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  1. B

    Looks like a second V10 build is rolling out

    No issues for me since the 32.11 update.
  2. B

    Looks like a second V10 build is rolling out

    I received the 32.11 update notification when I was entering the garage at home. It‘s in the process of downloading now. Will be interesting to see the difference between 32.10 and 32.11. I updated to 32.10 a couple days ago.
  3. B

    Wondering why my new model 3 is on such old firmware?

    Yes... build date on the door is 9/19... and it has the PWS.
  4. B

    Fullscreen YouTube TV in V10 on LTE

    Yup! I was watching ESPN Gameday while I waited for a recharge this AM. I was a skeptic of the v10 update — wanting there to be more focus on the FSD/AP functions than the “gimmicks”, but after experiencing them firsthand, it’s definitely a nice addition to the car and helps pass the time...
  5. B

    Wondering why my new model 3 is on such old firmware?

    Mine was delivered on 9/14 and was also at .27... biggest issue I had was the car kept dropping out of FSD/Autosteer... way more often that I thought was acceptable. About a week later, the car notified me of an update to .32. After I applied that update, the Autosteer issue went away. I...
  6. B

    All Model 3s built since 9/1/2019 have a pedestrian warning speaker installed

    Meh! IMHO, it's a non-issue. In reverse, you can hear it from inside the car... however, in drive, I didn't notice... even with the windows down.
  7. B

    Anyone getting 2 Years Free Supercharging/Upgrades

    I believe it‘s hit-or-miss... or completely up to the local mgmt on if they‘ll add it. I requested it when I picked up my P3D earlier today and the delivery rep said it _only_ applied to inventory vehicles. I did reach out to my sales rep to see if he can do it, but I don‘t have any...
  8. B

    Sept 10 - Oct 1 2019 2K Miles Free Supercharging Promotion

    That’s good news.... as I’m literally en route to take delivery. Cheers!!
  9. B

    Non-leather steering wheels

    Oh the humanity!!!! If cows didn't want to be used for food/clothing/upholstery/etc they should've gotten a better education. Oh and don't hug the tree too tight, you'll kill it..... now where's my T-bone Steak, smothered in Pork Chops ;)
  10. B

    Total lease costs?

    Not that I would take them up on it, but I expect them to offer a end-of-lease buy option once they start hitting the end of term....at least for the first couple years. RoboTaxi won’t be ready for prime time from both a technology and regulatory standpoint IMHO. As “good” as AP and the “FSD”...
  11. B

    Total lease costs?

    TBD..... at 36 mos, if I’ve been happy with the car and there isn’t a compelling upgrade — unlikely with the way tech matures — I’ll buy it.... will probably turn in and get the latest and greatest at that time. Who knows, I might miss the roar of the engine in my ///M3 and go back to a...
  12. B

    Performance Waiting Room

    I _finally_ received my VIN -- KF454XXX Blue/White P3D w/ FSD - CLT NC Ordered 7/17 -- deferred delivery until Sept (scheduled 9/14)
  13. B

    Free Unlimited Supercharging back?

    Not spurn... total brain fart on that. Increase sales that it :) Ps — where the heck is the edit post button?
  14. B

    Free Unlimited Supercharging back?

    LOL, the statement made by Elon was it was unsustainable long-term..... long-term being the operative word. They can most definitely bring it back periodically to spurn sales. I would expect it to go away again at some point.
  15. B

    360 degree camera for parking ?

    Same here... HUD with the speed limit sign info will be missed. I’m sure I’ll get used to the glance over for speed/NAV, but it’s better to have in the periphery vs having to take your eyes off the road. The top view camera is nice, specially when you’re pulling into a tight spot, but with...
  16. B

    Learned something new today.. thanks Mercedes...

    You should’ve asked for a better rental. ;)
  17. B

    Learned something new today.. thanks Mercedes...

    Well, the „performs better“ statement depends on the criteria...and what the buyer is looking for? I don’t think your average car buyer is walking into a stealership debating between an ICE and an EV. The debate would likely be between an ICE and a hybrid...but that‘s my opinion. In my case...