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WANTED: Roadster Hardtop

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It is much noisier, a big downside in my book. The normal tops have a nice insulation layer to keep it quieter and warmer.

Yes, but the view out the top is wonderful, and I like that it keeps the CF roll-bar behind the seats visible. It's also lighter than the original, and can be installed easily by one person. I'd leave it on all year, except for the solar gain in the summer, so it's still a seasonal item. Noise level on mine seems about the same as the soft top, or maybe a little better.
To each his own I guess...I'm sure the view is great, but to me, where the glass top meets the CF roll-bar stands out as a glaring eyesore...a materials mis-match...it is the sole reason that I purchased a CF hard top rather than the glass top (last year)...the CF hard top is very light and can easily be installed / removed by one person. I remove the hard top for the spring / summer / fall seasons...

Yes, but the view out the top is wonderful, and I like that it keeps the CF roll-bar behind the seats visible. It's also lighter than the original, and can be installed easily by one person. I'd leave it on all year, except for the solar gain in the summer, so it's still a seasonal item. Noise level on mine seems about the same as the soft top, or maybe a little better.
have you tried Ebay? I found one there myself. I would stick with the original Tesla top myself... fits great and in my opinion the car looks great with it on. I would also recommend the Tesla bag... I thought at first it was expensive, but now glad I bought it... keeps the top well protected. Find it (and a new hardtop) on the Tesla website. good luck.