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Swap your 85kW "A" Battery for my 60kW Non-Charge Limited battery + Cash

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I'm looking for someone with a 85kW "A" battery (The ones restricted to 90kW charge rate) that is interested in swapping it for my 60kW Non-Charge rate restricted pack + some additional monies depending on the mileage of your battery.
Once again, this is swap the PACKS ONLY, not exchange cars.
hah, don't want to get stuck on the road again? You know you can upgrade directly from Tesla and get a 'B' (or whatever the latest) pack, right? The cost for the battery pack minus the trade in for yours would probably run you about $20k.

I can't see someone actually wanting to "downgrade" their car to a used 60kW. Besides, a 60kW is also "supercharger limited" and cannot utilize the full 135kW charging anyway so I don't see the point in this.
hah, don't want to get stuck on the road again? You know you can upgrade directly from Tesla and get a 'B' (or whatever the latest) pack, right? The cost for the battery pack minus the trade in for yours would probably run you about $20k.

I can't see someone actually wanting to "downgrade" their car to a used 60kW. Besides, a 60kW is also "supercharger limited" and cannot utilize the full 135kW charging anyway so I don't see the point in this.
May be a downgrade for them in capacity, but upgrade in charging speed. The 60's charge currently at 105kW.

Just figured, it's worth a shot. Not asking guarantees that I will not get ;)
The lower pack voltage results in lower max charge. About 105kW for a 60, about 120kW for a non-A 85. So A battery 85 < S60 < non-A 85
Correct, I was pointing out that the results that Bjorn had were considerably slower then my results supercharging the living crap out of my 60. the one he tested never even exceeded 90kW charge rate from empty, I get 105kW rate from dead to about 20%, and usually hold 90kW until about 35-40% considerably faster rate then his test shows. we never did figure out why that was.
@islandbayy - There are undamaged 85kWh packs being sold all of the time from salvage Model S. Why not buy one?

and then sell the 60kWh pack afterwards.

maybe contact the owner of the salvage 85kWh pack and see if they'll take yours + cash in trade for theirs and do the swap.

The plus to buying separately is you get to hold on to the old pack in case you change your mind and want to swap back. The minus is having to invest the pack cost until you sell yours.
Correct, I was pointing out that the results that Bjorn had were considerably slower then my results supercharging the living crap out of my 60. the one he tested never even exceeded 90kW charge rate from empty, I get 105kW rate from dead to about 20%, and usually hold 90kW until about 35-40% considerably faster rate then his test shows. we never did figure out why that was.

I concur with the 105 kW figure. And my car is from the very first batch of 60s.