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Elon: Autopilot, new constraints on when it can be used

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2012
Elon just stated that they're concerned with some of the youtube videos showing customers using AP in an unsafe way. Elon said they are planning on constraining where/when AP can be engaged as a result (I assume via a software update.)


My car just got an upgrade today at a service center.

Can't say that was unexpected...

Elon just stated that they're concerned with some of the youtube videos showing customers using AP in an unsafe way. Elon said they are planning on constraining where/when AP can be engaged as a result (I assume via a software update.)


My car just got an upgrade today at a service center.



Did you notice any apparent change or limits in AP functionality? What is the version that you got today?

As for Elon's statement about getting the AP enabled after delivery, we got that done today. However, not via OTA, had to take it to SC.

From the call:

"Almost a million a day of cars that are -- have Autopilot hardware. So, I mean, but the early data, this is early data, emphasize, is that it's very positive. So we're aware of many accidents that were prevented from Autopilot and we're not aware of any that were caused by Autopilot. That's -- but this is still -- this is still early and -- but it's a good indication. So it appears to be quite beneficial from a safety standpoint and I believe some of our customers have posted videos to this respect.

<A>: But I do want to emphasize we've discouraged -- there are fairly crazy videos on YouTube, we are -- this is not good. And we will be putting some additional constraints on when Autopilot can be activated to minimize the possibility of people doing crazy things with it."
<A>: But I do want to emphasize we've discouraged -- there are fairly crazy videos on YouTube, we are -- this is not good. And we will be putting some additional constraints on when Autopilot can be activated to minimize the possibility of people doing crazy things with it."
I think we all saw this coming. A lot of people used it in dangerous or scary ways and that brought a lot of negative press. Their hand was forced. They pretty much have to do something now or *when* (to be clear, there will be one eventually) there is an Autopilot accident the plaintiff will point to all these videos and say "You knew this was going on and you did nothing."
TACC became unavailable to me today. My normal commute is stop and go surface streets.

If this feature has become depriciated for me, I will be quite disappointed. I paid good money for this feature just so it would improve the drudgery of my commute.

Did you notice any apparent change or limits in AP functionality? What is the version that you got today?

As for Elon's statement about getting the AP enabled after delivery, we got that done today. However, not via OTA, had to take it to SC.


Don't know yet. I'm currently 2300 miles away from my car. I'll know on Thursday.
Elon just stated that they're concerned with some of the youtube videos showing customers using AP in an unsafe way. Elon said they are planning on constraining where/when AP can be engaged as a result (I assume via a software update.)

Can't we just block the update? I don't think the car can update itself without us manually updating it, right? I know some people who are still on firmware 6.x

Pretty sure it will involve seat-weight sensor to stop activation when you lift your butt.

I guess my dreams of taking a nap in the trunk while the car drives me down the highway are over. I imagine someone dropping something in the passenger seat and trying to pick it up. He lifts his butt for a bit to reach it and then car disengages AP in the middle of a curved road.
I really hope they don't constrain it. I will sign an agreement either electronically or on paper that I will abide by the agreement that I accepted prior to activating autopilot if it would prevent this from happening. I use my autopilot as intended and I would be greatly disappointed if what I paid for and now have, was downgraded due to foolish behavior by some drivers. I think a better idea is to identify, deactivate and refund the money to folks who are not going to bide by the agreement they electronically signed.
I guess my dreams of taking a nap in the trunk while the car drives me down the highway are over. I imagine someone dropping something in the passenger seat and trying to pick it up. He lifts his butt for a bit to reach it and then car disengages AP in the middle of a curved road.

Not paying attention and having your hands ready to take the wheel (especially around a curved road) would be the first and most important mistake.
I really hope they don't constrain it. I will sign an agreement either electronically or on paper that I will abide by the agreement that I accepted prior to activating autopilot if it would prevent this from happening. I use my autopilot as intended and I would be greatly disappointed if what I paid for and now have, was downgraded due to foolish behavior by some drivers. I think a better idea is to identify, deactivate and refund the money to folks who are not going to bide by the agreement they electronically signed.

So what happens if you use it on surface streets (responsibly) and the agreement says not to use it on surface streets at all?