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  1. E

    My thoughts on TACC 2019.8.5

    Mine has gone way beyond "being responsive". It has repeatedly slammed on the breaks with no one in front of me at highway speeds. Best guess is it senses a car several lanes over that it thinks is going to merge into my lane, but in each case the car was multiple lanes away and the breaking was...
  2. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Agreed. If Tesla would ever send my second HPWC it would be even less of an issue, but there have been a few times where I had a quick turn and couldn’t get enough juice before leaving again. Waiting in line here will still beat charging at 40a or even 72a if I upgrade my circuit. I’ll swing by...
  3. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Not only is it showing up, it’s up to 7 in use. I was optimistic to have this available in a pinch, but now I wonder just how overrun this location will be.
  4. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Friars Road (Mission Valley, LIVE 31 Jan 2019, 24 Urban + 24 V3 stalls)

    Just drove by on the highway and the plastic bags are still in place in case anyone is anxiously awaiting them to go live.
  5. E

    Mid Range waiting room

    Scroll up a few pages. Several of us in SD have them this week.
  6. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I was speculating they need to keep them open for now, but once inspection is done they would seal them off with a caps for future use. If they seal them now, and the inspector wants to see in them, they would have a problem. Though I would also think they could just place the caps on without...
  7. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Prefinal for _building_ permit was today, but shows a fail: All Prefinal [Fail]: issues, row permit Electrical is done. Does SDGE have to wait for building to pass too, or just electrical? It would make sense for SDGE to move fast since this will get them some decent revenue. Solar and...
  8. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Not yet it seems. I assume it will be where the pallet is.
  9. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Electrical shows final approved today. Building shows 'Prefinal' inspection tomorrow. Nice progress.
  10. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Not sure about transformer, but last week they dug up again by the sidewalk, as well as one square of the sidewalk. I saw the recently poured slab when I was in the area this weekend. And it shows another Final inspection scheduled for today.
  11. E

    Mid Range waiting room

    Day 2 reservation holder, existing owner, ordered identical except with EAP on 11/12, just got delivery notice for 11/30 at home in San Diego! With such short notice, I hope I have options to move that date around.
  12. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I drove by this morning and the plastic bags are still on all of them. Do they usually do a big launch for these, or just turn them on one day? This is the first one I have cared to track.
  13. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    It looks like the final failed today, but I heard the power has been out over there so it's possible they couldn't complete it due to the power outage.
  14. E

    Mid Range waiting room

    Another SD reporting in. Model 3 Mid Range Reservation date: Day 2 Order Date: 11/12/2018 Color: Silver Interior : Black Wheels: Aero EAP: Yes I know I have no grounds to hope for delivery in time, but since it seems like a lot of people are waiting on Silver maybe I'll get lucky and make it...
  15. E

    Mid Range waiting room

    Nothing like waiting until last minute, I am considering ordering an MR in SoCal and trying to get in before the rebate cutoff. Anyone else think I am nuts at this point? The ETA now shows 6-10 weeks, so that isn't promising. I'm potentially open to picking up in Fremont, especially if it gets...
  16. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Just a little googling and this other 3 chargers seem to look like ChargePoint l2. If this Target with similar looking chargers is typical (no idea if it is) looks like first 2 hours are free. Sad to see it’s not a full 15 superchargers, but I think the original permit actually did say 12 plus 2...
  17. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Hah, I guess I was too busy looking at the chargers and trying to be stealthy with my camera shots. Good catch.
  18. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    They are doing testing on each unit it looks like. As I suspected, the 2 closest spots are now handicapped, which explains why they trenched to that area. They also have a model 3 which I wonder if they are using for functional testing or something. And who rolled through in the white x on 22s...
  19. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I'm no expert, but this inspection status looks promising!
  20. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I’m no expert, but I don’t think so. The one that is open doesn’t look like batteries, and this page shows a diagram which makes it look like it’s a normal part of the gear needed. How to Build a Tesla Supercharger Station But, I’ve never paid attention to the gear at other sites so maybe...
  21. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Cabinets were installed, and all the asphalt laid down. And the trench to the road is filled in, so it seems like they are making good progress.
  22. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA (Qualcomm / Pacific Heights Blvd., 12 V2 stalls)

    I haven't even bothered coming to this charger in months due to how awful it is, but a few comments on above posts. - I wouldn't assume someone walking away with their backpack is a Qualcomm employee or leaving it all day. When I have charged there, I usually had my backpack, and would bring...
  23. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    My hunch on going 5->4 is to make them accessible. I assume Tesla requires some number of accessible slots. That also explains why they trenched across to a, to be as close to the store as is feasible for the accessible spots. If not for that I’d think they would have just had two rows, in b and...
  24. E

    Video of a Model S being stolen in the UK

    I didn’t even know that it worked with other phones running their sw, so to me it’s better than nothing. And a good way to use the tile I got at a convention, since attaching it to my keys has always seemed pointless. If I never have to test out its efficacy I’ll be plenty happy.
  25. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Based on my drive by today, I think next to the cabinets will be 7 or 8 urban pedestals (I couldn’t get a great photo of all), around the corner I only saw 1 framed up, with room for several more spots, and across to the north I saw what looked like 5 spots, or maybe 4 with 2 being wider for...
  26. E

    Video of a Model S being stolen in the UK

    I really like the idea of hiding a tile in the car. I always struggled to think of use cases for them that would help me, and that one seems pretty clever.
  27. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I’m not sure if you meant to quote someone else, but your post seems unrelated to the number of shipping containers needed for 15 SCs. All I commented on is 10 huge containers for 15 SCs seemed excessive.
  28. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    It's probably an aesthetics thing...the trees will keep the equipment out of site of the shoppers for the most part.
  29. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Stopped by today, it really is 9 or 10 containers, which seems excessive to me, but with that many chargers, street light, and lots of conduit I guess maybe it makes sense. They have trenched to the road now, and along the northernmost section. They also have wood in place for pouring a slab, so...
  30. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I agree, I don't see any real reason to have trenched across 2 different sections and torn up curbs if they won't be putting some stalls there. The trench towards the road is almost certainly for the HV, but the one going towards starbucks makes no sense if they don't plan to put something over...
  31. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    So in this picture, the green sections are where they trenched/removed asphalt. Orange is where the storage container is. I assume the trench to the left is for the HV, and the big square then is probably for the transformers. The upper one leads me to believe they plan to put some spots over...
  32. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    A lot more has been updated in the permits too. Both construction and electrical show approved as of 10/4. Fees show this detail: Circuits 50-200 Amps Issuance Fees 2 Each 2 Paid on 862750 Circuits 1,200 Amps or Larger Issuance Fees 1 Each 1 Paid on 862750 Records-No Plan Permits/Other...
  33. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    This is great news! I was by there as recently as last week with no fence, so they moved fast on the fence and trenching. I will try to get some more pictures and post them. It is really bizarre though that they would call it Carmel Mountain and put the pin over by Carmel Mountain. Is it...
  34. E

    Falcon doors (randomly) only open part-way

    No answer, but I would love to hear of something to resolve this too. For me it definitely isn't a driver profile issue, but from time to time in my garage (It has plenty of room to open most of the way, but I would even forgive it if this was the only time) and out in a wide open parking lot it...
  35. E

    Referal for Model 3 Performance not working?

    Same here, I have one a week old and no sign of it. He double-checked with his OA and they said it should be in there, so I will keep waiting. I thought they goofed and I would lose my first ever ref. Glad to hear it's not just me. Now just 4 more to go to the 22s and a powerwall.
  36. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Nothing new as of Tuesday evening. The dumpsters and containers are gone, and no sign of painting for trenching. I thought I may have seen lines on the sidewalk above (West of) the loading area, but I am pretty sure if there were lines it wasn't related because if they make the trip out they...
  37. E

    Performance Model 3 acceleration much closer to P100D... in real-life situations

    I would say it's probably fortunate you haven't driven the p100d. Before I did, I would enjoy hopping in the leaf or egolf because I loved the torque from the electric. I could tell that even though the M3 has so much more power, that the electric tech had so much more potential in its future if...
  38. E

    Performance Model 3 acceleration much closer to P100D... in real-life situations

    Absolutely. My car has never had ludicrous mode turned off. And I verify it at almost every stop light and on ramp.
  39. E

    Performance Model 3 acceleration much closer to P100D... in real-life situations

    No, I don't think it felt slower. I somewhat carefully selected the word powerful because it was the best way I could summarize the feeling. It may be because the M3 has not been my DD for a few months, and I am used to and comparing it more to the P100D, but the p3d just didn't seem...
  40. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    Good find @gorgonaut. That right of way permit specifically calls out sidewalk along Garretson which confirms it is likely #1 or #2 above on the overhead view. I still am betting on #1.
  41. E

    Performance Model 3 acceleration much closer to P100D... in real-life situations

    I preface this with the fact this is obviously my very subjective opinion, and is just what I am wrestling with trying to decide if I should pick up a p3d: I test drove a p3d yesterday, and while I did like the handling and size much more than my X, it didn't feel anywhere near as quick as my...
  42. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I went by again this weekend, and unfortunately the dumpsters are full of what looks like old shelves, and there were 4 or 5 containers now. Looks like a false alarm, maybe just a warehouse remodel. Still no sign of painting for underground lines or any other indicator of SC work.
  43. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    More activity today. A third dumpster and some storage containers. No idea if it’s for the SC, but we can hope. I saw no signs of painting for trenching or anything like that.
  44. E

    Supercharger - San Diego, CA - Camino Del Sur (Black Mountain Ranch area, LIVE 11 Jan 2019)

    I went by today, and there are two large construction dumpsters in the loading dock area that I marked "1" in the overhead picture above. However, I don't see what they would need them for for the superchargers unless they discard torn up asphalt in there when trenching or something. It seems...
  45. E

    The option to purchase FSD disappeared in MyTesla

    Pretty sure it's been 5k+3k at time of purchase, 6k+4k after, at least as long as I have been looking. My ap2.5 I posted about above is MCU1. MCU2 seems like a likely pattern, so now random speculation on why: They goofed and MCU2 can't support it as it is now?
  46. E

    The option to purchase FSD disappeared in MyTesla

    I still have it on mine.
  47. E

    Pickup up x100d today, tire wear for inventory?

    I have been calling the [SD] SC, they just keep saying no eta, ‘we will call you’. At least my oa offered to look into it too, so while I know it’s not his problem I’ll take any help I can get. I get that it’s out of stock, but if they had told me that it would be 3 months I would have just...