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WANTED: NEMA 6-50 adapter for Model S

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Tesla has suspended the sale of the NEMA 6-50 adapter for Model S. If you bought one and have found that you never use it...I will! My son-in-law has a 240 volt 40 amp welder plug in his shop, and it will be very handy to plug in when we visit. Willing to pay $50 plus a reasonable amount for shipping. Thanks.
Google "nema 6-50 to 14-50 adapter" and there are sources that sell them.

Really? All I find are 6-50 receptacle to 14-50 plug adapters, which is the exact opposite of what the OP needs. You won't find any general purpose 6-50 plug to 14-50 receptacle adapters since the 6-50 has no neutral, so the 14-50 receptacle wouldn't work for many common applications.
Thanks JakeP for the link to the eBay option. After considering this adapter, I decided against purchasing it, because it is not a sealed unit. Meaning it may not work perfectly in less than ideal (dry) conditons.

I found another supplier, Conntek, who make every possible Tesla adapter, in a pigtail style. Here is the link to the 6-50p to 14-50r adapter that I ordered. About $125 in Vancouver, you may get it for less in the USA.

Thanks for posting this! I made a 6-50p to 14-50r adapter myself, but I suspect I am a much more competent surgeon than electrician. 240 volt 50 amp current makes me more than a little nervous about the quality of my connections.
There are also things like the plug in version of the GE Wattstation compelling people (like me) to have NEMA 6-50 outlets installed. And really, I'm not sure why 14-50 became the standard for non-HPWC Tesla charging to begin with. Why run 4 expensive high amperage wires when you only need 3?