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  1. L

    Powerwall+ won't connect to Wifi

    Just went and unplugged my fiber and failover, and sure enough, it passes. Guess I just never noticed!
  2. L

    Powerwall+ won't connect to Wifi

    I have the opposite issue, wifi is the only one that works as the gateway says both ethernet and cellular are configured but not connected. Funny thing is if I delete the wifi it still says internet and tesla communication is ok, so I wonder if it's a UI bug. I've reset the gateway with the...
  3. L

    Powerwalls stuck in standby when solar power is no longer producing

    They loaded several different configurations for impedance and none of them worked. I was just told when all that fails they just "force" it. I don't know if it's custom firmware loaded or if there is some secret non public setting in the system they turn on, all that does is it just tells the...
  4. L

    Tesla App down? [02.14.2023]

    I love the system but this is why I despise with every fiber of my being this forced always online connected to the cloud crap every company is trying to force on you. Yeah system still works but want to make changes you can only do via app? Sorry sir, wait till the server is back up!
  5. L

    Tesla App down? [02.14.2023]

    It was temporarily backup but just went down again.
  6. L

    Tesla App down? [02.14.2023]

    Interesting, my installer showed me a screenshot of their management portal to tesla which reports everything working fine. I guess they talk to some other system, good to know then it is in fact real maintenance.
  7. L

    Tesla App down? [02.14.2023]

    Being a newcomer to the world of Tesla, is it normal for the app to be down for this long? It's been hours and it bounces back and forth between "server maintenance" and "server error". Locally the system is doing it's job and if I test the connection from the gateway it says Tesla services...
  8. L

    Powerwalls stuck in standby when solar power is no longer producing

    You also may have a problem with Enel's terrible quality of their infrastructure. Tesla had my techs come out multiple times and they changed my grounding and everything and despite the system locally being in top working order, the outside quality was just too terrible for the system to want...
  9. L

    Powerwalls stuck in standby when solar power is no longer producing

    Nah man you've been wonderfully helpful as now I know what to give my installer (and Tesla if I can reach out to them myself) to get it figured out. I'm hoping Tesla can just change some settings because my utility company won't give 2 turds about fixing their problems. I don't know who wins...
  10. L

    Powerwalls stuck in standby when solar power is no longer producing

    I checked that api endpoint just now and my pinv_grid_state is Grid_Qualifying. I do see some entries in the grid_faults array that are PINV_a008_vfCheckRocof { "name": "PINV_alertID", "value": "PINV_a008_vfCheckRocof" }, { "name": "PINV_alertType", "value": "Warning" } Not...
  11. L

    Powerwalls stuck in standby when solar power is no longer producing

    Thanks for your sharing your experience. I've hit the api to see what json it spits out and it's been all over the place I didn't know whether it was relevant enough or not. It sounds like it is possibly something my installer will have to sort out with Tesla and the utility company. I may...
  12. L

    Powerwalls stuck in standby when solar power is no longer producing

    Hello all, I'm in the EU and I had my system installed back in August. I have a 6Kw system with 2 Powerwall 2's installed (the plus are not available here yet I guess). Everything is turned on and it's been functioning 90% perfectly except for the PowerWalls refuse to come out of standby in...