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Black p85 loaded

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71.9k is low. There is either something wrong with this car or its fraud.

Just got this email:

Hi Doug,

I wanted to let you know that the 2013 Tesla Model S Performance is still available. I recently divorced and moved to Canada and the car is here, too. Sorry for the confusion with the location, I advertised my vehicle nation-wide because it is still titled in the United States so there will be no import taxes or additional fees to pay. I own it free and clear. It is in great condition, no dents or scratches. It wasn't involved in any accident and it is a non-smoker.
The asking price is $71,900. I had a buyer offering $73,000 and I've lost about 10 days waiting for him to pay just to find out in the end that his loan wasn't approved. I don't want to offend you, but the car is priced for a cash deal so please if you intend to apply for a loan or financing this will not work.
Because of the amount involved and the distance, I want to use a dealership for closing this deal. If you are not aware of how they work you should know that they will allow you to test drive and inspect the car before I get the money. You will have 3 to 5 days allowed for inspection, to decide whether you want to keep it or not before they release the funds to me.

I look forward hearing from you.
