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  1. TheSmithers

    Can't access my account page

    Is anyone else getting a 500 internal server error when they try to manage their account?
  2. TheSmithers

    Is now the right time to swap??

    Thanks very much 👍
  3. TheSmithers

    Is now the right time to swap??

    Sorry to digress from the thread topic slightly, but how come you have a 6 hour window at the cheaper rate, where I only have 4, from 0030 to 0430? Is that the difference between the Go tariff (which I'm on) and the Intelligent tariff? Or perhaps you've been with them longer and have built up...
  4. TheSmithers

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    Same here! There is one update however I am very happy with, and that's the much fatter energy bar along the top. So much clearer, particularly when it displays the dots. I always struggled to see this before.
  5. TheSmithers

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    I got as far as the first sentence. I'm sure it's very funny. :)
  6. TheSmithers

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    Agreed. I didn't realise these were beta versions, so I thought I was missing out.
  7. TheSmithers

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    A useful reply. Thank you CoastalEV! 👍 Not a useful reply. Read the rest of my original sentence instead of selectively quoting me.
  8. TheSmithers

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    I see. That explains that one. Thanks very much! 👍
  9. TheSmithers

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    So I updated to version 2022.12.3.14 yesterday. Read the release notes in the car. They are exactly the same release notes that accompanied the two previous updates. One of the updates was Disney+; I mean come on, that's been there for ages! And the ability to customize the bottom bar; again...
  10. TheSmithers

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    Why are the release notes never available? I know you get them when you get into the car after an install, but I've just set off the installation from the app while at my desk, and I want to see NOW what the updates are. But every site I go to says they're not available. Pretty *sugar*. Edit: I'm...
  11. TheSmithers

    Anyone regretted getting a Performance M3?

    Love this comment! :D I was behind an RS3 the other day on the A303. It wasn't the brand new generation model, but the previous one, only a couple of years old or so. Now to anyone who thinks EVs run out of puff at higher speeds... whilst the M3P doesn't have the same supercar slaying...
  12. TheSmithers

    Anyone regretted getting a Performance M3?

    I don't have any experience of the BMW M3s seats, but I agree that the M3P seats could have been better. Tesla gave it nice big red brakes, 20" wheels, a carbon spoiler. Why not sports seats?? Seems a no-brainer to me. But then so does a HUD on a car that purports to be cutting edge, and we...
  13. TheSmithers

    Anyone regretted getting a Performance M3?

    I've had my M3P for 3 months now, and I love it! So glad I chose it over the LR. I don't care if a LR with AB is "nearly" as quick. The fact is, it ISN'T as quick, and I know I'd have regretted not getting the Performance. I made compromises with my previous car, which I've no regrets with...
  14. TheSmithers

    Tesla owes me money (Trade in more than deposit)

    Thanks for the replies. Just the reassurance I was looking for 🙂
  15. TheSmithers

    Tesla owes me money (Trade in more than deposit)

    I thought I'd ressurrect this thread because exactly the same seems to be happening to me, albeit it's been nearly 3 weeks since picking up my car so a comparatively short amount of time than the OP. But I've been onto customer services twice, provided IBAN, BIC codes etc for my bank account and...
  16. TheSmithers

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    I picked up my M3P 2022 registration yesterday, and it has the old style lights. I was a little disappointed for about half a second. But then I thought I'm not going to let such a small thing get in the way and ruin the enjoyment of what is an epic car! In any case, I noticed from the cold...
  17. TheSmithers

    Post your day one Model Y and Model 3 UK pictures

    Picked up my M3P today at Southampton docks. Handover went smoothly. Only minor issue with the car was a slight misalignment of the tailgate on the passenger side, so I’ve booked it into local SC to be looked at. Otherwise, the car is stunning and I’m absolutely loving it! There is so much to...
  18. TheSmithers


    I've properly been taken to the cleaners! I got a quote from Privilege about a month ago, which was very reasonable. Cheaper than my current car in fact. That quote expired on 1st March. Today, same company, same information, albeit now I know my reg and precise pick up date. The quote is...
  19. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Got my delivery text last night. There were only two dates available, 14th or 15th March from Southampton-Delivery-Hub, Herbert Walker Ave. Finally! No more delays, no more upsets. Just pick up day and a bold new electric powered future. I can't bloomin wait! :D The next time you hear from me...
  20. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    No. This is just what I've seen on the app and on my account. I spent 20 minutes drafting an angry email, but then I cooled down and thought what's the point? It won't change anything. So I've left it and just accepted it.
  21. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    So the chances are ZERO! Delivery slot has slipped for the 3rd time in a week. Another 2 weeks to wait. I'm beyond caring about it now :rolleyes:
  22. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    So my account is now complete. There's nothing left to do now other than wait for registration and delivery. I'm all paid up; in fact I'm due some money back from Tesla. The car is waiting for me at Southampton docks and has been since I put my order in for it over a week ago. So what are the...
  23. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    I consider myself very lucky. I called at the right place at the right time.
  24. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Bit of an update on my situation... So I arranged another test drive today at Tesla in Winchester to have a go of a M3P; my original test drive was in a M3LR. I got talking with the sales lady there and told her of my frustration with my order being put back to May, and she made me aware of a...
  25. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    What?!?! Whilst I’m happy for you (and I am really) I ordered my M3P over a month ago and my delivery has just been pushed back to May. Honestly, this is farcical how Tesla allocate cars 😡
  26. TheSmithers

    Post your day one Model Y and Model 3 UK pictures

    It may be too early in the morning, but I’ve no idea what you’re getting at. Sorry. But to add to my original post, my EDD has finally changed from being just March 2022. It’s now May 03 - May 31 which ****ing sucks balls! :(
  27. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Just spoke to a chap called Thomas through web chat. He was very polite and told me to ignore what my account says as it is usually pessimistic with its delivery estimates. I'll just have to wait and see if it updates to something a bit more palatable. I feel kind of a dick tbh as I'm sure...
  28. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    I feel your pain and frustration mate! I'm in exactly the same boat. I've ordered the same model, was told March. Now my account is saying May 03 - May 31, which is just out the question really. I'm relying on the trade-in value Tesla have offered me, which expires on 1st April. My trade-in car...
  29. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Cheers thanks! It's a problem for me because the trade-in value for my car expires on 1st Apr, and I'm relying on the value they've given me for this whole thing to go through. It's still my daily driver so it's slowly accruing more miles, and I'm concerned that if I wait until May, they will...
  30. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    So I was told March 2022 delivery. Now it's just this minute appeared on my account May 3 - May 31. To say I am furious is an understatement! Can someone tell me the UK customer service phone number as the online chat doesn't appear to be visible. Thank you very much
  31. TheSmithers

    Post your day one Model Y and Model 3 UK pictures

    That gives me a bit of hope then. I'm based in Southampton, so already located at the Tesla wormhole entrance lol! That should also help a bit.
  32. TheSmithers

    Post your day one Model Y and Model 3 UK pictures

    Looks mint! Tints make such a difference, particularly on a white car. I'm doing the same myself, but only on the rear glass.
  33. TheSmithers

    Post your day one Model Y and Model 3 UK pictures

    Very nice indeed! When did you place your order? I placed mine a month ago today and still have no idea of a delivery date other than March 2022. Given the performance model is the least in demand, I'm sincerely hoping that Tesla's March estimate will stick. It's so frustrating though! Enjoy...
  34. TheSmithers

    Post your day one Model Y and Model 3 UK pictures

    Can we extend this thread to also include Model 3 day 1 pics? Or is there a dedicated thread for that? I've joined many car forums over the years, and this is the first where there appear to be no 'Show us your model 3' type threads. It adds to the excitement and anticipation to see other...
  35. TheSmithers

    Anyone regretted getting a Performance M3?

    It's made me laugh reading all these posts about wives and other halves hating the acceleration. My other half is the same. She feels queasy in my 330d. What's she gonna be like when I pick up the M3P 😂. I get the feeling I'll be banned from full thrust as well! Other halves, eh. Got to love them!
  36. TheSmithers

    Anyone regretted getting a Performance M3?

    I have a M3P on order, hopefully for delivery in March. I can't bloody wait! I've never been so excited about getting a car. Had a test drive in a LR and it just changed my perceptions about driving. I just had to have one! :D I've currently got an F31 330d, which has been absolutely amazing in...
  37. TheSmithers

    Anyone regretted getting a Performance M3?

    Are you the same @NISFAN who was on the F30 Bimmerpost forum? Owned a 330d?
  38. TheSmithers

    Anyone regretted getting a Performance M3?

    Reading this is making me regret my decision to get the performance :( The consensus seems to be the LR with AB is on a par with the performance model in terms of speed and acceleration. Why have Tesla done this, because it kind of defeats the object of the performance model if you can just...
  39. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Looks like my trade-in valuation is ready, and they've offered me what they said they would. Which is fantastic! I finally feel that things are moving along. :) Before I can accept the valuation however, it looks like I need to upload a photo of the V5C document, page 3. I'm stuck here. Do they...
  40. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    That's good to know, thank you very much! I noticed that on both my account and the app it is now displaying an estimated delivery date, which is just March 2022. But at least that's something! 😂
  41. TheSmithers

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    First time poster here. I placed my order for a M3P on 17/01/2022 for delivery in March. I'm doing it through a personal contract lease directly with Tesla, which has been approved. I'm trading in my existing car, for which Tesla have given me a provisional offer. Their offer is very good, but...