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  1. C

    Interested in Selling Model 3?

    All these people offering to sell their reservation/car need to piss off. Cancel your reservation. This is line jumping. Let people who actually WANT the car get it sooner then. Idiots.
  2. C

    How did they do that?

    I call BS. You realize you live in the capital of screen protectors and cases in the world, right? LOL. That's like someone who lives right next to the Fremont factory saying "Oh I found a car next door to me, unbelievable!"
  3. C

    Opening doors from inside

    Who the hell is getting out of their car? I plan on living in mine once I get it. I don't need a door handle, thanks.
  4. C

    Fake news for shizzle

    "...to retail right under the $40,000 following rebates".. Um, I am not mathematician but I am pretty sure 35,000 is not right under. Plus I believe the English is less than average.
  5. C

    Interested in Selling Model 3?

    Well that listing is getting reported :D
  6. C

    Model 3 has small brake lights

    It kind of is. I want it to look nice. It looks nice.
  7. C

    Guessing the reveal event date

    July 10th @ 5pm California time
  8. C

    Model 3 has small brake lights

    I dont care. Not like im going to be looking at the brake lights when driving around :D
  9. C

    Private Model 3 Viewing

    I guess nobody needed ant spare organs :(
  10. C

    Private Model 3 Viewing

    If anyone has a +1, I will name my next baby after you as well as offer any of my transplant worthy body parts to you if ever needed.
  11. C

    Happy Anniversary!

    The store I went to (Lawrence/Toronto) was very accommodating. Showed up super early (about 3am) and there was a news crew hanging around getting setup. The store ended up having coffee and cookies and let us wait in line inside because it was rainy and cold. I did take a video of the countdown...
  12. C

    Poll: Have you changed your mind?

    I am getting everything, Dual motors, performance mode, everything. I dont mind the wait knowing I will have the best optioned car on the road :D
  13. C

    Model 3 Battery size

    Yeah thats true. So I guess they will have probably no more than 3 options? 50/55, 60/65 and a 75?
  14. C

    Model 3 Battery size

    Pretty safe to assume/think that they will just slap a 75 kWh battery in every car and dumb it down to say a 55 or 60 kWh as they did with the S. Thoughts?
  15. C

    Interesting (to me) Exercise

    Full of what? This is truth.
  16. C

    Interesting (to me) Exercise

    The Bolt is a "practical" car except all the practical-ness gets taken away when the "dealer network" of GM/Chevy has their greedy hands on your purchase and service. I have a Chevy Volt right now, purchased new. Within the first 1 year of ownership I was pressured into doing almost $1,200 of...
  17. C

    Reuters: Tesla to start pilot production of 3 on feb 20th

    I was just thinking the same thing lol. Someone did post a pic showing a frame they just built...
  18. C

    Bolt EV EPA range = 238 miles combined!

    The Bolt could go 500 miles on a charge but it will still look the same. It looks way too cheap and mickey mouse for my taste. I am definitely not the only one who thinks this. I was totally looking to buy one but changed my mind after seeing it.
  19. C

    what should I buy before model 3 comes out.

    I have a 2015 Volt and had it now for just over a year. I will trade it in once I get the Model 3. Have made it 13,000km on the one tank of gas so far and still have about 8,000km to go based on how I charge. I have a free charger at work and L1 charge it at home so my work commute (121km a day)...
  20. C

    Need help with possible CPO purchase

    Dang it. yeah it looks like it sold. However, I found someone privately selling a 2013 85kWh one for the same price, in black. Hmm... so tempted to buy one in the meantime for a Model 3... Only hesitation is having a much higher payment now than what I have on my Chevy Volt ($150 a month...
  21. C

    Need help with possible CPO purchase

    Hello everyone, I was trying to get some experienced S owners to chime in on if this one CPO is a good buy. It is a Signature 2012 model. I assume this is the first model S' that came out, is it not? It is pretty cheap. Are there any issues with an early model S I should ask/know about before...
  22. C

    Don't go to Cali just to get your car-state tax still not waived

    Good thing ALL taxes here in Ontario will be waived come the time I get my Model 3 :) 13% FTW!
  23. C

    Pre-Order Gift for Model 3 ARRIVED!

    And I just got mine yesterday! :D
  24. C

    Pre-Order Gift for Model 3 ARRIVED!

    Come on crappy post. I ordered mine @ Lawrence at 9am and still nothing in the mail :(
  25. C

    Model 3 page on Tesla site

    I was #40 in line @ the same location! I think I am about 500th in line worldwide. I hope we get ours 2017!!!
  26. C

    Extended bumper to bumper warranty.

    Dont go for any extended warranty. Just put a bit of money aside if you really are worried that much just in case. Why give it to someone else?
  27. C

    Tesla Model 3 vs. Chevrolet Volt

    I drive a Chevy Volt right now. It is a great car. I want completely off gas though and that's one big reason why I am getting a Model 3. No need for any kind of gas when you have SC and a good range on an EV. Like I told my friends and family, the Volt is a good "in between" car to take a step...
  28. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Form: Model 3 ID Tracker Results: Model 3 ID Tracker (Responses) Not sure if you mean this spreadsheet.
  29. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Lawrence or Yorkdale?
  30. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Just added!
  31. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    We are up to about 80 entries. Its pretty clear now this is a worldwide lineup number. Pretty good guesstimate on the order of where you are.
  32. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Sweet.. that might be the case then for the 500 numbers!
  33. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Form: Model 3 ID Tracker Responses: Model 3 ID Tracker (Responses)
  34. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Yes I believe the number is just a RAW worldwide lineup. Obviously they will sort them more but this is a pretty good guesstimate on where you are.
  35. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    I think "local" people are getting 500x numbers.
  36. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Yeah I saw that too. I am starting to feel like we might start to see more numbers like that when their processing times start to delay. Do you know how soon your CC was charged?
  37. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Sorry, I forgot about daylight savings time :( Should be fixed!
  38. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    I think even without worrying about time zones, its easy to spot the pattern.
  39. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    I just changed it to ask people to convert it to EST as most submissions are from that area. Thanks!!!
  40. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Just changed it. Just added UTC to the form. Thanks. I will edit the other ones manually.
  41. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Done. I see the first entry at top.. The reservation number doesnt add up.. unless a possible europe employee?
  42. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    I am going to look at formatting it for timezones.. As more come in it will show a pattern I can work with.
  43. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    There are 40 entries now and I can clearly see that number does match to a lineup of some sort. Obviously it is also determined by region but this is a pretty good list now!
  44. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Please see OP. We are looking for the newly found reservation number, not your RNxxxxxxxxx number!
  45. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    We are getting some good data here.. Form: Model 3 ID Tracker Responses: Model 3 ID Tracker (Responses)
  46. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Form: Model 3 ID Tracker Responses: Model 3 ID Tracker (Responses)
  47. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    I just moved it to a form page.. I forgot Google added that.. its up now! Model 3 ID Tracker
  48. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Model 3 ID Tracker Updated Google Form page only used to track the newly found ID#!
  49. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Its good to go, sorry I forgot to enable editing.. its live and working now. I am sorting it as they come in!