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WTB: Roadster Sport with minimal options

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Tesla told me the CPO program is gone, done, pining for the fjords, etc.
They are working on replacing it with their new CPO a program that'll be implemented somewhat differently with a new backend and designed to scale up to the much larger numbers expected from all the Model S's being traded for X's.
They are taking any roadsters and sending them straight to wholesaler auctions or to Shift (which is who's handling mine which I listed in the for sale forum).

It seems your best bet is asking here in case you'd tip someone into selling who was starting to consider it anyway, watch eBay and the like, and maybe talk to shift and ask them to contact you if one gets handed to them to sale.

Since people still may be trying to talk to tesla about selling their roadsters, couldn't hurt to email the CPO address and ask politely if they'd refer a seller to you if one contacts them, but I wouldn't expect too much from them given the program wind down and their focus on getting the new one ready before the Rush for the X starts.
I suspect that as public awareness of Tesla grows the number of people looking for a used Roadster is going to increase, putting upward pressure on Roadster prices. There is a very limited supply!

And when Tesla makes the "400 mile" replacement battery available that is going to get a lot of publicity and further boost Roadster values.

In my opinion.
I suspect that as public awareness of Tesla grows the number of people looking for a used Roadster is going to increase, putting upward pressure on Roadster prices. There is a very limited supply!

And when Tesla makes the "400 mile" replacement battery available that is going to get a lot of publicity and further boost Roadster values.

In my opinion.

It's already happening with the popular colors and options. Roadsters priced the same as 6 months ago are selling a lot quicker than they did then. And we're heading into winter. Sports cars usually sell better in the spring.
I suggest - Get to know a few Tesla Sales people, and especially regional managers, and ask them to bear you in mind when people are looking to trade in a roadster: thats a win-win-win-win :biggrin: as the seller will get more than the normal (lowish) Tesla trade in price, he'll have cash to negotiate with and you'll get a 'known' car, at a fare price.