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I want to buy a tesla cheap as possible

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I am very interested in buying a Tesla don't really care about the color or much else just that it is able to charge it a supercharger and has third row seats. I am looking to spend between 45 and 50 I know that some may feel that that is too cheap but now with the 70 D I think that is a reasonable offer
thanks for any help
I am very interested in buying a Tesla don't really care about the color or much else just that it is able to charge it a supercharger and has third row seats. I am looking to spend between 45 and 50 I know that some may feel that that is too cheap but now with the 70 D I think that is a reasonable offer
thanks for any help

Tesla's CPO program has already started up in many areas, so if you call your local Tesla Store, they might be able to find your matching Model S. Additionally there's cars.com or autotrader.com.
here you go! :
