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  1. DameDePiques

    Burned by Tesla on idle fees. Something to know

    I cannot wait to be able to do that ! Driving my model 3 in my teddy bear pyjamas (with the bear-eared hood) would be kind of extra-cool :cool: Though not as cool as the guy who drove his Tesla in a Chewie costume...
  2. DameDePiques

    POLL - Glass Roof

    So it seems we can agree the glass roof is not a problem for summer, since it keeps out most of the IR and UV. But what about winter ? Is there more heat deperdition than with a metal roof ? Does anyone have measurements on that ?
  3. DameDePiques

    Model 3 Key User Manual

    I'm a bit puzzled about that, because it says So Tesla does not connect to the car to remove phone info from it. It connects to the phone. So it needs cellular connection for that. Can we log into the app without cellular connection ? o_O (if we are underground, or in the middle of nowhere)...
  4. DameDePiques

    Fonction "Summon"

    De mémoire, aux US ça marche aussi en Blutooth (avec le fob), mais en France et d'autres pays cette fonctionnalité est désactivée pour des raisons légales, et on n'a que le système par connexion réseau (oui, c'est complètement con ! o_O)
  5. DameDePiques

    Réseau des SC

    Confirmé hier par un employé du Tesla Store de Lyon qui vient de rouvrir après travaux (le Store, pas l'employé ! :D) Le nouveau Service Center est actuellement en construction à Dardilly. :)
  6. DameDePiques

    Réseau des SC

    Vu le nombre et les endroits cités dans le post d'origine, je pense qu'il s'agit plutôt des Services Centers. ;) Parce que les Supercharges, on peut en vouloir plus, mais dire que c'est "très limité" serait abusif....
  7. DameDePiques

    My Tesla M3 Reversation Page updated

    Why ? It has always been stated that we non-US customers won't be first to get the car. I never assumed I would get mine before 2018.
  8. DameDePiques

    The New Chevy Bolt vs Tesla Model 3: Which is better EV?

    On all the topics concerning the Bolt, it seems there is only one consensus : the Bolt should not be compared to theModel 3 (not the same market, not the same category, not the same utility...)... and now this topic. :rolleyes: Not to mention that we are comparing an unfinished car with...
  9. DameDePiques

    Poll Model 3 range expectation

    I concur : how can we be disappointed by something that is not there yet ? o_O
  10. DameDePiques

    "It's an excellent design"

    Gosh I hope not ! o_O Not that I find the front of MX or MS ugly or anything... but the M3 has its own identity and I really like that nose...
  11. DameDePiques

    BMW i3

    I saw one just yesterday on the highway and gosh, is it ugly ! :eek: I have seen people criticize the design of both the Leaf or the Bolt, and while I don't find either of them very good-looking... they look like supermodels compared to the i3. What in the hell possessed BMW when they made...
  12. DameDePiques

    How many kWh can they squeeze into the Model 3...?

    And we of the mass-market kindly thank you for it. :p
  13. DameDePiques

    Firmware 8.0

    I'm usually quite partial to extended weekends but... if a weekend lasts a week, is it still a weekend ? You have four hours. :D
  14. DameDePiques

    How many kWh can they squeeze into the Model 3...?

    I for one, am not going to spend that much money on a car. :eek: I'm aiming to 40k€ (including the green bonus, which in France is around 6k€) and that is already a big stretch for me. I would never spend that much on a car if it was not a Tesla. So I'll take AP and probably a bigger-than-base...
  15. DameDePiques

    "It's an excellent design"

    I actually found it a bit weird the first time I saw it but it quickly grew on me... I totally agree with the "brilliant" part now. :)
  16. DameDePiques

    Firmware 8.0

    Easy for you to say... but for those of us who don't have a Tesla yet, those Elon tidbits are the only thing we have to keep us waiting ! :p
  17. DameDePiques

    Flying Tesla?

    Well, he did say something once along the lines of "as long as we make 3D buildings and 2D roads, we'll have traffic problems". He then went on saying there were two solutions : either tunnels or... flying cars. :D Don't remember what the occasion was, though...o_O
  18. DameDePiques

    Bonjour à tous !

    Thanks NikeWings and GSP :) Alas, my experience at the moment is pretty limited : only half a Model S test-drive, and I couldn't even try the Autopilot (traffic jam on the highway, so we stayed in the city). :( But I'm gonna work not very far from the Tesla Store in the near future, so I think...
  19. DameDePiques

    Bonjour à tous !

    Welcome to you too, then ! :)
  20. DameDePiques

    S RWD Winter Driving?

    What about mountain roads? We use to Drive to the Alps during winter, sometimes on hard-packed snow when we reach the ski station... I have always driven FWD (with snow tires on the front wheels only, not a problem) How does RWD works on steep snowy roads?
  21. DameDePiques

    Firmware 8.0

    It's a bug in the alien simulation : his simulation does not operate exactly on the same space-time continuum as ours. :rolleyes:
  22. DameDePiques

    Firmware 8.0

    I read too fast "Model X Falcon doors exploded on launch pad..." :eek:
  23. DameDePiques

    For Those Who Think The Model S Has Too Much Chrome...

    A liquid metal Tesla ? Now that would be awesome ! :D (Elon, if you are watching this thread... you have to include liquid metal cars in your Master Plan, Part Trois !)
  24. DameDePiques

    Model 3 Color Idea

    I think Tesla should take some example from some French car companies like Renault or Citroen : their cars are ugly but they have some great colors : shiny reds and blues (I like shiny ! :D ) I'd love to have that kind of colors available for the model 3. The current colors are kind of...
  25. DameDePiques

    This Is The Model 3 Pre-Order Gift

    They are beginng to arrive in France... :cool:
  26. DameDePiques

    Bonjour à tous !

    Hello everyone! Future Model 3 owner here :) After talking all my acquaintances to death with Tesla-this and Tesla-that, I eventually decided to join the one community who will NOT be bored to death with Tesla talk... and here I am ! :) And after watching some threads here, I think you are all...