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  1. B

    Cadillac adds lane changing to Super Cruise

    I wasn't aware of LIDAR being used for lane detection. Do we know if Cadillac is equipping Supercruise with LIDAR or is this only used for mapping? If it's only mapping, then this would give me significantly less confidence in Supercruise vs Autopilot. If Supercruise is relying on HD mapping...
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    Cadillac adds lane changing to Super Cruise

    LIDAR doesn't map the road, it maps obstacles. I don't see how it would help at all with lane keeping. You're claiming that Autopilot is less reliable because of features that extend beyond what systems like Supercruise even attempt. You also acknowledge that Autopilot suffers from inflated...
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    Cadillac adds lane changing to Super Cruise

    How would LIDAR help with mapping or following lanes? Even if this were true, wouldn't that mean that if the car leaves the mapped area that it will fail? If there's any changes in lane markings, such as for construction, it will fail? If a vehicle hovers over the line, such as a truck...
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    Cadillac adds lane changing to Super Cruise

    Why do you say that Supercruise is "probably a lot more reliable" than Autopilot?
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    AP2 w/ FSD - sell now and buy HW3?

    I have this same dilemma. I have a '17 MS (AP2.5), so it's mainly MCU1 that's frustrating me. I know I'll get a HW3 upgrade eventually, but I don't know if an MCU upgrade will ever happen. I'm tempted to go for a lease for the lower payments and to be sure this never happens again (we all...
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    2019.36.1 and Single pedal braking.

    Isn't this specifically because of the lack of computer control? If the brakes were controllable by computers, older models would have been updated with brake hold. It's making a car a "computer on wheels" that minimizes the obsolescence of the vehicles.
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    Would you buy again MS with MCU1 or wait couple of yrs to get newer model?

    I have an MCU 1 MS (2017) and I would lease a Model 3 for a few years. I also love the MS look, but the 3 has a big tech advantage over MCU1.
  8. B

    Yellow dashed line leads to bricking

    Maybe a failure of the battery cooling system?
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    Model S Charge Port doesn't pop open

    I had a similar problem and went to a service center. The tech just looked at it and turned this stopper a couple times and it was fixed. Definitely worth a try.
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    New Model S - Very loud creaking/Squeaking when maneuvering - am I missing something?

    I have a 2017 Model S and it does the same thing. I've had it checked by service plenty and it seems to be normal. Basically, because of regenerative braking, the brakes don't get used enough to clear rust. The rust causes the squeaking when turning and braking at low speeds. You can...
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    Diminished value claim -- any successes?

    My model S was rear-ended at a stoplight. There was some minor structural damage that had to be repaired. I got a diminished value reimbursement for something like $5-10K from USAA. I did have to specifically ask for it, but once I did it was an easy process.
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    Blank "What's New" after update

    I think it's just really sluggish loading on MCU1. Mine shows up eventually without needing a reset. Re-opening the release notes might help.
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    TeslaMate: Yet another self-hosted data logger for your Tesla

    Got it working on Unraid. Thanks. Could you share your Grafana dashboard?
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    A message to Tesla. Just look at the top Forum posts. Time for FSD

    Do you think Tesla is just sitting around on FSD features and waiting for people to want them bad enough? I'm sure they want nothing more than to push out things that have been promised. One thing that would be worse than not getting a feature is for Tesla to roll out dangerous ones. It...
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    Scroll Wheel Responsiveness

    For as long as I can remember, the scroll wheels on my Model S seem to have intermittent/sluggish responsiveness. It seems like it takes a couple rolling clicks before there is any response (temperature or volume change typically). Is this the same experience that others have? Is it...
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    Glitchy stuttering streaming music back again in 8.5

    I was having this issue today and I think it might be caused by using the Dashcam on MCU1. The screen was also very laggy and restarted multiple times on it's own. Might be due to the addition of the side cameras to the recording. Problems went away when I disabled the Dashcam.
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    Chime when Opening and Closing Trunk Off

    Mine wasn't working. Service center found a wire disconnected. They also tried reloading the firmware. Kind of wish I left it not working.
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    What's the best cubby drawer for a 2018 Model S - Preferbly in cream

    I'm using this in a 2017 Model S. It's not cream but I think it still looks good in a cream interior. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06Y5LSKMZ/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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    Car Squeaking when coming to complete stop (only with 21" Performance Wheels)

    No idea, but if it doesn't go away with braking, then it could be a completely different problem.
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    Car Squeaking when coming to complete stop (only with 21" Performance Wheels)

    I have 21" wheels and have struggled with this problem. I've only ever had 21", so I don't really know if this is unique to them. The squeaking is due to rust on the brakes. The rust builds up since the brakes aren't used much with regenerative braking. To clear the rust, you need to do a...
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    Hardware Versions / Features

    As a current owner, I'd also like to know if this exists.
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    You Tesla _needs_ to be on wifi else it dies??!

    No, this isn't a thing. Many owners, like myself, live in apartments and never have their car on wifi.
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    Loud humming sound when charging

    It's cooling the battery. This is normal.
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    The .48* updates haver broken TACC

    I haven't tried this out yet, but it seems like a sensible change. If you have to steer to avoid something, you probably don't want TACC suddenly accelerating. It certainly doesn't sound "broken".
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    Levandowski drives coast to coast without touching steering

    Yes. But for full credit, the car should dynamically navigate to refueling spots, refuel itself, and return to the highway. It should also find a spot and park itself at the destination. If Tesla did a cross-country trip similar to this one, I just wouldn't be impressed. My Tesla can drive...
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    Levandowski drives coast to coast without touching steering

    I want to dispute this. XKCD provides a nice graphic illustrating many of the problems with human vision. Look at that and imagine trying to build a self-driving car using human eyes for sensors. no low-light detection at the center of the field of view large blind spots within 10 degrees of...
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    Levandowski drives coast to coast without touching steering

    You aren't going to have a self-driving car without cameras. If the cameras can't see, then it's not safe for anyone or anything to drive, including LIDAR equipped cars. Self-driving cars with superhuman capabilities would be great and I agree that LIDAR doesn't hurt the capabilities of a car...
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    Levandowski drives coast to coast without touching steering

    I'm not sure how LIDAR helps a vehicle handle corner cases. It seems like intelligent image processing would detect a far broader range of unusual events than LIDAR. The ability to identify and predict corner cases seems like a question of neural network capability, with or without LIDAR.
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    Levandowski drives coast to coast without touching steering

    That's like saying you can 100% fly a plane, even if you can't take off or land it.
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    Levandowski drives coast to coast without touching steering

    That's not 100%. Tesla's intention is 100% coast-to-coast, including stops for recharging. Elon stated in the Q2 earnings call: If anything, this is just further evidence that Tesla's no-LIDAR approach is viable. In my opinion, Tesla is doing the right thing by focusing on the general...
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    Model S and Blackview Dr900S Dashcam

    I have an S 100D with a DR650S-2CH installed. I lose about 2.5kwh per day, so the same as what you're seeing. I'm not an expert on battery health, but what you're doing seems fine to me.
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    Drive through car wash

    Car washes with brushes will rough up your paint. Touchless should be fine. Put it in neutral and keep your seatbelt on. If your seatbelt isn't buckled and you shift in your seat it will shift into park automatically. Turn off auto-wipers.
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    Wet floor on Model S

    I always take my car to a touchless car wash and they have me ride the car through. Occasionally a jet of water seems to hit the corner of the driver or passenger side window just right and a little water forces it's way inside. It's only enough to see on the inside of the door and I've never...