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Recent content by ArtLightstone

  1. ArtLightstone

    Changing Tires Out Yourself

    The jack points are easy to find on any Tesla. You’ll want to get a set of lift pads, though, as well as a low profile jack. This video goes over all the details of the equipment and the process: Changing Rims on a Model X
  2. ArtLightstone

    Motorcycle high fives my passenger mirror...

    A fellow I know just had this happen to his Tesla Model Y. This is clearly a thing that some motorcycle riders do for fun, possibly for bragging rights. Teslas seem to be a preferred target. It happens in stop and go traffic. The motorcycle rider drives in between cars, knocks the mirror off a...
  3. ArtLightstone

    cleaning white seats

    Thanks! I'll definitely give this a try.
  4. ArtLightstone

    cleaning white seats

    Does the Power Clean by Optimum work to remove dye transfer?
  5. ArtLightstone

    Updated to V10, no smart summon

    I can confirm that enhanced summon is now in Ontario, Canada. I just noticed the enhanced summon button in my app today. That could be because I just haven't tried summon for a few days, or it could be because I just logged out and then back into my app last night. (I was hoping to see the new...
  6. ArtLightstone

    No Summon Feature for Canadian Model 3!!!

    Enhanced summon is now in Canada! Have a nice day.
  7. ArtLightstone

    What's the best way to use a Model X as a PA system?

    Okay... I just did an experiment, and I don't need an inverter. The sound system in the Model X is powerful enough that it works as a PA on its own. I took the X to a big, empty parking lot, I opened up all the doors, turned the volume all the way up, downloaded a Bluetooth microphone app onto...
  8. ArtLightstone

    What's the best way to use a Model X as a PA system?

    Here's my question now... If I plug a 500w power inverter into the 12v power outlet in the X, and then plug my PA into the inverter, would that draw power just from the little 12v battery, or would it draw power from my big 75 kW battery? I'm hoping to plug some big speakers into the...
  9. ArtLightstone

    What's the best way to use a Model X as a PA system?

    As you may know, a week of Global Climate Strikes will be taking place September 20th to 27th. Thousands of rallies and protests will take place, each with speakers trying to address large crowds. PA systems generally require large batteries or generators. It now occurs to me, though, that...
  10. ArtLightstone

    ToughPro floor mats for Model 3

    I don't know how they compare, but after seeing how well the ToughPro mats fit in my Model X, I didn't hesitate to order ToughPro mats for my Model 3. ToughPro mats fit so perfectly that everyone thinks they are the actual surface of the floor. I love having the protection of mats without...
  11. ArtLightstone

    NEMA 14-50 Plug Meltdown / Near Fire

    I hear you. You definitely don't want to hire an electrician off Kijiji. You want a reputable pro... preferably one that you've hired before. In my case, our electrician has done work for us spanning across a decade: he did our entire basement, under-cabinet lights and light switch in the...
  12. ArtLightstone

    NEMA 14-50 Plug Meltdown / Near Fire

    First: Let me say I'm really glad that everyone is okay. Second: This story alone should be enough to convince anyone to spend the extra dollars to hire a qualified electrician to instal a proper EV charger. Why save hundreds of dollars on something that is attached to your house and that plugs...
  13. ArtLightstone

    6 vs 7 seats, 2nd row movement

    We were in the EXACT same situation as you just this past summer. We had seen the 6-seater Model X, and we loved it. We figured the 7-seater Model X would be even better because it had one more seat, more cargo space, and less automated technology to worry about breaking down later on. It all...
  14. ArtLightstone

    I pulled the trigger on a Model 3 today!

    Goodness... 7 days... really... aaaahh ha ha ha haaa!!! (inhale... wheeze... cough) My friend, everybody and their brother wants a Model 3. We have to wait in line. It has been six weeks since I placed my order, and I still don't have a VIN assigned... and I'm not expecting one anytime soon...
  15. ArtLightstone

    cleaning white seats

    I hear you, jgrgnt, I have found that isopropyl alcohol works wonders on stains around the house, and, if I had some unusual ink or oil stain on my ultra white seats, then I'd break out the isopropyl alcohol in a heart beat. However, the issue I'm experiencing is all over the seats, and it will...