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P85 Aluminium pedals pads wanted!

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I am in search for new or nice used pedal kit for the P85, ref the following Tesla P/N's:

- accelerator pedal pad 1005916-00-A

- brake pedal pad 6008130-01-A

My delivery specialist here in Norway are not allowed to support me some new pads due to my MS is a 85 version....

Can anyone help?


Best regards,

Note! Only a P85 owner can order a new set based on a correct VIN for a P85. Anyone want a new set with pedal pads, in retur leaving me the old ones....? I pay the cost of the new set, and receive the old set (must be mint condition) UPDATE 11.14.2014: I have ordered a set of 1997 Audi RS6 OEM stainless steel/rubber brake and accelerator pads very simular the TMS P version - hoping this will wrap around and fit snug (note: horisontal rubber lines compared with TMS vertical rubber lines) - will update post after installation :)
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