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Recent content by BornholmT

  1. B

    Sunroof motor location!

    I let you know! The car need a MCU upgrade anyway - so if Tesla is flexible and I can get to them on a sunny day thats what I do. But so far you are the only one where I found information about reaching the motors. Any chance you still have and can forward the pics you send to Oldtes? I think i...
  2. B

    Dark MCU sunroof open model S 2012

    Thank you - I have tried that and I can scroll on the wheel and I see a respons on the little screen but no effect on the sunroof
  3. B

    Dark MCU sunroof open model S 2012

    Hello TMC Is there anyone who has manually closed a sunroof in a models 2012 without damage afterward? My MCU1 is dead with the sunroof open. No luck with soft og hard reboot. Fortunately it is now summer i Denmark but TC has long waiting list and there is no one near by. The car is parked in...
  4. B

    Sunroof motor location!

    Hello Oldtes and Glmnalyaircar Have you successfully closed the sunroof manually? I live on an Island in Denmark with no Tesla Service Center around. My MCU is DARK! My Sunroof is open! As I understand there is a sunroofmotor/Acuator in both sides. Is i possible to close it manually? Thank...