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  1. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Maybe it’s because I’m a car guy but I’d still love to have an ICE for weekends and stuff like that. Love the car but there’s something about a manual with a nice exhaust. A different kind of fun
  2. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    What issues? Not saying they aren’t real just curious. Again, I don’t know anyone with serious complaints. Also haven’t had any big issues (other than wind noise that needs to be looked at).
  3. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Almost every single Tesla issue ever is overblown for some reason. Panel gaps for example. Maybe they aren’t as good as other cars but 99% of the time they aren’t noticeable unless you are extremely up close. If you have to use a microscope to find issues then who cares? I know multiple people...
  4. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    On paper 1cm isn’t much but in reality it’s noticeable. Pretty much everyone that sees my car asks “is it lower?” or something along those lines. Would be a baffling change. The performance model already isn’t that different and visually having some difference matters when you’re paying that...
  5. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Depends how much you need/want the car. Wasn’t worth it at all for me to wait. The computer is plenty fast enough. The only time it’s ever remotely slower is when you’re using like the Netflix dashboard and it can lag a bit.
  6. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Yeah at that point I’ll probably upgrade. The last upgrade was $2500 last time I believe
  7. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    What does the chip do so much better exactly? I’m also pretty sure they’ll offer it for like $2500 down the line
  8. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    I like this way better lol. Quick and easy in one swoop. I swung by the Seattle Tesla to look at it (couldn’t it was off site) and left with a VIN and a time to pickup later in the day.
  9. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Alright picking up my car tonight. Checked the website this morning and there was a red/white performance just sitting in Seattle. I had blue/white but red/white was my second choice so not too big of a deal. Gave them a call and asked why the car is available. Said wasn’t rejected or anything...
  10. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Hmm maybe not getting my VIN yet will be a blessing in disguise
  11. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    They prioritize profits and what’s more convenient for them over timely and fair delivery. To some extent I get it they want to maximize profits but stuff like pulling VINs to meet EOY quota, pulling VINs because people won’t pick it up in like a 2 day window after waiting for months in the...
  12. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    Probably gave your car to someone they can get it to by EOY. Just Tesla doing Tesla things. As I’ve said before great cars but their entire process from order to delivery is just next level awful.
  13. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    Delivery this year for people that don’t have a VIN yet seems crazy to me. You’re really looking at like a 60 hour window from tomorrow morning to get the car. It takes an entire day to just bring it here. What about quality checks and all that? I’ve also been told by Tesla that VINs are...
  14. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    VINs are a lot more random than EDD updates which always happen in the morning. People get VINs assigned throughout the entire day. I’ve found zero pattern to it for the most part. MAYBE a bit more in the morning but if so not by much.
  15. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    From all the obsessing I’ve done it seems like A LOT of vins are assigned on Tuesday. Of course not all but it’s like damn near 50% come on that one day. So hopefully tomorrow brings some good luck for those still waiting.
  16. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Almost zero percentage chance. If it was something like Jan 2 to Jan 4 they’d maybe let you do it but there’s almost no chance they’ll let you push it into the next quarter.
  17. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Yeah makes no sense don’t know what to tell you. It shows February for myself and everyone else most likely
  18. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    My worry is they’d try to get me to take it by EOY still and I have a mini vacation planned over the New Year. Idk if they can get it here by the 31st especially with the weather but knowing Tesla they’d damn sure try.
  19. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    You'll likely either get your VIN or get a new EDD tomorrow. The EDD tends to update once the first day passes for almost everyone i've seen. Something i've also noticed is Tesla pushes out a ton of VINs on Tuesdays for some reason. Maybe it's just a coincidence but I guess we will see. My...
  20. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Unfortunate. It's the first time they've reached out since my order a month ago so thought it maybe meant something. Either way I replied with a no and asked if there's an update on delivery so hopefully the SA will provide some kind of information.
  21. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    How bad are the summer tires? Also how much do winter tires cost? Wasn’t planning on it but may need to get winters… Also, I got a text this morning from Tesla asking if I want to trade in my current car. Not sure if that means anything but hopefully means it’s close.
  22. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    No it makes sense to be upset at Tesla. Full disclosure I ordered a M3P but check in here to see how the Washington gang is doing in general. Anyways, a guy ordered the same build as me on this very forum like a week later than me. He got his car, refused it because of some paint issue, and...
  23. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    It is odd they’d usually text if you’re VIN was ready or something like that. Always possible they had a similar vehicle as well.
  24. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Haha appreciate it. Shows Jan 3 - 31 so that’s just what I’m going with at this point.
  25. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    I feel like an absurd amount of VINs is going to pump out over the next 2-3 days. Granted, I don’t have a single drop of hope that I’ll be one of them but a lot of people are going to get VINs for sure
  26. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Amazing car but the entire process from order until delivery is frankly a disgusting customer service experience for seemingly most people. Mind boggling how a company of Teslas size goes about it.
  27. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Don’t even want it next week anymore lol. Going to be out of town for most of it. I’d figure out how to make it work for sure though. Yeah personally I’m not fixing anything unless you can see it from like 10ft or it interferes with consistent use of the car (like a door not closing properly)...
  28. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Congrats! I know the differences are minor but the performance version looks so much better. The rims and being slightly lower does numbers.
  29. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Also does Tesla release VINs in batches? It seems like either no one is getting VINs or everyone is getting them at once.
  30. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Still waiting here as well but in WA so I’ve given up hope for getting it this year. Interesting how someone in this thread with the same build as mine with a later order date already had the car delivered, rejected it, and then already got another car. Just Tesla things I guess…
  31. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Not sure what you're looking at but the website shows Febuary for delivery. People are getting their car between 3-8 weeks on average.
  32. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    I guess I’ll still hold out hope for a potential EOY delivery.
  33. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Y’all giving me hope again. Every car I see is black interior though. Wonder if that’s the hold up on my end
  34. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    By the way, there's a demo MYP available currently out of Portland. Kind of absurd miles for a demo (almost 3k) but if anyone wants a car ASAP it's there...
  35. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Yeah personally I wouldn't even care to get those panel gaps serviced. Unless its egregious or causes issues opening/closing I'm fine with minor cosmetic defects. This thread is just giving me pain now. VINs left and right while i'm out here with my delivery EDD pushed into next month.
  36. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    I need to get off this forum or I’ll throw my phone through a window
  37. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    And I wouldn’t even expect that at this point. Mind boggling. They don’t care about when you ordered or anything. How such a huge company can have zero idea when you’ll get your car is insane to me. I’ve had my EDD range over half a year already with like 6 updates in 3 weeks.
  38. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    They really just gave a fat middle finger to the PNW. Disappointing
  39. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Jan 3-31. Deleted the app and it’ll get here when it does. Done with it tbh
  40. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    What 2022 upgrades exactly? As far as im aware there really isn’t much planned.
  41. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Seems like the east and Midwest getting VINs while west coast (especially PNW) is left out to dry. Maybe because delivery is faster so for EOY can assign VINs a little later but we will see. Congrats though!
  42. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    I’ll make sure to update. When my EDD got moved to March-April I came to terms with it and stopped expecting anything. Then they moved it to this year and it got my hopes up again checking everyday. So moving it back out would be a punch right in the…
  43. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Same. With my EDD being 18-31 will see what tomorrow brings. Day after first day they usually change it. If it’s back into 2022 I won’t be in a good mood lol.
  44. S

    Washington State Waiting Room

    Pretty despicable on their part to be blunt. They don’t get enough crap for it. They’ll drag your EDD all over the place 20 times making it hard to make plans but god forbid you’re out of town for a week or they’ll give your car to someone else after waiting for half a year.
  45. S

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Brutal. Mine is still holding Dec 18-31. Hopefully tomorrow doesn’t bring bad news. If you read this thread most people that are getting vins assigned are east coast. Might be because west coast is quicker to deliver to so if they’re doing their EOY roll out west coast would get vins a bit...