lifetime of the car for which I (stupidly) paid for the option. Autopilot - great...as long as you’re in rush hour...
  39. V

    Oops, my angle grinder slipped and went off

    TL;dr x1000. From the [misleading] title, I expected pictures of huge gashes in the side of your car. Instead I got a book report step by step on some guy’s late Saturday afternoon amateur car mod project. I leave this thread seriously disappointed.
  40. V

    Phantom Braking Measured

    Oh, I’ll be happy to record the exact spot where phantom braking *always* occurs for me every single time. 100%. It’s a freeway interchange that doglegs to the left and under a bridge. I know the precise moment where the car will slam on its brakes it’s so reliable. I’ve driven over it...
  41. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    Uh, how would your scenario not be recorded due to anything I've suggested here? In case you didn't know already, the system is already constantly recording footage. It's just also erasing footage continuously until an event occurs, which is why you're -- in today's version of the system --...
  42. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    Uh, you're mixing up two separate concepts. I'm talking about only recording when an actual real event occurs. Right now it records even when there isn't. You're talking about HOW it records once it detects an event, which I'm not suggesting to change. I'm only talking about changing WHAT it...
  43. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    I complained it was going off too much, period, regardless of location, so again, focusing on just turning off in my home is neither the point of the thread nor addresses the problem. Thanks for the condescension. It helps sell the idea that you’re just trying to be helpful here. However, given...
  44. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    I think you have way more confidence in my ability to spot damage than I have in myself lol. I might not immediately notice subtle things like a key scratch along an obscure part of the car or a light door ding.
  45. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    My employer charges my car for free every day. I’m not concerned. Can we move on from questioning why I have it enabled in the garage please? That’s not the point of the thread.
  46. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    I’m in a very safe area, but I don’t really see a reason not to have it on. Even if I turned sentry off for my home, it’s still constantly activating errantly at work and elsewhere, so it makes no difference to me, and there’s always the rare chance someone breaks into your home no matter where...
  47. V

    Sentry Mode WAY too sensitive

    Car keeps activating sentry mode repeatedly when anyone simply walks within 2-3 feet of the car. I keep activating it in my garage just by walking past it to go to the door. As a result, it fills up my USB with dozens and dozens of useless clips. Couple that with the fact that Tesla hasn’t...
  48. V

    Headlight auto dimming only works occasionally

    I also tried this feature for all of 5 minutes before realizing it was utterly unreliable and useless. Many times in any tech field, engineers implement automation that’s useful. Sometimes they implement automation that sounds like it’d be useful but turns out not so once it’s in the wild...
  49. V

    Front left noise above 40mph

    Read the thread I linked. It has photos and descriptions of what I and several other people noticed about our cars that could have been causing wind noise, and in my case at least, it was the cause. There’s a plastic triangle piece next to the side view mirrors. In some cars evidently, the...
  50. V

    Front left noise above 40mph

    See this thread: Wind noise seems somewhat obtrusive Same issue opposite side. It’s possible you may have a similar problem. Mine was resolved once they finally replaced the piece that was sticking out.