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  1. nepenthe

    Lee Auto, Maine for service?

    Agreed, I first called Paris Auto to schedule the service and was dissapointed to hear they were closed. Thank you for the response though.
  2. nepenthe

    Lee Auto, Maine for service?

    I know I am resurrecting an old thread, but did you ever find an alignment shop? I am currently in the Sebago lakes region area and looking as well.
  3. nepenthe


    Went from same prior version to 2021.12.25.7 on my 2019 LR M3. Autopilot in the city/suburbs felt a lot more confident and centered. Breaking and distancing felt noticeably smoother. Such that it made me wonder if this was the transition to the vision based depth system.
  4. nepenthe


    In my first comment to you, I literally said “You can prioritize safety, while advancing and developing other functionality that carries inherent risk.” and then ended it with a Mike Rowe quote... But you still argued with me that it wasn’t safe enough, because it could be used improperly, to...
  5. nepenthe


    If the pilots were informed, please keep your hands on the controls and pay attention constantly, as autopilot may abruptly do the wrong thing at the worst time - than yes, I would say my analogy fits.
  6. nepenthe


    Driving a car and adjusting the radio, could injure a completely uninvolved person in another car, or a pedestrian. This is not me arguing that some people are not abusing the very clear responsibility as the driver/operator of Tesla's "beta" feature-set, but when done so as intended, it is hard...
  7. nepenthe


    You can prioritize safety, while advancing and developing other functionality that carries inherent risk. Absolute safety is one of those black holes of everything is wrong and nothing is good enough. At some point, you must allow adults to be adults and allow them to decide what is safe and...
  8. nepenthe

    V11 is going to be HUGE!

    That does speak to the fact they either rushed Tesla Vision to the extent they felt safe doing so (auto-high beams, turning off some functions in FSD, like Smart Summon) and left radar for their premium range. But I have a really hard time seeing them spend 5-months and arguably a lot more, of...
  9. nepenthe

    Cost of FSD after delivery? 2021

    ^This. Also worked against me in terms of local registration taxes. Though 10k is not a insubstantial amount to pay outside of financing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. nepenthe

    Autonomous Car Progress

    We have observational evidence from the litany of Beta FSD users and those subset posting videos. Obviously that is not a very imperial measure, but I wouldn't necessarily call it anecdotal - since disengagements, even if personally counted, are correlated among the group of public facing beta...
  11. nepenthe

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Are you moving the goalposts again? You can't assume a negative because there yet does not yet exist a positive - if the number of disengagements on this early, early Beta FSD release continually trends downward, the presumption that the current hardware stack couldn't support "FSD" seems...
  12. nepenthe

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    He actually did not have access to "all" and has been called out on that fact before.
  13. nepenthe


    I had a slightly similar experience, well some of it at least — my car is picking up Route 35 signs as 35 MPH speed limit signs. Hopefully bug reports about incorrect speed limit sign readings go anywhere productive. =p
  14. nepenthe

    Neural Networks

    This seems like the obvious, if bureaucratic, answer from my perspective. Never mind that Tesla could easily get insurance to protect against such an eventuality — which statistically, it will always be. An easily planned for and mitigated to an extent feasible, eventuality.
  15. nepenthe

    V11 is going to be HUGE!

    Flash drives of different capacities have different max potential speeds because they are writing concurrently to more NAND at the same time and for no other reason. Storage would only become corrupt from outside electro-static influences, manufacture defects or from approaching the end lifespan...
  16. nepenthe

    V11 is going to be HUGE!

    That’s not how this works, honestly. Perhaps, perhaps one could argue if you are pushing the storage beyond 80% total capacity used, you’ll start to see some marginal decrease in inherit speed — but I would wager unless you’re approaching 95%+, it’s basically negligible (not noticeable). Sure...
  17. nepenthe

    V11 is going to be HUGE!

    Games are only resource hungry when you’re playing them and very likely have zero impact on the interactivity responsiveness of the UI otherwise.
  18. nepenthe

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Haha, right, FSD is a function of what you tell regulators you did. Makes a lot of sense to me.
  19. nepenthe

    Autonomous Car Progress

    I think one could very easily make the argument, to which I am not, but the comparison is apt -- that Tesla has shown us FSD to a similar degree that Waymo has shown us FSD. Yes, you may, if you live in one of the 0.05% of all US cities where Waymo happens to operates, and then perhaps also have...
  20. nepenthe

    Elon Musk Says Tesla Is 'Very Close' To Level 5 Self-Driving Technology

    I agree with you in the context of say not having a driver in the car, or a car not having a steering wheel kind of deal. Otherwise, Tesla has an enormous data set to pull from, with which they can say, over x-xxx million miles of navigate on autopilot being engaged, there were x many accidents...
  21. nepenthe

    CVPR 2020 Workshop on "Scalability in Autonomous Driving" LIVE DISCUSSION

    Are you trying to argue Waymo doesn't use their HD map data to create a ground truth of how to say, make a blind left turn through an intersection before the vehicle has an opportunity to see the intersection? Because that sounds illogical. Obviously no self driving system could co-exhist with...
  22. nepenthe

    CVPR 2020 Workshop on "Scalability in Autonomous Driving" LIVE DISCUSSION

    Not to speak for most people, as pigeonholing people is dumb, but I believe most intelligent points of discussion on the topic are as such; if you need the ability to path plan and or localize based on vision alone (as in your example, the road changed), than you can in-fact operate without HD...
  23. nepenthe

    CVPR 2020 Workshop on "Scalability in Autonomous Driving" LIVE DISCUSSION

    You like the HD maps approach, it's cool, there's plenty of ways to enable an outcome. Though we all understand, the approach Waymo is taking requires one to literally map out an environment and complete some route preplanning aspects of using the roadways prior to being able to operate in said...
  24. nepenthe

    Andrej Karpathy - AI for Full-Self Driving (2020)

    I'm not buying it... Lidar by definition, is a surveying method to measure distance of the light it is projecting when it bounces back. Even if we want to generously refer to a Lidar sensor as 2 channel camera, which can capture monochrome luminescence via the albedo effect along with distance...
  25. nepenthe

    Andrej Karpathy - AI for Full-Self Driving (2020)

    Stick around may be a bit of an understatement... I care not if you were a self-described fanboy or whatever prior, evangelism is evangelism regardless of where it's directed. Seems to me, mongo and me personally, get like these often halfhearted responses that are otherwise brushed aside as...
  26. nepenthe

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    You do realize, that you are basically saying, Waymo will not operate FSD in any location where they have not supervised driving on essentially every road or intersection. FSD on rails with some 'if unknown encountered', sounds like a really robust autonomous system. ;)
  27. nepenthe

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Yeah, we're going to ignore the majority of my response? Okay, cool... perhaps I should have bulleted them or prepended every response with a number. So, Waymo completed those first 10 million miles, over the course of 10 years, correct? How does that translate into FSD? Has Waymo been...
  28. nepenthe

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Yes, we both know what a shtick is and I watch you parrot it time and time again. You know what FSD requires from a technical standpoint, you know who can and can't do it, you know X system alone will never be capable, you know the efficacy and safety of X system will never be "enough", you know...
  29. nepenthe

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Seems you need to drop the shtick already. Have we actually seen anything factual to show that Elon was dishonest? Failing to meet expectations, or timelines is not dishonesty. Or do you speak from the perspective of knowing what was in his, heart of hearts? On top of that, how many other...
  30. nepenthe

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    So... about those HD maps. Can we continue discussions from the agreed upon understanding, if you need to operate on the assumption map data could be inaccurate/out-of-date you can functionally operate without them. Waymo and Cruize are not consumer vehicles, while I can appreciate the...
  31. nepenthe

    Waymo's Fifth Generation Lidars, Radars and Cameras

    I think what diplomat is trying to say is, current vision systems are in fact good enough for FSD, we just need sensors with micrometer resolution from a hectometer off. =p
  32. nepenthe

    Has anyone received their federal refund after the turbotax mess?

    Negative here. Was yours standard or itemized deductions?
  33. nepenthe

    Cadillac Super Cruise vs Tesla Autopilot

    To be fair, Cruise doesn't have a public offering yet, right? As well, Waymo is in very limited public release - both of which are operating in very small and specific geographical locations. Waymo being in one the probably easiest environments to operate in. Since neither are in wide release...
  34. nepenthe

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    A major rewrite that is almost complete, would have presumably been going on for a while. And reasonably, if it was in-process while all the added development we have seen has been on-going, one could easily be talking about a year plus of work already.
  35. nepenthe


    Coming around to thinking Lidar isn't a requirement? Or that Camera Vision alone is not impossible, as previously argued? The difference you have to keep in mind, is that Waymo and Cruise aren't producing consumer cars - they could not create a mass market consumer vehicle with their current...
  36. nepenthe

    Unedited Mobileye’s Autonomous Vehicle & other CES 2020 Self Driving ride videos

    I'm not sure I am minimizing anything, just being a realist who is also considering how the free market works. Marginally safer, would by definition, save lives and prevent accidents. That is not good enough for you? Especially when you extend this out by scale of the number of...
  37. nepenthe

    Unedited Mobileye’s Autonomous Vehicle & other CES 2020 Self Driving ride videos

    Safe enough is a relative term. Safe enough comparative to human drivers? Or to Uber drivers? Generally products do not enter the market, or fail to see large penetration/success, because they are either too costly, too cumbersome to operate at scale or do not provide any added benefit over...
  38. nepenthe

    Unedited Mobileye’s Autonomous Vehicle & other CES 2020 Self Driving ride videos

    Lidar can get you centimeter level accuracy or better, but as I understand it, computer vision can get at least to 10-centimeter accuracy for localization. Both are more than capable of providing the technical requirements for "FSD" or even Level 5 autonomy. HD maps are extra support in relation...
  39. nepenthe

    Unedited Mobileye’s Autonomous Vehicle & other CES 2020 Self Driving ride videos

    I liken smart stop lights, to vehichle-to-vehicle communication, both highly susceptible to false positives and interference - not to mention the bad actors dilemma (Someone is waving you on to pull out into traffic, would you just trust them?). While I can certainly appreciate the immediate...
  40. nepenthe

    Apple Music

    Man, I would really appreciate seeing Apple Music make its way to my car... Does Apple actually have stringent requirements here? They have their own Apple Music Web API, and Android App, so it wouldn’t seem too far fetched to me. Especially in relation to how Tesla has been treating...
  41. nepenthe

    2019.40.50.7 installing now

    Presumably, there is a QA/Test/Validation process for each release, even on the Advanced chain. A bug introduced and or found seven days ago, probably shouldn't be fixed on a release that follows within days, never-mind a week - if there is in fact this kind of validation process in place...
  42. nepenthe

    2019.40.50.7 installing now

    The release cadence of late, has been surprising, though also nice to see - especially for the Advanced updates chain. As this is the entire intent of selecting Advanced. Choosing Advanced and then being upset by the pace of releases on it, seems irrational to me. That said, I would be curious...
  43. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    This is the same person who said there's no way any new releases would be coming out during the Holiday freeze? Which for reference, I also work in an industry that has Holiday freezes, but again, this whole absolutes thing... And I also work in the industry where you develop and deploy in the...
  44. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    The assumption that general intelligence is needed for FSD/Level 5 is fundamentally flawed in my opinion. But in counter to your point in a computer, multiple circuits can be open and or closed simultaneously... though again, the idea that general intelligence will require 100% emulation of the...
  45. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    This is what I've heard as well, though initial interpretations of the variation in timing and dataset size of uploads, would seem to imply something other than no data is being collected and an initiating event of something other than a set interval of time. But I could certainly be wrong...
  46. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    Done logically, which is probably a safe assumption, would mean there's a high probability the data is being sampled only when it is relevant to a pending or higher priority challenge to solve. Like coming across the infrequent animals native to my locale. Or that one spot where AP always...
  47. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    N=1 here, but I definitely see my car uploading large amounts of data periodically. Looking back over just this December so far, I see one day where 3.46GB was uploaded and another day a week later where 1.76GB was uploaded.
  48. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    They’re saying, based of their extremely limited armchair maths and neural net experience, the currently under utilized HW3, will not be powerful enough, mostly because HW4 will be even more powerful. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seriously, we’re only just seeing software divergence on HW3, literally scratching...
  49. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    Yeah, I was definitely being sarcastic/poking fun at things you've said. Which was, to paraphrase some; it's not possible, it's highly unlikely, monkeys might randomly stumble upon it (I do know the analogy) or if a lot of resources were thrown at the problem. Generally, I take immediate issue...
  50. nepenthe

    What will happen within the next 6 1/2 weeks?

    It’ll never be possible! Okay, it’s possible, but highly unlikely, though not insurmountable that a group of monkeys couldn’t randomly stumble on it... or rather given enough effort. Get your story straight! Honestly, I’m having a hard time following your reasoning. Are you suggesting Level 5...