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Recent content by Jeffsstuff

  1. J

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I’m new to FSD as I just went from 36.6 to 36.20 on Monday evening. My first impression good. It took me to and from a local store competently if a bit robotically (if that makes sense). But last night my wife wanted something from Target so we went so she could see what all the fuss was about...
  2. J

    FSD Beta v11.x

    downloading 2022.36.20 now (from 2022.36.6 which I only upgraded to a few days ago). Safety score was 98. I had been on “Standard” but impatience made me move to “advanced” this evening around 8:30 so no idea if that helped/hurt/had no effect (my current theory is no-effect)
  3. J

    Updated To Version 11 But Now No Option To Join FSD Beta?

    Is your software setting for “standard” or “advanced”?
  4. J

    Updated To Version 11 But Now No Option To Join FSD Beta?

    Does “standard” vs “advanced” for software updates affect FSD? I’m on 2022.36.6 (updated from 36.5 two days ago). I’m currently on standard because I don’t want to bump up to something beyond 2022.36.20 but I would like it so which is best (or is I still anyone’s guess)?
  5. J

    PSA You will NOT get into the FSD beta if you already have 2022.24 or higher.

    I was on 2022.36.5 and last night updated to .6 Safety score is 98 and over 200 miles on AP. 2022 MS The question now is, is there any delay imposed between updates or can/will they push FSD soon or more waiting and waiting and waiting…
  6. J

    PSA You will NOT get into the FSD beta if you already have 2022.24 or higher.

    Are you set for “Standard” or “Advanced”? I moved from advanced to standard to avoid jumping ahead of the beta again.
  7. J

    PSA You will NOT get into the FSD beta if you already have 2022.24 or higher.

    Since I’ve never heard of anyone being downgraded before and Tesla has indicated they are loathe to do that as they don’t test for it, I am skeptical of your claim. Care to provide evidence to back it up (“extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence “)
  8. J

    software upgrade 22.36.6 and FSD

    Based on these latest developments, I installed 2022.36.5 which had been pending for a few days now. And now we wait…
  9. J

    PSA You will NOT get into the FSD beta if you already have 2022.24 or higher.

    I agree. I’m not installing anything unit. We know the facts on 10.69.3.
  10. J

    PSA You will NOT get into the FSD beta if you already have 2022.24 or higher.

    I’m on 2022.28.2 Just saw on the app that 2022.36.5 is downloading (my software update preference is set to “standard”) Will ignoring this not not letting it update prevent this from impacting my getting the beta or is just having it downloaded an issue?
  11. J

    Tesla replacing ultrasonic sensors with Tesla Vision

    I have to believe that with the massive amount of user data tesla possesses, they have examined vast numbers of scenarios with the sensors and without and never would have made the change if they didn’t see the vision-only system would work as well. I have to assume the same about the decision...
  12. J

    False forward collision FSDBeta suspended

    I don’t have the beta yet as I’m on 2022.28.2. My safety score was 97 until today when it went down to 96 all because of a forward collision warning that made today’s score 47!!! I was driving and there was a UPS truck in the turn lane ahead of me and one lane to the right. Other than that...
  13. J

    Have any new testers with a safety score above 80 received the FSD Beta update yet?

    Yea, but we are in fact helping them by providing data for their AI. Besides, what difference does it make. If I screw up, it’s not like they will accept responsibility. Now if their system was responsible, I might understand it ( but in that case I shouldn’t have to pay attention at all). My...
  14. J

    Have any new testers with a safety score above 80 received the FSD Beta update yet?

    Interesting. I don’t think I’d mind the surveillance as much if it provided me with the benefit of not needing so much pressure on the wheel for autopilot / FSD to recognize that I Am paying attention. One or the other folks. Not both. Or… here’s. Thought… trust me to drive the car responsibly
  15. J

    Have any new testers with a safety score above 80 received the FSD Beta update yet?

    Haven’t noticed any odd noises (it sounds different from the 2013 S it replaced, but not significantly so).