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WTB: Roadster Double Din Binnacle Vent Flaps

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My local SC put me in touch with someone @ the distribution center and my contact provided the part numbers.

jbadger, I ordered the vents a month ago. I kept nagging and a couple of days ago, I was told the matter was escalated to a supervisor. Will keep you posted.

My CF guy in Ohio can make them for $50, but without the stock Tesla chrome trim. I decided to wait for the Tesla ones because they are a tad cheaper and match my existing vents.
I picked up my vents yesterday. My double DIN conversion is finally scheduled for next week!

So what all is required? I've seen photos of the dash apart with what looks like the metal beam cut out to fit the double din, and a little "bridge" riveted across the top of the stereo opening, and then I've also seen photos of a whole new metal beam with the correct size opening already stamped/machined into it.

Beyond that, is it basically the binnacle, the vents, the vent housing, and the dash top?
So what all is required? I've seen photos of the dash apart with what looks like the metal beam cut out to fit the double din, and a little "bridge" riveted across the top of the stereo opening, and then I've also seen photos of a whole new metal beam with the correct size opening already stamped/machined into it.

Beyond that, is it basically the binnacle, the vents, the vent housing, and the dash top?

I'll try to do a write up in a different thread over in the Roadster forum.