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Model S - FAQs

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Burrito Founder
Nov 10, 2011
[mod note - brianman, hope you don't mind that I'm hijacking your post, but it's at the top of the thread :). - b.]

For new visitors to this thread, the Model S Owner's Manual thread/discussion may be found here.

---------------------- now for the regularly scheduled discussion:

I thought it might be interesting to start compiling an FAQ for the Model S.

Is there one of the Roadster maintained by one of the TMC members? I figure it might make a good starting template.
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I thought it might be interesting to start compiling an FAQ for the Model S.

Is there one of the Roadster maintained by one of the TMC members? I figure it might make a good starting template.

I've been working on a private list of questions like this, on google docs, happy to share and allow collaboration!! Send me a private message for details if this sounds like fun.
That FAQ is great - but it is for noobs. We need a FAQ for owners to handle the myriad details of owning the car.

What is the safe way to tow the car?
Where can I get a NEMA 14/50 extension cord?
What is the best way to sync music with the hard drive?
Does anyone have a speed/range chart?

FAQs are supposed to be for noobs. Their main purpose is to reduce the number of repetitive beginner questions. New owners certainly need this information but clogging up the form with them is not the correct way to deal with them.

The details of owning a ground-breaking car aren't likely to be known until a number of people have had some serious time with the vehicle (I'd suggest about two years to get 80% of nuances down). As common questions are answered, they can be added to the FAQ.

The speed range chart is here
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FAQs are supposed to be for noobs. Their main purpose is to reduce the number of repetitive beginner questions. New owners certainly need this information but clogging up the form with them is not the correct way to deal with them.

The trouble is, there's different levels of "noob-itude". On one level, you get the "Did you say 'regence'? oh, 'regen'! What's that?"*, and on the other you'll get "Why doesn't the Model S support CHAdeMO or 3-phase charging?" Both are frequently asked.

A good FAQ is organized well - with hyperlinks at the top so viewers of all levels of "noob-ness" can navigate quickly to their area of need.

* I heard this myself from a guest of a reservation holder at the Oct 1 factory tour. And they got to ride in the front seat with the Tesla pilot. (grumble). Noobs come in all flavors.
I brought this to the other mods for discussion. If one of you wants to start an FAQ for the Model S, then that would be great. But it feels a little too early right now - only a few cars have been delivered - and as I said to Brianman in a pm, we should at least have an owner's manual released so that we have some real facts. (My personal opinion is that noobs should be willing to at least read everything on the Tesla Motors Model S section and actually learn about the car they're buying or thinking of buying. I'm not real fond of spoon-feeding. )

We really need to get a wiki feature installed to do this type of thing justice. Then the community could help fill it out and maintain it. But, like all of you, we have lives, too, that includes work, family, community. So wiki-capability is 'on the list', but perhaps not as soon as you would all like. And again, if one of you wants to step up and get it going, I'll help you out.
Thanks, Bonnie!

I've started collecting the bits of Model S lore - some known, some speculative - and trying to organize them in a Google Docs spreadsheet. I would love to find the "right" spot to land them in when enough are collected.
Anyone who's willing to help compile/edit, please send me a private message.
Model S FAQ -- Brainstorm

I think the faq should include a couple of highlights from TM's site with a link to it, but mostly contain information beyond what is on TM's site. Instead of organizing the information at first lets just try and dump it all here. I volunteer to organize all the info in what will hopefully become a separate sticky faq thread. If someone else has also started compiling the information, please feel free to step up and take over. I just want to get it started because it is something long over due given the incredible amount of repetition in any forum this active.
I will get it rolling with some stuff from TM's site:

I find this photo very useful
The rest of the specs provided by TM: Model S Specs and Standard Features | Tesla Motors
Any new person to Model S should also should check TM's options and pricing page: Model S Options and Pricing | Tesla Motors