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    Performance Waiting Room

    It'll happen. Elon wills it.

    Performance Waiting Room

    Ordered 10/28 Costa Mesa VIN in Source 12/22 Confirmed pickup on 12/23 for 12/28 (because I'm out of town the 27th, the first available) Pulling for everyone who hasn't gotten a VIN/delivery text! Maybe I'll see some of you Saturday afternoon :D

    Performance Waiting Room

    You qualify for the rebate, regardless of FSD. The base price of the vehicle determines the eligibility, not the specific cost of your build.

    Performance Waiting Room

    Finally got me a Source VIN, but no text

    Performance Waiting Room

    At this point I'm starting to doubt I take delivery prior to the 31st, if even then.

    Performance Waiting Room

    If I change from Costa Mesa to the Bay can I pick up earlier? Is that how this works? /s

    Performance Waiting Room

    This is gold. Thank you.

    Performance Waiting Room

    Is it too late to change financing? Got a better rate from EECU, but already accepted Tesla's financing via Chase, although I haven't signed anything. I have no VIN or MVPA yet

    Performance Waiting Room

    YMMV, but could be worth it to try Tesla's financing. Actually got a better rate than my CU and it may save you some time/headache.
  10. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    You at least got that email, right?
  11. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Well yeah, us Californians are second-class citizens
  12. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Ohh white/white looks good. Almost as good as black/white ;) Congrats!
  13. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    That availability email only kept me satiated for ~12 hours. Back to fiending for me
  14. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    They're doing this because they got their bandwidth bill for this month and are fixing the source-code loophole to prevent the constant, unrelenting page-views and refreshes from happening again... if I had to guess.
  15. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Did everyone in CA at least get the availability emails?
  16. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    I left the first few days open to try to push them in that direction, but also left the 31st open so I don't get screwed out of a 2019 delivery.
  17. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Just got my availability email. Made myself available for 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 31st -- am actually out of town 24th-27th.
  18. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Same. Pray4us late October people.
  19. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Sh*t. This scares me because I didn't submit my financing option until 2.5 weeks after my deposit because the delivery date was so far off. I'm hoping this doesn't push me back for that amount of time. Ugh.
  20. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    What.. where do you see the date with "Profile completed"
  21. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Nope. There's another CA guy who ordered the first week of Oct and remains VINless
  22. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    I ordered about a month before you, so you'll definitely be getting a VIN soon, before me. Your short wait is nearly over, my friend.
  23. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Nice. Are there many Teslas back home? (I'm from Hudson)
  24. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Order date, people! Order date!
  25. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Ohhh same build. Looks gorgeous. Congrats!
  26. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    I'm so jellies - have fun.
  27. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Idk, Cali people who ordered after you just got VINs in the last 24 hours.
  28. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    order date tho?
  29. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Hah - that post gave me false hope. Only 4 days behind that order. Nothing either.
  30. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Going from white (free) to a $1000 color plus the loss of the $1875 tax credit ... ~$3k?
  31. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    What's your order date? Sh*t, I'm in OC and I'll change my delivery pickup to Fremont if it means delivery prior to 1/1
  32. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Is it worth ~$3K to you?
  33. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    FWIW, in the order tracking thread, some non-Performance VINs are being handed out in CA
  34. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    You ordered 12 days ago and you have a CA VIN!? Can't decide if this news makes me feel negative or positive.
  35. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Jesus Christ.
  36. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    Gray wheels look real, real nice.
  37. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    You're the first other SoCal car I've seen with white interior. Your order date is a week ahead of mine. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  38. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    We're just getting trolled at this point
  39. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    What's the furthest west zip code we've got VINs for in the September/October order time-frame? Start adding your zip codes to your signature lines, people. We're dying in California.
  40. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    For at least two more weeks
  41. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    PM me said script plz
  42. RIP_GSLN

    Performance Waiting Room

    RIP 10/28 here. Treating California like doodoo