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Anyone know anything about the Czech Republic superchargers

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Model S owner since 2013
Supporting Member
Jun 22, 2007
Oslo, Norway
Tesla's own supercharger map show the Czech Republic with at least 1 and possible more superchargers by 2015. It doesn't seem like they have started the permit process yet, so they are running out of time for their own time limit. Is it feasible to get those done in time or?

I don't know either what is happening. Around Plzen would be a great place. My sister lives in Prague and I can get there using the last SuperCharger in DE.

A SuC around Plzen would be nice though and one from Dresden as well.
Forum member Jolinar posted this message on the Tesla Motors Forum:

"I have new info about Prague SuperCharger in Czech Republic.
Location is here: https://www.google.cz/maps/place/49...4.4898821,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
GPS: 49.9897572N, 14.4904306E

Tesla already signed the deal with the property owner, SC hardware is on site and preparatory work is underway, but no groud work has started yet. So blue point would be appropriate I think."
Kunratice 13_1_2016 m.jpg

Still no activity on location, only wet mud.
Listening in

Anyone know if the mud is morphing into anything resembling a Supercharger?


Just listening in, as I have a trip to Prague with my daughter to a Handball tournament in just about a month and the only thing that prohibit us from taking the Tesla here from Denmark to Prague, is the uncertainty in how to charge there. The hotel we staying at, unfortunately do not have charging possibilities. But I guess hoping for the SC in Prague to be up and running before our trip is being over optimistic :smile:.

Any update on this would be much appreciated :smile:


Kind regards
Hello Jan,

It's 178 km from SuC Nossen to downtown Prague so getting there should not be a problem.

I found that there are 43 charge points in Prague. It's not as conveniant as charging at your hotel, but maybe one of the charge points is near the handball venue.


Hi adm!

Thanks a lot for you answer! And yes, I know I can get there, so my worries would be getting back :smile: I did look at a lot of the charging points, but can't quite decipher whether for example a subscription is needed and if, how to get it. Currently I have a request at e-On as I can see they have chargers in Prague - awaiting answer from them.


Just listening in, as I have a trip to Prague with my daughter to a Handball tournament in just about a month and the only thing that prohibit us from taking the Tesla here from Denmark to Prague, is the uncertainty in how to charge there. The hotel we staying at, unfortunately do not have charging possibilities. But I guess hoping for the SC in Prague to be up and running before our trip is being over optimistic :smile:.

Any update on this would be much appreciated :smile:


Kind regards

Hi Jan,

This hotel has charging equipment

Home - Castle Liblice

Hello Jan

E - on has in Prague single charger 50 KW, that is in present in disorder.
If do you want you can Teslu charging near me at home – (Prague, Studánková 480) or the may I show two charging points 50 KW which be free of charge.
First - street Duhová and alternative street Průmyslová 1472/11 - i4wifi a.s. (GWL Power)
LEMnet - Map

Shall I either car TESLA (S90D)

Sorry mine English, tamper with PC translator

Greetings Ludek ([email protected] ; Měření hluku | Hluk.eu)

If do you want bear a hand so the may I ensure recharge Tesly near me at home or show charger (50
kW) in Prague.


Hi Ludek

Thanks a lot! Do you have a address for that charter, so I can look up what kind of current and adapters I have to use?


- - - Updated - - -

Hi Jan,

This hotel has charging equipment

Home - Castle Liblice


Hi Alex!

Thanks! I'll have a closer look - we already booked at another hotel (where the rest of the handball team stays), so unfortunately I can't stay there. But I'll try to contact them and see if it's possible to buy some current from them :)

Charging in Prague

A reliable charging is to be found in parking garage of shopping centre Černý Most (Cerny Most - parking
). It is open from early morning to about 22:00 pr even later.

You can call a number provided at the charging stations and they ebpnable the charging for free. You need standard Mennekes ccable and it charges at 22kw.

It is close to highway, if you drive from Dresden.

There are more charging stations, but this one is a rwally convenient. The shopping centre is very modern, clean and joy to spend some time in.

Regads Jan


Just listening in, as I have a trip to Prague with my daughter to a Handball tournament in just about a month and the only thing that prohibit us from taking the Tesla here from Denmark to Prague, is the uncertainty in how to charge there. The hotel we staying at, unfortunately do not have charging possibilities. But I guess hoping for the SC in Prague to be up and running before our trip is being over optimistic :smile:.

Any update on this would be much appreciated :smile:


Kind regards