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  1. KeithT

    Correct car selected in the Tesla App

    Thanks, didn't realise how to easily swap. All good now.
  2. KeithT

    Correct car selected in the Tesla App

    They both have recently updated. A few hours ago I looked at my NZ car, Polly. Just now I looked again and initially Polly displayed then flicked straight to Zatopek (Australian car). Annoying but it didn't always do that.
  3. KeithT

    Correct car selected in the Tesla App

    I have two M3s one in Australia and the other in NZ. When I start the app it often defaults to the Oz vehicle. I'm currently in NZ and want to see the local car. How can I avoid having to switch?
  4. KeithT

    No Google Maps traffic information

    I've got Premium connectivity. A few months ago I lost Entertainment and Maps trafgic display. I finally spoke to Tesla and they fooled the Entertainment into rebooting ( by changing Language). But traffic info (the red and orange markings on the roads) remained off. Any ideas on how to fix...
  5. KeithT

    Car alarm

    Weird, but nothing more has transpired with my M3. Software has glitches and you'd have to know in detail the events that cause the alarm to go off. As well software is updated frequently and any minor fixes (and there would be many in every release) are never itemized. For all we know some...
  6. KeithT

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    My SR+ was delivered in December 2019. I was pretty sure that the "range' was quoted at that time as 250mi = 400km. In the app, on the Charging screen, you can shift the "charge to" vertical line over to far right and you will briefly see a number displayed. I didn't do this when I first got...
  7. KeithT

    Car alarm

    No. I park on the street. No loud noises. Big trucks sometimes rumble past but that is not a problem elsewhere.
  8. KeithT

    Car alarm

  9. KeithT

    Car alarm

    I'll ask her 😎
  10. KeithT

    Car alarm

    My car (Polly) has "alarmed" only a couple of times and then for valid reasons. However, about 3 months ago we went to a local cafe for the first time and in the middle of a luscious pie and trimmings and a Latte the alarm went off. I raced out and it stopped. I don't think there was a Sentry...
  11. KeithT

    Schedule charge start

    You have suggested exactly what I always have been doing and it usually works as you have described. But the problem now with these latest software updates is that the GUI in the car has changed and does not allow me to set the start time because the time field is grayed out I'm not fussed...
  12. KeithT

    Schedule charge start

    Ok, I give up! The software isn't consistent and the charging functions are incomplete I set the "start charge" time to 9.00 pm per my comment above which is the beginning of my off peak rate but next time I accessed the car the charging instruction had reverted to "depart at 9.00 pm. That's...
  13. KeithT

    Schedule charge start

    This is hard to believe. Just got car out of garage and the climate icon appeared to be grayed out! I thought, oh no here we go again but when I selected climate up popped the usual screen and "SCHEDULE" was on it (it WASN'T there last night). I can how set the charge time start. The only...
  14. KeithT

    Schedule charge start

    jjrandorin Thanks. I can't "delete my schedule" it's stuck on this departure time. I was set to start charging at 9.00 pm but you're right, the schedule got changed probably after a software update and can't now be modified. The interface to these charging options has changed as well so we...
  15. KeithT

    Schedule charge start

    Thanks everyone. There is something else that I do not understand about this. The Release Notes - under Scheduled Departure Improvements says: "To account for different utility rate plans, you can now set the time when your off-peak rates end to save on charging costs. To access, tap SCHEDULE...
  16. KeithT

    Schedule charge start

    Thanks. I rebooted earlier this evening - no change. Then a new update arrived which I installed (and the car reboots) - no change. It is charging now ok so I'll check tomorrow if anything has changed after the charging cycle.
  17. KeithT

    Schedule charge start

    Just installed 2020.48.35.5 but the previous version had same problem. I have always had " Schedule Charge Start" option on and start time was 9.00 pm I controlled the stop time (to span my cheaper power plan) by limiting the charge percentage and noting the estimated time to finish. But now...
  18. KeithT

    Galaxy A10 Bluetooth problems

    Have spoken to Tesla. The standard reply is to turn airplane mode on then off.This has worked to some degree. It is also possible that incompatibilities between the phone and car software introduce problems. Another solution is to delete the phone and add it back. This has also provided...
  19. KeithT

    Galaxy A10 Bluetooth problems

    My Samsung Galaxy A10 has worked as a phone key 98% of the time. If it has refused to unlock the M3 one solution was to turn Bluetooth off then on. However just yesterday it has basically stopped working. I tried rebooting the car then rebooting the phone (but it reboots automatically twice a...
  20. KeithT

    Phone key frustratingly pernickity

    Suddenly, my phone key, which usually exhibits the epitome of good manners has gone rogue. Trying the door handle results in a message on the screen "Use key card to unlock". Now I must say that this has happened very occasionally in the past and I have wondered whether there is some counter...
  21. KeithT

    Keeping the windscreen clear

    Thanks everyone, great advice. I cleaned the inside with Mr Muscle (how could that fail), set climate to Auto and temp to 21C and off we went. No problems. Will monitor but it looks as if Tesla Motors Club has the answers courtesy of a great community.
  22. KeithT

    Keeping the windscreen clear

    Thanks android04 and webbah. I'll try these remedies. I can buy that fog stuff in New Zealand.
  23. KeithT

    Keeping the windscreen clear

    I am in a moderate climate country, no big extremes. It's summer now. I'm a bit annoyed that I can't seem to get the climate options right that will stop my screen from slightly fogging on the inside. There are lots of 'buttons' and air directions but nothing works. I have to resort to turning...
  24. KeithT

    2017 Model S 3G

    I have just (today) taken delivery of a 2017 Model S for my son who is returning to New Zealand in a few weeks. I noticed that Maps refreshed quite slowly after a Zoom and saw that the car was reporting 3G. Later, when I requested Navigation to show me the way from Wellington to Auckland...
  25. KeithT

    Is M3 Big Enough?

    I have found our M3 to have plenty of storage space. We went on a holiday with a total of four adults and my wife and I were frugal about our luggage but when we picked up the other two passengers the wife laughed and said "I always pack the kitchen sink" which gave me a sinking feeling! But the...
  26. KeithT

    "Deep Rain" improvements [post about auto wipers]

    I think the AI that controls the wipers is called Deep Rain. For me it works pretty well but my cavil is that if the rain is light it doesn't wipe fast enough. So before the next wipe the vision is obscured by, say, 20%. This is a bit annoying and my wife is always saying "wipers please", which...
  27. KeithT

    Deleting Sentry Videos

    When I park on a city street I can return to the message "x sentry mode events" where x can be a large number (max for me is 32)! They are usually just of people walking past. I do a quick circuit of the car to see that nothing is awry and so the 32 videos can be deleted. But how? It's a pain...
  28. KeithT

    Green Circle - Locked message

    Last night I got into my M3 using key phone. Everything normal but on the screen there was a message - a green circle and the word 'Locked'. Message erased after starting. What does this mean? Thanks
  29. KeithT

    TACC following distance

    Thanks, either didn't know or had forgotten about that. I followed your advice and found out that the distance was set to 3! I had it at 5. Not sure how it got changed but this is probably the reason why I suddenly thought that it's leaving the braking too late. Will test though.
  30. KeithT

    Musk Rallies Tesla Team to Get Semi to ‘Volume Production’

    Can't see how a Semi even with a 750kwh battery could be sold at a profit with 2170s. But 4680 could change the equation and with a shorter range option could start production this year out of Kato Rd factory. Giga Nevada is out of the question this year. My punt is that the Semi will not be...
  31. KeithT

    TACC following distance

    I think under the AutoPilot menu there was a variable that set the following distance (I had it set to 5 which seemed to obey the '2 second' rule at higher speeds). But now I can't find it - has it been supplanted? I did notice a few revisions ago that braking got more aggressive and it didn't...
  32. KeithT


    I have Premium Connectivity. When I start the Web browser the default URL is YouTube which looks fine. But the displayed message is to the effect that the address is wrong (sorry, I have neglected to note it). So if you "reload" you don't go to YouTube. But if you delete the https:// bit...
  33. KeithT

    Passengers in M3 alone!

    Thanks everyone for the very useful comments and discussion. I have also been on the phone with my Service Rep and I think the foolproof way to avoid the "passenger alone" situation is to turn off Walk Away locking before leaving the car which mens that the alarm system will not be armed. I...
  34. KeithT

    Passengers in M3 alone!

    Well, it shouldn't have locked because someone was still in the car. If someone is there then it's not going to be pinched. If the passenger gets out then I agree, the car should lock. The car knows if someone is in the front passenger seat and if Tesla activates the in car camera then it will...
  35. KeithT

    Passengers in M3 alone!

    I have "Walk Away Locking" set on. I parked at a Supermarket and walked away!. Polly (my M3) locked up and turned off the screen. My passenger got nervous and opened the door and all hell broke loose. Polly threw a fit and started honking the horn. I'm on 2020.20.12. Is this a bug?
  36. KeithT

    Bug Report

    Ok, thanks for the explanations. It does seem as if it is just a placebo. I can stop doing it. Shame, the community obviously knows a lot about what the cars and software are doing and it would seem to make sense to plug into that. But they obviously have other avenues.
  37. KeithT

    Bug Report

    Am I dreaming or is Bug Report super quick about ending your report? If I say "Bug Report" and pause slightly (to gather my scattered thoughts then it says, ok, you're done and closes. It seems to me as if you always have to say quickly "Bug report, my report is that bug report closes off too...
  38. KeithT

    Will Tesla be able to deliver FSD with HW3.0 and current Model 3 sensor suite, ever?

    Charles Dickens is honoured as popularizing "never say never" in The Pickwick Papers. The main point seems to be the perceived number of edge cases that have to be solved and that that could take forever! But it is not the case that FSD has to be perfect just that it is an order of magnitude...
  39. KeithT

    Delivery Day!

    Welcome to the club, the journey, the buzz! Agree on the one pedal driving and if you ever drive a car that doesn't have it be careful - you expect to brake when you release the accelerator and it won't because it doesn't do regen and is in creep mode!! When I was still selling my old ICE...
  40. KeithT

    Itzhak Perlman and the Glovebox

    If you are watching Itzhak Perlman playing the Bruch Violin Concerto how do you open the glovebox? :-)
  41. KeithT

    Regenerative braking temporarily off.

    Sorry everyone that I didn't post the actual message. Have had confirmation on the reason for this. If the battery temperature drops below 20C you can get a message to the effect that full regen will return after some driving. I did realize that there was a dependency with regen on temperature...
  42. KeithT

    She's finally here!

    Congratulations. I've just got my M3 and agree on the learning curve. One thing that I would say is that you have to be careful with Autopilot. It is interesting that as you get used to what it does you start to rely on it - you expect that it will slow you down. But if you aren't on Autopilot...
  43. KeithT

    Regenerative braking temporarily off.

    @holmgang We are in Autumn but the temperature in my garage hasn't dropped below 14C yet.
  44. KeithT

    Regenerative braking temporarily off.

    Have just (about 2 weeks ago) started getting a message on first startup of the day to the effect that "regen is temporarily not operational". This is a normal message if the battery is fully charged but not the case here. Regen actually is operational immediately (as it should be) and the...
  45. KeithT

    Windows found open

    Thanks for all the notes about the windows. There are probably two ways for this to happen (excluding software) - touching the buttons on the way out and not ensuring that the doors are fully closed. I'll keep checking and get back to this post if I find anything more out.
  46. KeithT

    Windows found open

    I sometimes find a window open a little when I return to where I parked it. I don't know how this happens - is it me inadvertently touching the lever (or my passenger) or is there a software glitch? Just now I went into the garage (had been out driving) and I found the right rear window down a...
  47. KeithT

    Tesla App connectivity issues

    Thanks, I'll turn off WiFi.I can move the car to a better spot when I get an update notification.
  48. KeithT

    Tesla App connectivity issues

    My App (on Android) often does not connect - "Vehicle connection error" (or similar). In my case I think that the problem is that though the car is connected to my Wifi, the signal in my garage is weak. Sometimes it connects sometimes not. However, when the car is not connected to any Wifi...