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Wanted.. Oct 2014 or later Autopilot S85 or P85 19" with Rear seat and Coil susp.

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If anyone has a S85 or P85 that has the new autopilot hardware and also has the rear seat package I am interested. Ideally with White or Pearl White on tan.

I Do need the rear seat and Do need coil suspension and do not want the 21" wheels.

I can get a new one at cost - 7500 fed tax rebate, and no sales tax so I would need to save at least more than that.

I also have a Dealership license so I can do a "pass through trade" for you (IF Telsa allows this) and you are in a state that gives you the tax benefit of trading.
It is simply where you sign the title to them and then they sign it on the next line down to my dealership company.

So if anyone just got a lucky with a car with the new features but Still wants the "D" then this may be a way to upgrade and get us both a good deal.

again.. It must have Rear jump seats, Autopilot hardware, Pano roof, and be cheaper than msrp cost w/o sales tax - 7500 and then some.

It is a long shot, but you never know :)