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Price on a 2009 Tesla Roadster Trunk Lid?

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Hi guys I'm currently in the market for a 2009 Tesla Roadster Trunk lid and I found someone who has one and I asked for a price but he told me to "offer" and I have no idea how much these things are even worth. Can anyone give me an idea as to how much these trunk lids have gone for before? Because I can't find a single one on the internet.

Or, if anyone here has one with a price that they're willing to sell for I'd love to take a look!

Thank you!
That is hard as I am sure with the carbon fiber one would cost well north of $1000. But then I also see VERY little demand for them as it is not likely a part to be damaged. So I would offere what it is worth to you. If you are willing to pay Tesla $2000 for one then offer that. But if you would baulk at $500 then offere just under it.
Agreed, it is simply not possible to arrive at a "market" price for an item that is rarely sold and almost never sold used. Sure demand for them is very low, but supply is also likely very low. In that situation there are no "comparables".

All you can do is see if you can get a price from Tesla for a new one (which I suspect you may not be able to, are there any "new" ones left?) and if not then decide how much you are willing to pay, offer half that, go up if your offer is refused and stop when you decide it's too much. No one else can tell you how much is "too much". Only you can do that.