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Arnold S Says Get An Electric Car to Curb Pollution Even If You Doubt Climate Change

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Curt Renz

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2013
Facebook article by Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday: “I don’t give a **** if we agree about climate change”

Of course he actually does care about climate change, and recently addressed the Paris Climate Summit imploring governments to do more to halt it.

But his article to which I alluded above says that even if you do not believe in anthropogenic climate change, you should care about air pollution and switch to alternative energy products such as electric cars.

Link to Article
Indeed. Wouldn't it be a tragedy if we got clean air and water for No Good Reason?

Couldn't resist :smile:

Wow, one of the more intelligent comments he has ever made.

Seems unfairly harsh to me.
I thought he had an intelligent point when he was trying to get rid of gerrymandering in the state. I thought he had an intelligent point when he argued that teachers shouldn't get tenure after only 2 years of teaching. I thought he had an intelligent point when he tried to prevent unions from spending mandatory union dues on political contributions.
Of course I was in a minority in all of those cases as the governator picked a fight with the powerful establishment politicians, the powerful teachers union, powerful labor unions, and socially conservative republicans all at the same time.

which all goes to show you how effective you can be as a "Republican" politician that wants to improve the environment. not very. Either do what the PACs/money/special interests tell you to do, or you won't do anything. :-(
Seems unfairly harsh to me.
I thought he had an intelligent point when he was trying to get rid of gerrymandering in the state. I thought he had an intelligent point when he argued that teachers shouldn't get tenure after only 2 years of teaching. I thought he had an intelligent point when he tried to prevent unions from spending mandatory union dues on political contributions.
Of course I was in a minority in all of those cases as the governator picked a fight with the powerful establishment politicians, the powerful teachers union, powerful labor unions, and socially conservative republicans all at the same time.

which all goes to show you how effective you can be as a "Republican" politician that wants to improve the environment. not very. Either do what the PACs/money/special interests tell you to do, or you won't do anything. :-(
Yes, I probably was a bit harsh. You make some good points but I did like his comments about electric cars I guess I just wonder how he could drive a hummer and now make these comments on buying an electric car.
Yes, I probably was a bit harsh. You make some good points but I did like his comments about electric cars I guess I just wonder how he could drive a hummer and now make these comments on buying an electric car.
I understood the H1 had been converted to run on vegetable oil but that doesn't really compensate for the Veyron, Patton tank, Unimog... etc. He's got quite the collection.
I understood the H1 had been converted to run on vegetable oil but that doesn't really compensate for the Veyron, Patton tank, Unimog... etc. He's got quite the collection.

I imagine Arnold's flights between Santa Monica and Sacramento caused a lot of CO2 emissions and he probably has an energy intensive house.
Rich people often have large carbon footprints (e.g., Al Gore). I'm not sure it's fair to judge them on an absolute scale as most things you do with your money somehow create CO2.
Even those of us with large solar arrays on our homes to power our large homes would do the world a much bigger favor by buying a small home with a large solar array.

but if Al Gore and Arnold can reduce world emissions by convincing others to save then I'd call them winners regardless of their own emissions.
but if Al Gore and Arnold can reduce world emissions by convincing others to save then I'd call them winners regardless of their own emissions.
There is some real truth to this. If we want to build hydro-electric dams, there's going to be a carbon cost associated with construction. But when you consider what that dam offsets for decades into the future, the CO2 today seems a reasonable price to pay, in my mind anyway.

Similarly, if someone has the ability to sway mass opinion in a favorable way, I'm generally OK with them creating CO2 in the pursuit of that goal... because hopefully their efforts result in a net carbon reduction.
I dunno, if you google "Arnold Schwarzenegger's house" you get a bunch of pictures that look pretty darn energy (and water) intensive. Although he does have a pretty extensive PV array on one side of the property.

Yes, a 14,500 square foot home is probably energy intensive.

75 square meters of solar is extensive for most, but that's about the size of my array and mine doesn't even cover my electricity usage. His home is way bigger than mine, so I imagine his electricity usage is noticeably more than mine.

Who cares; I don't expect folks worth $400m to live in a 1000 s.f. cottage and never board an airplane. The important thing is that he's bucking his party and saying that we should look at getting ourselves off of fossil fuels.
Way to go Arnie!!!

ELON came out in Paris for Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax!!!

Links directly to specific points in the video:
- talks pricing externalities Elon Musk talks Climate Change and Carbon Tax at the Sorbone (12.2.15) - YouTube (people should pay for their cost of garbage - not dump for free)
- carbon tax Elon Musk talks Climate Change and Carbon Tax at the Sorbone (12.2.15) - YouTube
- revenue neutral Elon Musk talks Climate Change and Carbon Tax at the Sorbone (12.2.15) - YouTube

This guy is killing himself to save humanity.

For folks curious about Revenue Neutral Fee and Dividend
and how to get involved, the first step is information. The second step is signing up for periodic updates. The third step is spreading the word. This is very grassroots. Here are some great resources:

Dr. Hayhoe June Conference Keynote - YouTube

Carbon Fee and Dividend - Citizens Climate Lobby

Create an Account | CCL Community

This is non-partisan. There are actually a number of Republicans who support this. Bob Inglis is one of my personal favorites, he's a brilliant orator.

We need to remove the ability to belch and burn for free, without cost, that's the one that causes market distortion...

My college major was Economics, I really like the free market nature, and the idea of beginning to charge a fee on unpriced externalities caused by using the air and atmosphere as a free garbage dump.

This is a cool way to begin to recover and properly price damage to the commons created by polluting industries in a fair, gradual, and non-disruptive way.
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