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  1. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    Uncharted territory, and we're talking about an addition that costs (at the moment) roughly $10,000 extra. Making up the difference plus the fraction of the car that's "unwise" would be a tall order potentially, given we have zero details as to the how & when from Tesla, and the as yet...
  2. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    Well, bit of a necro-post, but I went ahead and canceled my reservation. Not for lack of desire to buy the car, but because a brand new car in the $35,000 range was a stretch for my wife and I, and being fiscally irresponsible for a car isn't worth it to us. (Reserved @ 10pm PST for the obvious...
  3. Genshi

    Lemons into Lemonade, Martian-style

    I read a somewhat more accessible link about this on Phys.org. I'm wondering how well it will scale and how easily the catalyst can be produced. If it does scale well, and it really is as efficient as they say, this looks at first blush like a decent option for terrestrial carbon capture.
  4. Genshi

    Who plans on getting a true, base $35k Model 3?

    So I would LOVE to get some options on the 3. But my bank account takes precedence, and if I can't afford it (which is a distinct possibility) then I'm going to get the base model. It's not that I don't want the options, it's that Teslas for a lot of folks are "stretch cars" even in their base...
  5. Genshi

    The M3 terrifies BMW

    Look, I only clicked it 7 times before I figured it out.... alright? Stop laughing at me... ya jerk.
  6. Genshi

    random chitchat

    Okay a few things guys... A: I'm not a moderator but calling people douches is just out of line. So Shark was able to pay cash for a car - we don't know his circumstances so calling him an ass for having money is totally out of line. And that's coming from a guy who's in debt and has a LOT of...
  7. Genshi

    Mars Mission Psychological Stresses

    Yeah, if you think about putting 100 people in that space, and look at the external dimensions of the vehicle itself - as well as how much space the fuel tanks take up.... it seems quite crowded to me. Even if 1/2 of them are sleeping at any given time. Like ccutrer said - cavernous compared to...
  8. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    My wife would like me to ask where one goes about purchasing one of those. She seems to think I need one...
  9. Genshi

    Elon speaking on 09-27-2016 at the IAS

    I was totally thinking the same thing, right up until the QA, when I realized it was probably the right choice. ;) I agree, and further I'd say he may want other people to help actively pursue the policy changes that will need to happen before we send ANYONE to mars, or bring anything back...
  10. Genshi

    Model ☰ License Plate Ideas?

    Bonus points for the Crater Lake license plate T.Edi. I proposed to my wife there, that's one hell of a view!
  11. Genshi

    Model Y after Model 3

    Do you happen to know if it's still considered high (margin wise) once you factor in dealer margins? I always assumed Tesla had higher margins, but I'd never done the research/google-fu to decipher if it was high overall, or just high for an automaker.
  12. Genshi

    Model Y after Model 3

    I'm guessing 3rd or 4th Q 2017 reveal and late 2018/early 2019 shipments. My reasoning is twofold. First: It gives them maximum time to complete the Model ≡ ramp and allows them to focus on that and Tesla Energy products. Second: It likely cannibalizes some of the Model 3 sales which allows...
  13. Genshi

    Eye-Catching Matte Black Tesla Model 3 Goes Out In The Wild

    I agree with the wrap mods and/or making sure you see some matte cars BEFORE taking the plunge. I've seen a number of them around Portland lately on a variety of ICE cars. I've never actually seen one that looked good. They always have a ton of smudges, swirls, fingerprints, and imperfections...
  14. Genshi

    I would like economy mode for my mdl 3-my thoughts/config

    That whole long post was worth it for that one line. ;) Shoot me a PM with your email if you want a list of great places to eat/hang. Also let me know where yu're staying so I can tailor the recommendations to your quadrant of the city. We live in NE, so most of my first hand recommendations...
  15. Genshi

    I would like economy mode for my mdl 3-my thoughts/config

    And you post QC, yup. You're meant to be here... I promise we won't turn you into Chum. Unless we run out of bait. What are you coming out here for Jeff?
  16. Genshi

    I would like economy mode for my mdl 3-my thoughts/config

    May I be the first to invite you to Portland, OR, where those types of temperatures are accurately called what they really are. Batsh*t-crazy-cold. Based on your towel status and the state of your inquisition, you should fit right in...
  17. Genshi

    Please chime in if in agreement so that AP is not disabled...

    You're not wrong. I suppose the larger theoretical issue is one of taking responsibility for one's actions... which even Tesla owners who understand Autopilot may be loathe to do. Or FULLY comprehending AP, which even a lot of Tesla owners don't or won't. Particularly once the Model ≡ rolls out...
  18. Genshi

    This obsession has taken over my life. I may need to be booked into the looney house.

    Okay so I like the car... but that cottage. I want to be there.
  19. Genshi

    Please chime in if in agreement so that AP is not disabled...

    That's sort of the rub though, isn't it? Autopilot, as defined by aviation et al would mean this is a true example of autopilot. But for the general public, and that is target demographic for this product, autopilot is construed as synonym for autonomous. What it allows one to do makes it FEEL...
  20. Genshi

    Please chime in if in agreement so that AP is not disabled...

    I agree they need to do something, if for no other reason than they're getting hammered in the press for something that's almost certainly the fault of the drivers in question. I understand that autopilot uses a very, very complex algorithm. But you don't have to understand the algorithm to...
  21. Genshi

    Oregon Petition for State Tax Credits on BEV

    Hey folks, I'm pretty sure this was posted at one point before, but it hasn't gotten a lot of sign ups. Anyone that would be up for helping Oregonians push for BEV state tax credits, please sign. Those of us in Oregon would appreciate any help we could get. Besides the more environmentally...
  22. Genshi

    Motor Trend buries dramatic "Tesla wins" results in new self steering comparison

    That's a very good point. They did make that clear at the outset. I also appreciated that they'd already put a header on the article addressing the fatal crash, and how ill timed this report is. I agree it was far less likely that they had an axe to grind than the explanation that it was simply...
  23. Genshi

    Motor Trend buries dramatic "Tesla wins" results in new self steering comparison

    I agree with a majority of the posts here that it largely WAS Tesla positive, but I think what's being missed here is that it was really, really strange to just end with some charts and no synopsis/conclusion. That was the really jarring part to me. When I got done reading the report, I...
  24. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    I hope you're wrong, I really do. But it does feel like a bit of damage control this quarter. I get the feeling model X demand isn't what they were hoping, and that they may be relying on China for orders to make up for a dearth of orders in the US. To be honest, with the amount of people...
  25. Genshi

    Autopilot and Roundabouts

    Funny you should mention that. I lived in PA for years and traveled through Jersey a lot. Moved to Portland and the one major roundabout we have has, you guessed it, stop signs. I rant to anyone that will listen how fckn stupid that is and how it defeats the whole point... drives me completely...
  26. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    So just to know for knowing's sake? And this is the sort of thing that would potentially cause you to cancel your order? Or just something that would be fun for you? (Again, no judgement here, I'm actually just asking to try to get a better grasp on the argument. Sorry if my last post came off a...
  27. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    This is exactly right. That's the exact reason that they choose not to host huge catered extremely expensive launches with live speeches and test drives. /sarcasm But seriously, you're asking for a number that by your own admittance has negligible impact on your actual place in line. Why give...
  28. Genshi

    Vegan option?

    I hope so, I'm honestly a pretty big fan of the fabric seats I've seen on the Model S. And I have some of the same objections to leather that others do re: heat/stickiness in summertime. I'll probably opt for fabric anyway... I'd rather spend any available money (And it likely won't be a lot...
  29. Genshi

    Vegan option?

    I, too, vastly prefer the feel of high quality leather seats. Specifically, hand sewn babyseal leather. I find it the most satisfying by far, as it softly cups my buttocks with it's supple embrace.
  30. Genshi

    Blue Origin - Booster Reuse - New Shepard

    ULA / Lobbying definitely seems more likely. Or Russia deciding not to supply engines anymore, and leaving SpaceX as the only option. From there, I'm not sure how much they could do to SpaceX directly, but I'm sure they could get creative if they really wanted to...
  31. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    In general, while I agree Tesla has a lot of experience. Their experience in building cars, period, is limited. I'm not saying @internalaudit is 100% guaranteed to be right, just that he/she has a point about reliability over gimmicks. I love tech in my everything, but in some arenas reliability...
  32. Genshi

    Blue Origin - Booster Reuse - New Shepard

    To be fair, Blue Origin is doing some very cool things in terms of relaunch capabilities, just at a much smaller scale and potentially less industry defining than SpaceX. But let's be totally honest here, someone pouring millions of their own money in trying to do ANYTHING of this nature? It's...
  33. Genshi

    Blue Origin - Booster Reuse - New Shepard

    I don't think that's what we're seeing though, at least up to this point Blue Origin has steered clear of the types of rockets necessary to seriously compete with SpaceX. Now if Blue Origin wants to get serious about competing with SpaceX for government contracts, mass satellite deployments...
  34. Genshi

    Air cooled battery modules

    That's funny, I'd just looked at that article as I was contemplating the merits of the OP's link. It did, from what I'd read/seen of the Model S seem like the coolant systems could be broken apart, but with such an elegant system already in place, it was hard to imagine. Then again, this is a...
  35. Genshi

    Why did you cancel your Model 3 reservation?

    That was precisely my rationale as well. Am I totally sold on this car? No. Do I really hope it is everything it's being lauded as by the fans? Absolutely. But even accounting for lost interest, you're looking at close to a 20% price cut on the base price of $35,000. That's a huge difference for...
  36. Genshi

    Air cooled battery modules

    Having ruminated on it a bit, I find his arguments compelling, but I'm not won over. As many of you noted, the air cooling wouldn't dissipate heat as well (obviously) but it might dissipate it well enough. That said, since all 3 coolant systems in the S are tied together to some extent, It does...
  37. Genshi

    Air cooled battery modules

    I'm about halfway through the article - and even though I'm on Seeking Alpha, I totally missed this article somehow. Thank you very much for posting it. I'll give my thoughts on how plausible it all seems after I finish it and have time to reflect on it, but at first glance I have to say this...
  38. Genshi

    Model ☰ License Plate Ideas?

    Yeah, I'm all for education and promotion. I didn't intend to belittle that notion in any way. It was more the vanity part of vanity plate that I shy away from. I'm not a terribly social person, and I prefer my interactions when I'm out in the world to be limited to getting my sh*t done and...
  39. Genshi

    The logic behind over the air upgrades?

    I agree Eric, it would logically make a lot of sense. But they may have just given up on the German market until the Model 3 arrives. Who knows...
  40. Genshi

    The logic behind over the air upgrades?

    I'd mentioned this once before in another thread because I was curious if that was part of their <flips bird> message to Germany. At least from a plain old currency conversion, it DOES bring it under that magical $60,000 euros if you look at the USD to Euro for $66,000. That said, I have no idea...
  41. Genshi

    The logic behind over the air upgrades?

    Some of this has been covered, but there are several things at play here. The "sale" psychology. Anyone looking for a full specced out Model ≡ was probably looking right in that $60,000 range to begin with. A Model S isn't a first generation car, which means potentially less problems. Buyer...
  42. Genshi

    Model ☰ License Plate Ideas?

    Fair point. I'm with you there. Two of my coworkers said "I'm so tired of hearing about Tesla!" on Friday. Turns out I'm not the only one going on about them... though I am the only one with a Model ≡ reservation... but the news? It's widespread and just won't quit. It's infuriating when...
  43. Genshi

    Tesla Unveils The Model S 60 at $66K..... effects on the Model 3

    Anyone know what this will be priced at in Germany? It's also possible they're doing this so they qualify for the 2016 incentives Germany passed, which left Tesla out because they were capped below the base S price previously. I believe it was capped at 60k euros... or ~68k USD.
  44. Genshi

    Model 3 for my 43rd birthday

    Depending on how that US tax rebate timing shakes out, it's a distinct possibility Tesla MIGHT actually deliver some cars overseas early on in order to avoid breaking that 200,000th car barrier until the first day of the next quarter. They could just store the cars, but depending on cash flow...
  45. Genshi

    LA Times

    What's really fun is when you try to constructively explain to them all the ways that article is wrong, only to have them continue to willfully be ignorant to prop up their "green" equals "bad+spending" logic and/or demean you and/or mock you because you happen to know actual information on a...
  46. Genshi

    Model ☰ License Plate Ideas?

    I don't care about vanity plates. Forget advertising that you want to have the honor of digging a grave for all the oil/carbon emissions loving slimeballs hocking a carbon-burning future.... just put your money where your priorities are, insofar as you can do that while not completely screwing...
  47. Genshi

    Model 3 Supercharging Capable Discussion

    I think that's exactly right, and it speaks to an interesting evolution of interpretation and echo chambers on the internet. Stepping back for a moment, this is part and parcel of dealing with marketing and consumerism as it currently exists in global trade with a global online forum for...
  48. Genshi

    Model 3 Supercharging Capable Discussion

    Worse than shrinking heads... he's a mod on an internet forum... He's seen things you people wouldn't believe. Verbal attacks on fire off the shoulder of the SpaceX Sub. He's watched snippiness threads glitter in the forums near the a Model X. All that snippiness will be lost in time, like...
  49. Genshi

    Vegan option?

    Yeah, I do love the white seats so I'd be amenable to vegan just to get that, but I also have concerns about longevity and durability. I've always had cloth seats, and I've done some horrible things to my cars* so longevity is my first concern. While I intend to do horrible things less often in...
  50. Genshi

    Model 3 Supercharging Capable Discussion

    It is possible that Tesla themselves doesn't know. Their vague wording indicates they're considering some type of pay-to-access, but it may be contingent on where the gross margin on the car ends up. That would be my best guess, at this point. We're still 18 months away...