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  1. B

    Zoom? [I didnt get zoom in the holiday update]

    I'm in my 2023 MYLR on v11.1 (2023.2.12), in Taiwan (TW-2022.36-14175) and there's no Zoom working here either. :-(
  2. B

    How far out does charging handle stick out when charging? (Tight parking spot.)

    Thanks, jcanoe, for the reminder! As long as that chargeport door doesn't extend past the 7" established earlier, I should be safe. I wanted to sort out the minimum clearance/distance I'd need around that part of the car, as in "if I can't manage this wide a buffer on the driver's side, I can't...
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    How far out does charging handle stick out when charging? (Tight parking spot.)

    Thanks, Chad, and thank you for the photo with the ruler in it too. So the charge handle (and cord) probably extends 10" from the chargeport, but the model Y's haunches mean I only need 7" beyond the width of the car? I think this spot could work then, but will be quite tight. Am trying to...
  4. B

    How far out does charging handle stick out when charging? (Tight parking spot.)

    Hi, all, Can anyone help me understand how much (minimum) space I’d need to leave on the left side of my car, to give enough room for the charging handle (and cable) when charging in a parking space? Asked a different way, how many inches/centimeters does that charging thing stick out when...
  5. B

    Additional Phone Charger Ports

    Hi, all, just ordered my MYLR and eager awaiting it! Was looking for some way to elegantly hardwire a MagSafe wireless charging mount without having to take up one of the existing USB ports. The link provided above (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087KP7QJH/) is no longer available. Is there...
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    Using Mobile Connector Outside When Rainy?

    Reviving this thread, as my MYLR is expected to be delivered this year, and I'll need to use the UMC to charge outdoors. Did you ever try the trunk idea? Tesla folks at the dealership of course said it wouldn't work because the trunk seal is too tight to allow the cord through. Thanks in advance!
  7. B

    Mobile connector over heat?

    Thanks, @davewill, for the advice. The gen2 mobile connector manual does indeed warn that we "Do not use the Mobile Connector when either you, the vehicle or the Mobile Connector is exposed to severe rain, snow, electrical storm or other inclement weather." and "If rain falls during charging...
  8. B

    Charging amps on Mobil connector dropping to 8

    Thanks, @Rocky_H. I think I'll probably end up turning the amps down then, as I don't need anywhere as much as it can provide: we drive very little over the course of the work week, really.
  9. B

    Trade in US model 3 for Taiwan delivery?

    I thought Tesla's are "locked" to the original region of their purchase? Like, you can bring your Tesla with you, but a lot of features won't be usable. I think I read once about someone taking their US Tesla to Europe/Germany and they weren't able to use navigation. Tesla dealership in Taipei...
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    Charging amps on Mobil connector dropping to 8

    Has anyone tried approaching this with a heatsink or cooling fan or some other heat dissipation solution? I just ordered my MYLR here in Taiwan. It definite gets triple digits here for half the year, so I'm concerned about whether I can use the Mobile Connector as my main charger normally. My...
  11. B

    Mobile connector over heat?

    Hi, all. Tesla's gen2 MC manual says it has operating temperatures of -30C to 50C (122F), so it sounds like you're just on the edge of the range. Has anyone tried approaching this with a heatsink or cooling fan or some other heat dissipation solution? I just ordered my MYLR here in Taiwan. It...