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  1. D

    Is Your MCU1 Model X Still on 2019.40.2.1?

    Here in France my X AP2.5 MCU2 is still stuck on 4.2.1. Hoping the 2020 update arrives soon and that there isn't any other problem lurking in the car!
  2. D

    Is Your MCU1 Model X Still on 2019.40.2.1?

    I've got an MCU2 X and I'm still stuck on 40.2.1
  3. D

    Where is the update Tesla? AP2.0 2019.40.50?

    Still nothing for me here in France. My wife's model 3 has had them all and my sister's X in the Uk built at the same time has the latest updates but still no Christmas update for mine! My X is AP2.5 and MCU2.
  4. D

    Navigation is not updating.

    This happened to me once a while ago, as I was leaving work I noticed the arrow stopped moving. Tried all resets, power off included and Tesla tried sending something from their end but nothing worked. The only thing that fixed it was to leave the car overnight at home and let it deep sleep...
  5. D

    “Systems Are Powering Up. Press Brake When This Message Clears

    Well unfortunately over here doesn't matter where I park the car, the app has become useless once the car goes to sleep. As you said, when I am charging, no problem at all. The instant charging is completed, the app stops being able to access the car. Sometimes the app says Waking up and I just...
  6. D

    “Systems Are Powering Up. Press Brake When This Message Clears

    Was your loaner AP1 or AP2? Over here most loaners are not AP2.5. For me it seems this issue together with the one where my X goes into deep sleep straight away and can't be accessed by the app seems to be related only with AP2.5 hardware.
  7. D

    “Systems Are Powering Up. Press Brake When This Message Clears

    I am curious to know if people who now get the Systems are powering up message are able to access their vehicle via the app before entering the car. I never used to have this problem, but since December my car goes into deep sleep almost as soon as I exit. The app is unable to wake the car and...
  8. D

    No notification when charging is complete?

    Back for me too in percent!
  9. D

    No notification when charging is complete?

    I too can confirm that after months of no notifications, I switched to Kms last night and this morning saw the charge complete notification!
  10. D

    ios Not getting "Charge Complete" notification all others are good

    Indeed, and there is also another thread about this. Appears it is happening to more and more of us!
  11. D

    No notification when charging is complete?

    I have the same issue. Don't know if it was the latest car update or app update that caused it but it has been with me since December. Drove from Paris to London for the holidays and back and used superchargers. No notification at superchargers. I got the almost ready notification but never the...
  12. D

    Car always sleeping!

    You have 2018.50 on an X? I thought it was a model 3 firmware only? For mine, it is 2018.48.12.2. As soon as my car fall asleep, there is no way to wake it without opening the car. I read on reddit that some people have been told this is an issue with the Intel MCU crashing and it doesn’t happen...
  13. D

    Car always sleeping!

    Consider yourself lucky that your app wakes the car. Since the last update my model X goes to sleep very quickly and there is absolutely no way to wake it up via the app!
  14. D

    Internet Connection

    Mine has been down since last Monday when I installed 2018.48. Am hoping it was a bad update as I have an appointment on Tuesday because it was working fine that same morning before the update. All networks are fine in Paris so it can’t be that. Was wondering which reddit thread mentions this...
  15. D

    Software Update 2018.48.x

    Has anyone lost complete cellular connectivity? I never got the update complete message but the car says 2018.48. Since the update WiFi works but I just see the bars with a line through them when I’m driving. Tried rebooting twice with my foot on the brake and the two scroll wheels and no luck!
  16. D

    3G doesn't pop back to LTE

    No idea, I'm seeing this in my Model X.
  17. D

    3G doesn't pop back to LTE

    I have stopped rebooting because I felt it was going over the top. If more people see this, I hope it is a software issue and not hardware related. The most annoying this was as I was driving to the service centre, I started with LTE but on the motorway it popped to 3G and never went back.
  18. D

    3G doesn't pop back to LTE

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice since changing from my Model S to a Model X. I believe I started to see this issue after the V9 update but I'm not 100% sure if it was present before. I park my car in a garage where there is a little bit of cell reception. Inside the garage I only see...
  19. D

    Very little LTE, mainly 3G

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice since changing from my Model S to a Model X. I believe I started to see this issue after the V9 update but I'm not 100% sure if it was present before. I park my car in a garage where there is a little bit of cell reception. Inside the garage I only see...
  20. D

    v9 finally going international? ... 2018.40 spotted in Japan

    Will do this evening. Pretty much what we had seen released in previous versions in the US and I can confirm no nav on AP is available. I really like the 360 view of traffic. The only issue I noticed was on my commute this morning, no LTE, only 3G was showing. Down't know if that is an issue...
  21. D

    v9 finally going international? ... 2018.40 spotted in Japan

    Can confirm it was indeed 42.2!!!
  22. D

    v9 finally going international? ... 2018.40 spotted in Japan

    My X downloaded over 800MB as soon as I connected it to my office WiFi and a lovely software update available message popped up. Installing now and waiting to see what it is!
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    v9 finally going international? ... 2018.40 spotted in Japan

    Will try to connect it to my office WiFi in an hour and see if I’m lucky!
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    v9 finally going international? ... 2018.40 spotted in Japan

    On teslafi it looks like a lot of the 2018.42.2 are going to European cars. UK and Netherlands. One can only hope!!!
  25. D

    v9 finally going international? ... 2018.40 spotted in Japan

    I couldn't agree more. Why can't they release V9 without nav on ap for us in Europe. Just the 360 view and blind spot warning would be a very welcome addition! No one seems to be talking, I have asked and asked and no real answer.
  26. D

    Tracking the new maps rollout

    Yes, mine downloaded three days ago and were ready a day later. The download was 7.09GB in total and happened suddenly one afternoon outside my office with good wifi coverage.