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  1. G

    Controlling set speed and following distance

    Ah... I hadn't thought of that! Using the set speed as super low (basically ignoring what it thinks it is), then going up... YAYAYAYAY! I think that will work. The hero I don't deserve. Only place it doesn't solve the ridiculous issue is where the speed limit is 50, but the car doesn't know...
  2. G

    Controlling set speed and following distance

    I'm not sure if hijacking a thread makes the most sense, or starting a new one, but I can't find this mentioned anywhere (probably my search skills), but if someone can point me to the "how do I fix this" thread, I'd appreciate it. The speed limits are sh** in my 3, with almost every surface...
  3. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Picked up mine yesterday too! Apparently was the second in SATX... my family loves it, and it's a beautiful, fun car. Most of the glitches are PEBSASW, I think ("problem exists between seat and steering wheel", if you're not familiar with the modified acronym), so hopefully I'll get better soon...
  4. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    :( Well, as long as it shows up, guess it doesn't matter if I got a sneak peek or not... 5 days!
  5. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    The front red one could be mine! Maybe part of the truck is heading for SATX!
  6. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    It seems that 4-6 weeks for VIN, then 2-4 weeks for delivery is current trend (based on my wonky brain)... but that may be accelerated, if they've figured out the Texas issues (whatever they were). I'll cross my finger for you that it comes soon!
  7. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Man, that sucks! I'm so frustrated for you! (And counting my blessings I got an awesome, responsive dude!)
  8. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Call. Get someone to tell you something!
  9. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Um... was there more I missed? I have such 3 envy, it's not even funny! Also, how was the delivery experience? I bought my MS used, so haven't had the Tesla delivery experience yet...
  10. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Woo hoo! We have TX delivery dates! I just found out mine can be picked up on the 13th! So close... two more weeks! @Cnasty, I think you're the first one, right? You'll have to report back on the experience at delivery! (And if there's a special gift, like a model car with longhorns :D)
  11. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Yeah, I will. I have one on my MS, no reason to tempt fate, especially since I got red :D
  12. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    My dude said that my car was done in production, was getting a post-prod inspection, and would be staging to get on the rail to TX. (Who knew it moved by rail? I thought it was all trucks..) So hopefully I'll hear more today. So I have a tentative date maybe in the week of March 12th... so...
  13. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Just call the Tesla number ((888) 518-3752), and they'll look up who your person is...
  14. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Hmm... weird! I reached out to my dude, already signed paperwork and paid... So less than 24 hours post VIN, it's ready for transport! Call!
  15. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    So what is the longest wait for us Texans? 1) Waiting to configure (close to 2 years) 2) Waiting for the VIN (variable... at least weeks, so far) 3) Waiting for delivery (weeks to freakin' eternity) My vote: 2. Now I know there's one headed my way, I can wait a couple of weeks for it (although...
  16. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    I configured 1/18... But hopefully, they've worked out whatever kinks there are in VIN assignment in TX, so yours will come faster!
  17. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    VIN!!! (62xx) In last 20 mins!!! Doing my VIN dance... woo hoo.... woo hoo...
  18. G

    Texas Hold Up!

  19. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Thanks... that looks like not Tesla fees, but TX nickel and dime fees.
  20. G

    Spotted a truckload of Teslas in Central Valley

    Even after seeing them in person, you're undecided on color? What are thinking of?
  21. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    What nickel/dime things do they throw in? I'm just tracking on taxes and destination fee... is there something else, and if so, how much? "TX PITA Processing fee: $700" :D
  22. G

    VIN Assignment

    It does seem that the trade-in thing slows it down (as best I can tell, with the crap shoot distribution of VINs). I finally got some quotes, using KBB, Carvana, and Vroom. Look into those... they're fairly painless, and the increased value to you may well offset any tax advantages of doing a...
  23. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Nope.. not yet. I placed mine 4.5 weeks ago.... Sorry they let you down on the staycation thing! Call the Tesla number, ask them... I did yesterday, and it made me feel better. But I think they're just filling up a SATX truck :D
  24. G

    Is the 4 week delivery time real time or Elon time?

    That's odd. I know many folks have done a trade in and gotten VINs in a normal time period... Wonder if there was something else going on? He would have had to be a super early configure-er. And who waits two months? Patience of a saint!
  25. G

    Is the 4 week delivery time real time or Elon time?

    Who has waited two months for a VIN?
  26. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    I did the math, and from what I can tell, I'm better off... I'm guessing that Tesla wouldn't even get to KBB on my non-Tesla car, so Carvana/Vroom are at least $1400 over Tesla. Since I would save about $1100 in taxes if I got KBB for my trade in, I'm slightly better off financially, and way...
  27. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Thanks for that great info. I did the Carvana thing... You're not kidding... It is FAST! I got an offer for $14 less than what Vroom offered. I think I'll take that... Someone else said that scheduling could be tricky with Vroom, and since with Carvana, I drop it off, that seems easier. But...
  28. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    I just talked to my LV person (Patrick...nice guy)... I finally called Tesla, wanted to make sure I hadn't forgotten to click some essential button in my configuration process (I hadn't). He did, however, unlock my trade-in portal (where you put in pics, etc), and said I'd get a quote in 24-48...
  29. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Haha haha! Hopefully it would only apply for the next three hours :) I'm thinking I'll get my VIN no later than tomorrow... Refresh.... Refresh.... Refresh....
  30. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Now is a better time to start the wait... The jam seems to have broken. Still no VIN for me, but I'm in a shrinking minority... I will guess... 17 days for yours :)
  31. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    S is going to the spouse... so we're BOTH anxiously awaiting our 3! I think for the delays, it's at least partially a delivery location thing at this point: 3 of the 6 that configured around the same time (17-19 Jan) that haven't put in a VIN yet are SATXians. Since our Gallery (or whatever...
  32. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    You configured 3 days ago???? Ok.. IGU. There is no rhyme or reason to VIN assignments. I'm just going to wait semi-patiently!
  33. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    I don't see you on the spreadsheet... When did you config, what was your config? And CONGRATS!!! Statistically speaking, I can't be last, so I should be getting mine soon!
  34. G


    I think you may be right... I'm looking at selling my vehicle to CarMax or something first, and taking off the trade-in option, since that is the lone thing I can figure out that makes mine slower. And with the "we can't sell in TX" thing, I can't imagine the trade-in will do anything but slow...
  35. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Yay!!!! If it wasn't the middle of the week, I would totally STALK your car! Congrats, and super excited for you!
  36. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    2 reds!!! Yay!!! Still no VIN for me, but hope springs eternal!
  37. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Red!!!! Super excited!!!! First red one, the dam has broken... VIN, headed my way!
  38. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Still waiting, and my refresh button is about to go on strike from overwork!
  39. G

    3/31 TX res non-owner vs. Put res today WI owner - who gets invite 1st?

    Who knows IF it will happen, much less when. In Texas, I wouldn't wait unless I was really in zero hurry.. then there's a potential 2500 upside, no downside, but that is more than offset by the decrease in federal credit, so if it crossed that cutoff... Literally zero advantage to waiting.
  40. G

    To the person taking delivery of Red M3 with Aeros in Rocklin today...

    When I was reading the OP, I was thinking "I'll bet that wasn't the owner worried... it was overly protective staff using a reasonable excuse." Then I read the reply.. and sure enough! But I agree with OP... that would have bothered me if I thought it was really the owner... I have been...
  41. G

    3/31 TX res non-owner vs. Put res today WI owner - who gets invite 1st?

    Educated guess: owner before non-owner. However, I caution you a little bit... there's a reason that owners are before non-owners that exceeds the "thanks for your loyalty" reason given... there are going to be growing pains and weirdness. People that have had Teslas before know it, and expect...
  42. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Ok, so much for my "trade-in slowing me down" theory, although it took you a while to get the VIN.. configured day before spud, got VIN day after spud, who I thought was the longest waiter. But the n of 1 sort of disproves the trade-in issue, although I can add complexity to the the theory and...
  43. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Now that I'm seeing all the discussion about other factors (financing, payment types, etc), I wonder if me having a trade-in is slowing me down. Has anyone who's gotten a VIN yet doing a trade-in? I didn't even think about the secondary issues of them not being able to sell directly....
  44. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    I think they always put 50 on the paperwork... Even if it's 2 or 10.
  45. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Yay!!! I couldn't be happier for, spud!!!! And a whole slew of VINs... Woo hoo! I'm getting close! Off to obsessively click the refresh button...
  46. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    I'm glad to hear that! You configed almost a week before me, andI can't imagine how crabby I'll be in a week... you're remarkably level-headed about the 6+ week lag. I'm practicing my mindfulness... breathe in, breathe out, enjoy the moment. :rolleyes: And six weeks is ok... six weeks is...
  47. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    VIN for V-day! I can get behind that... I think since I'm waiting for red, it's EXTRA appropriate ;)
  48. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    YAY! Congratulations.. so now we know Houston and Dallas are getting VINs.. I think all blue so far though, right? So.... Austin and San Antonio still hanging, but it must be close!
  49. G

    Texas Hold Up!

    Yay! The Texas boycott has broken! No VIN for me yet, but now I have hope!
  50. G

    How soon does Tesla make contact after VIN assigned ?

    Ok, wow! Slightly jealous... you configured two weeks after me, and your car is literally overflying me to get to you. Sigh. Only good thing: I'm not suffering lack of car like some others... just anxious!