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  1. G

    Software update

    I haven’t done a software update for a few months as autopilot seemed to getting worse with each update. Anyway I did an update today and the only real difference I notice is the visualisations are taking up about half the screen now. The useful part of the screen with the maps is now reduced...
  2. G

    Are other OEM's using Tesla Superchargers already in the UK?

    This would be a big blow for Tesla owners. I stretched my budget to buy a Tesla based on the exclusive use of the supercharger network. I fail to see how this would help Tesla to sell more cars. Quite the opposite imo. This would be a very ‘Elon’ gaff to make
  3. G

    UGH - The smell of it. [AC Smell]

    Simple solution….never use recirculation mode! After a few months into ownership I noticed a musky smell coming through. I’d accidentally hit the recirc mode a couple of days earlier. Turned it off and never had a problem since I’ve never used recirc in any of my cars and never had a problem...
  4. G

    Phantom braking (TACC/AP) [Not AEB]

    I suspect as this is a safety aspect that you deal with in your job, you have a much more critical eye than the average end user. Being an average Joe, yes I think the screen looks nice and it makes sense that the UI is like a smart phone. I’ve not personally had any issue with it and can...
  5. G

    Phantom braking (TACC/AP) [Not AEB]

    I get what you’re saying. From a safety point of view I’m guessing we don’t have enough data yet to determine whether the touch screen in Tesla’s are causing more accidents. Real world results can be contrary to what might seem obvious (like the cycle helmet debate). Sure, it takes a little...
  6. G

    Phantom braking (TACC/AP) [Not AEB]

    I guess not everyone is blessed with common sense ;)
  7. G

    Phantom braking (TACC/AP) [Not AEB]

    for the seat heating icon use your index and middle fingers to anchor at the bottom of the screen and then use thumb to hit the screen icon I tend to anchor fingers on left of screen and use my thumb to navigate most of the other functions and that seems to work well for me. Stabbing the...
  8. G

    Phantom braking (TACC/AP) [Not AEB]

    just anchor your thumb or other fingers on the side of the screen and use a free digit to press the screen. If you still can’t hit the right spot you probably shouldn’t be driving ;)
  9. G

    Phantom braking still an issue

    Even Elon has acknowledged there’s a problem by suggesting that phantom breaking ‘should be’ resolved with fsd rollout
  10. G

    Phantom braking still an issue

    There’s a big difference between a safe speed adjustment and an inappropriate and dangerous emergency braking event. I can only assume you’ve never experienced this to be able to say that it may be operating as Tesla intended
  11. G

    Phantom braking still an issue

    surely it can’t be that simple. Mind you they say the smartest people often lack common sense
  12. G

    Precondition car plugged in vs not plugged in

    One thing I have noticed in the cold, if I don’t preheat at all the battery can still have limited regen after an hour of driving. So the battery is stuck in a less efficient state. Personally, I just preheat for 5mins as this is enough to bring the cabin temp up to a comfortable level and...
  13. G

    Did you buy FSD (Full Self-Driving)?

    life must be good if you can afford to make those kind of donations ;)
  14. G

    Did you buy FSD (Full Self-Driving)?

    if it’s an adventure you’re after you’ll certainly get the nervous, white knuckle experience you’re after ;) In terms of an investment, I can’t see fsd carrying much premium on resale value on current hardware. Personally, I would only see it as worthwhile if the software wasn’t locked to the...
  15. G

    Did you buy FSD (Full Self-Driving)?

    I might have been tempted if I thought level 4/5 was achievable with current hardware, but the cameras give up at the first sight of rain
  16. G

    Cruise control no longer safe

    Similarly it’s got worse, making my EAP purchase look like a con. As Tesla can’t seem to solve the issue despite being aware of it, they should at least offer us the option of rolling back to an older software version
  17. G

    Cruise control no longer safe

    I’ve just put it down to weather conditions but haven’t been logging it to compare. It’s just I notice than on days it’s not working well I’ll get a load of phantom brakes and twitchy behaviour. On other days it works flawlessly. I’ve got an update to do now so I’ll see if that makes a...
  18. G

    Cruise control no longer safe

    One thing I’ve noticed is that some days are worse than others. I’ve put it down to the weather conditions but I wonder if it could be due to updates....does the calibration get reset after an update? Had a faultless drive today having done quite a few miles after the last update
  19. G

    Cruise control no longer safe

    I think the categories of automated driving need revision in light of Tesla’s performance...there should be a -1 level where you need to be more aware than if you were driving unassisted
  20. G

    Cruise control no longer safe

    He’s aware of the problem....didn’t he reply to someone on Twitter asking him if the latest fsd rollout had solved phantom braking? Think his response was that ‘it should be’. Not exactly confidence inspiring...
  21. G

    Cruise control no longer safe

    What’s making me lose faith is that the situation is getting worse over time instead of better. There’s no excuse considering other manufacturers have managed to succeed in delivering an effective TACC
  22. G

    Phantom braking (TACC/AP) [Not AEB]

    Are you updating the software regularly? Wish I could roll back to older software when it wasn’t such an issue. my guess is that Tesla are trying to overcome APs original problem of not being able to detect stationary objects. But now it’s too sensitive. The project seems to be stuck between a...
  23. G

    Some strange Bluetooth issues

    It’s a Tesla. It has many software bugs. I’ve just learnt to shrug my shoulders and accept that’s just the way it is unfortunately
  24. G

    [UK] 2020.44.x

    ah ok fair enough. The scrolling function I guess is to do with using the right hand scroll wheel to adjust the speed. You could scroll down to prevent the acceleration
  25. G

    [UK] 2020.44.x

    The point I was making is that you talk of all the small developments in TACC as if they are commendable improvements. However with phantom braking becoming so bad all the updates are essentially useless as my opportunity to use TACC has greatly diminished. I wouldn’t dream of using it with...
  26. G

    [UK] 2020.44.x

    this is all so insignificant next to the issue of phantom braking which just seems to be getting worse. Had some vicious braking incidences, some completely unexplained. Not pleasant at all. And now for the first time having issues with phone entry. Too many unnecessary updates imo. Just do a...
  27. G

    Phantom braking (TACC/AP) [Not AEB]

    I’ve also had similar experiences. I find phantom braking usually happens around a large hgv. Yesterday I was alongside one and bam, brakes slammed on. I had another strange one where TACC just made a warning sound and completely disengaged for no apparent reason. Let’s be honest, don’t...
  28. G

    London Victoria Docks Supercharger permanently CLOSED?????!

    You’ve made a bold move. I wouldn’t even consider owning an EV if I couldn’t plug in at home but fair play to you hope you find a decent solution
  29. G

    Regen/power dots....

    More so out of curiosity than anything....does anyone know the conditions that affect the dots on the regen/power bar? Obviously it’s very much temperature dependant but the limitation of regen and power varies so much.....some days I have full power but the regen side is dotted to half way...
  30. G

    It’s a Tesla.... & I’m misting up

    sounds like you could do with leaving the climate in auto mode and just play with the temp. Surely it’s easier to do that than mess around with that contraption;)
  31. G

    Enhanced Autopilot (EAP)

    To me that’s an admission that they’ve not sold as many as anticipated after the beta release
  32. G

    Regenerative Braking - regen

    Quite surprised at some of the comments on this thread...it took me all of 5 mins of a test drive to get the jist of one pedal driving. So simple Generally you don’t need to lift completely off the accelerator unless coming to a complete stop. If you’re struggling try practicing ‘pulse and...
  33. G

    "Deep Rain" improvements [post about auto wipers]

    this would annoy me far more than the wipers ;)
  34. G

    Fluke brake light condensation fix

    Noticed a bit of intermittent condensation in both the brake lights a week after getting the car. As it’s a known issue I wasn’t in a rush to get it sorted. After its first wash I decided to protect some of the trim by spraying a motorbike protectant spray that I use on my bike after washing...
  35. G

    Do you plan to pay for your TM3 with Bitcoins?

    pretty sure this would be taxable as you are disposing of your Bitcoin
  36. G

    Charge to 100%

    I doubt an occasional charge to 100% is going to have a huge impact on the battery as the car will still be relatively new. As others have pointed out it’s arguably more environmentally friendly to change EVs more frequently during the adoption phase as it’s helps another motorist onto the EV ladder
  37. G

    Hack to keep autopilot engaged

    Just search for Tesla steering weights on Amazon. £90-£100. Model 3/y have different one to s/x There are cheaper ones listed from China for about £20. The magnets fell out the day it arrived but nothing a spot of superglue couldn’t fix
  38. G

    Hack to keep autopilot engaged

    there are better options than that on Amazon, purpose made for the wheel
  39. G

    What’s the secret sauce?

    would be nice if the car he made could avoid obstacles on the road too ;)
  40. G

    What’s the secret sauce?

    So pretty much all manufacturers are dipping their toes in the world of EVs, with a raft of new cars due out over the next couple of years. Battery tech seems to be at a point where the Achilles heel of EV motoring (range) is becoming acceptable. Comparing those cars to Tesla’s, it seems they...
  41. G

    When will you change your Tesla?

    What major advancements do you see? Bigger batteries aren’t essential with the supercharger network and more performance is arguably unnecessary for road use. Fsd seems way off and would carry a hefty premium when it’s finished according to Tesla’s price model.
  42. G

    When will you change your Tesla?

    My plan is to keep this one long term. Batteries may become denser and deliver better range but the charging network almost makes that a non issue
  43. G

    Unwarranted Emergency Braking

    similar thing happened to me. Now I only use AP when roads are quiet. It’s just too unpredictable and requires more attention than if I was just driving myself
  44. G

    Poll for most annoying aspect of your model 3

    Somehow Tesla have absolutely nailed the drivetrain. The battery and motors combine to produce class leading range and performance. So it’s baffling how they manage to underperform in so many other areas, which you’d assume were easier to sort out as solutions for the most part, already exist...
  45. G

    Round trip options

    Say you were going on a 200mile+ round trip. A journey on which you wouldn’t normally make a stop. Would you charge to near 100% and drive really economically to get home with less than 10% charge, or would you set off with around 80% and charge once en route and not have to worry about how...
  46. G

    Hit a squirrel, Broke my grill

    a cat darted out and hit the side in front of the front wheel last night. It seemed to have survived and ran off. I get that Tesla’s are way quieter than ice cars, but with animals having better senses I’m surprised that road noise alone doesn’t register with them. Perhaps it’s learnt behaviour...
  47. G

    LR AWD - One Year Review

    yeah it’s probably not that expensive. I guess it goes against Tesla’s quest....ultimately they’re trying to remove the steering wheel altogether. To give it more prominence may be seen as admitting defeat
  48. G


    why would someone try it if they don’t like the look of it? Disliking something is an acceptable preference and doesn’t necessarily imply close-mindedness
  49. G

    FSD should be renamed

    That’s a fair point, except in the case of the pre-ordered truck you will not receive anything until the truck is finished and is actually a truck. With fsd you are receiving a part finished product immediately, which is incorrectly labelled as fsd.
  50. G

    FSD should be renamed

    so by that logic I could sell a car as having a 1000mile range. The small print would clarify that the car is not capable of that right now but work was in progress to deliver on that pledge